Americans, why do so many of you care about Europe...

Americans, why do so many of you care about Europe? The best of the white race were those with the drive and ambition to sail into the unknown and settle the new world. It should be no surprise that those who stayed behind, too timid to even test the waters, produced the modern submissive, effeminate Europeans that now welcome the invasion of their homes.

Is it nostalgia? A sense of historical connection to a land you've never known? Sometimes it's best to let go of the old and obsolete. Just think of Europe as a hand-me-down.


user they are still part of our blood, I'm 3/4 norwegian and I don't want Norway becoming cucked. Hell my grandparents would fucking go over there and start a racewar themselves if they could. They also had the right idea for around 12 years

Thread related

It was actually in many instances the peasants and those without land or other prospects in Europe that came to America. What, do you think during the Potato Famine that wealthy Irish landowners came over? That Southern Italians and Sicilians who started coming here in large numbers in the late 1800s were the cream of the crop of Europe?

>to the unkown
>literally all the original settlers came to Burgernistan paying to private companies, that had already explored the land

That's truth bravery right there, fatass.

Aren't most of you just the descendants of exiled heretics? Because I'm not exactly sure getting banished counts as an act of bravery. All I can give you is that Britain got that whole "Let's coddle Jews" idea first.

>chimpanzee pretending to know anything about my countries history

lol, maybe your opinion will matter when you finish first grade you fucking ape.

At least i can speak more than one language, dummie.

Why is the American education such trash?

The scum of the earth came to America, those that had nothing to lose anymore because their lives were utter shit. So they decided to sleep in a boat for 6 months in an overcrowded and male dominated wooden ship.

Enjoy the gay sex.

I sure hope you're not including English in your list of languages you speak fluently.



They're our brothers, you can't separate us kike.

I speak/write good enough for you to understand me. I wanna se an average american speaking any language other than english.

You learned English out of necessity, we have no need for other languages.

I read an article sayin that the vast majority of italian immigrants in USA had a southern origin, while in Brazil they were mostly from northern heritage. And that made me wonder how much of all american immigrants were from the most fucked up part of their country. Probably 90% of all irish and germans that went to US were the most fucked up people in their society.

Generations of propaganda causes you to forget that we came to this land as the sewers of society. Our ancestors were the outcasts, the persecuted, the weak. If they did not fit under those categories, then they were of the few wealthy who had no concept of nationhood or community. They only saw greed in this land, and sought wealth from the backs of everyone who was already here.

In Europe, before the Jew wrecked havoc on its communities, we saw people who did not abandon their nation when times were hard. We saw the greatness that the values of community, nationhood, and perseverance could bring. We thought that maybe our people could unify and harbor a love for this land as our ancestors once did for theirs.

It comes as a cruel irony that our people caused the destruction we see in Europe today. The "submissive, effeminate" Europeans are only so because of the Jews that we welcomed with open arms. The decay of the West is the fault of our own.

So when you ask why we care about Europe, it is because of a sense of guilt. Like a child who feels guilty over a priceless vase that he shattered, never knowing the great history behind that vase, we look on to our brothers in Europe in shameful guilt. I would like to think that our people would try to put the vase back together, rather than go back to playing ball.

>how many

>Why is the American education so trash
>literally Chilean

>The scum of the earth came to America, those that had nothing to lose anymore because their lives were utter shit

So.. you mean... exactly like your Spanish ancestors?

I don't consider a spic or a nigger to be my kin, fuck off

This is complete and utter horse shit.

British Imperialism created demand for colonists -- settlers didn't "abandon" their homeland, they were effectively exported.

>Religious wars between Catholics and Proties
>Jews expelled
>Convicts expelled

Read an history book on the earlyEuropean immigration to America, then come back to us with a conspiration theory about how the {{{{academia}}}} and {{{{historians}}}} cucked USA

It was probably different in America. I know in Canada it was "British first, Western Europeans second, everyone else can fuck off" for a while

>they were effectively exported
just because your ancestors were exported to your land on a prison ship doesn't mean ours were

>Not wanting to help your family
>Not wanting to help fellow humans

This is why the world is so fucked...

You don't understand the concept.

"There is not very much work here in England but hey look we found this entire New World where we need to explore/expand/build/mine/trade/etc and here look we'll even give you money/land and safe passage for your family if you accept"


Europe is still our roots, genetically and culturally... Its a shame to see it ass raped

>doesn't know the difference between New Zealand and Australia
>thinks he is smarter than everyone


>Sometimes it's best to let go of the old and obsolete.
Fuck off libshit.

I don't really care all that much about the people of Europe, but I sure as fuck don't want Muslims to have all that nice fertile land to be fruitful and multiply in. Keep them in the desert where they can't get too far out of hand because they rely on other countries for all their food.

It isn't a United State of America. Countries is correct.

>but I sure as fuck don't want Muslims to have all that nice fertile land to be fruitful and multiply in.
it's not even that.
I just don't want them dynamiting our historical relics in a hundred years. They will be squatters among the tombs of our ancestors if we do not expell them by force.

Yeah, I think both are pretty good reasons desu

No, the really timid and shitty ones were the ones that came here well after settlement, just to work in factories like niggers.

Nah, the religious lunatics from Britain were sent to Georgia. True story, you can look it up. It wasn't until way after that people started to go willingly.

>Our ancestors were the outcasts, the persecuted, the weak. If they did not fit under those categories, then they were of the few wealthy who had no concept of nationhood or community. They only saw greed in this land, and sought wealth from the backs of everyone who was already here.
Sorry your ancestors were the poor potato/pasta niggers that came in the 19th and 20th centuries, but this this doesn't apply to the people who founded America at all. They came from a warring shithole where religious affiliation was more important than both community and nationhood, a concept which barely even existed at the time. Ironically they ended up valuing community and nationhood more than the yurocucks ever dreamed of.