Why am I still here

I'm Jewish (ethnic non-practicing), and I've been on her for hours again. I know you all hate me, but I have this masochistic desire to stay around.

Just kill me. Seriously come to my house (my parents house because I'm a 28 year old virgin NEET) and kill me. I'm not even a proper Jew because I suck at math and have no money. Fucking kiiiiiiiilllllllll meeeeeeeee

Other urls found in this thread:


pol hates the shape shifting reptilian jews, not normal jews

fuck off schlomo

nice meme

Sup Forums hates (((them))), not regular jews

its like how nobody on here hates blacks, they just hate niggers

Fuck dude, why can't I shapeshift and be cold blooded with my Jew Gold? At least I'd be okay with most of the world hating me if I got something out of it.

Dude who cares just stop being a fucking pussy and do something with your life, go to school for a degree or trade with job prospects, get a part time job to pay for it and be done with it all.

A Jew is a misnomer. Ashkenazi "Jews" are not semites, not hebrew, and have nothing to do with holy land. They are make believe jews. So don't worry. If you do not support the end times Israel (self-fulfilling) prophecy, you're ok.

>le self loathing jew meme

>I know you all hate me
I don't hate Jews, only Socialists. It just so happens that the majority of Socialist leaders are Jews and the majority of Jews are Socialists.

But if you're not a Socialist, I don't hate you.

This isn't a meme. This is my life.

have you tried shapeshifting? get some dmt

All it takes for you to stop being a jew is the will to stop identifying as a jew.

we like jews, just not (((jews)))

you're welcome here NEET faggot

here have some of French Canada's traditional soup

>r/the_donald the post

Please go back.

>newfag post trying to sound tru/pol/

Please lurk more

Oh look it's a leaf. Fuck off you cuck.

That's the same as saying we like cancer, just not the more aggressive ones.

Go fuck yourself leaf.

True, powerful globalists, Anti-White and bankers we hate

here have some of Michigan's traditional soup

>sockpuppeting this hard


racism on Sup Forums was always a joke to keep out normies, we are only racial realists, there are plenty of amazing jews but they are more likely to be cancerous with their kiking up economies

>we like jews


you'd probably be happier if you practiced. you'd have tons of shlomos rooting for you in the synagogue.


>‘But in the simplest of examples. The most child-like case.’ Marathe’s eyes momentarily gleamed with enthusiasm. ‘Suppose that you and I, we both wish to enjoy a hot bowl of the Habitant soupe aux pois.’

>Steeply said ‘You mean…’

>‘But yes. French-Canadian-type pea soup. Produit du Montréal. Saveur Maison. Prête à Servir.’ 171

>‘What is it with you people and this stuff?’

>‘In this case imagining both you and I are in the worst way craving for Habitant Soup. But there is one can only, of the small and well-known Single-Serving Size.’

>‘An American invention, by the way, the 3-S, let’s insert.’

>The part of Marathe’s mind that hovered above and watched coldly, it could not know whether Steeply was being deliberately parodically dense and annoying, to arouse Marathe to some revealing passion. Marathe made his rotary gesture of impatience, slowly. ‘But OK,’ he said neutrally. ‘It is simple here. We both want the soup. So me, my pleasure from eating the Habitant soupe aux pois has the price of your pain at not eating soup when you badly crave it.’ Marathe was patting his pockets for something. ‘And the reverse, if you are who eats this serving. By the U.S.A. genius of for each “pursuivre le bonheur,” 172 then, who can decide who may receive this soup?’

>Steeply stood with weight on one leg. ‘Example’s a bit oversimplified. We bid on the soup, maybe. We negotiate. Maybe we divide the soup.’

>‘No, for the ingenious Single-Serving Size of serving is notoriously for only one, and we are both large and vigorous U.S.A. individuals who have spent the afternoon watching huge men in pads and helmets hurl themselves at one another in the High Definition of InterLace, and we are both ravenous for the satiation of a complete hot bowl’s serving. Half the bowl would only torment this craving I have.’

When you are so Jewish your Jewish brain takes a form of it's own and attacks it's host

>links a wikipedia article to MUH EDUCATE someone
How big of a faggot can you be?

>racism on Sup Forums was always a joke to keep out normies
You are the normie you fucking moron.

Pol has never been satire and has never been "non-racist." Pol has always been a place where you could speak freely because the rest of the internet is a giant censor-fest where you can't talk about anything that might be deemed offensive.

You are a softy just like the other cocksuckers on Plebbit and you deserve a gas chamber along with all the rat kikes.


>The fast shadow of pain across the face of Steeply showed Marathe’s choice of example was witty: the divorced U.S.A. man has much experience with the small size of Single-Serving products. Marathe said:

>‘OK. OK, yes, why should I, as the sacred individual, give you half of my soup? My own pleasure over torment is what is good, for I am a loyal U.S.A., a genius of this individual desire.’

>The bonfire slowly was filling out. Another cross of colored lights circled the airport area of Tucson. Steeply’s movements of smoothing the wig and twisting fingers through the snarls of hair became perhaps more abrupt and frustrated. Steeply said ‘Well whose soup is it legally? Who actually bought the soup?’

>Marathe shrugged. ‘Not relevant for my question. Suppose a third party, now unfortunately deceased. He appears at our flat with a can of soupe aux pois to eat while watching recorded U.S.A. sporting and suddenly is clutching his heart and falls to the carpeting deceased, holding the soup we are now both so wishing.’

>‘Then we bid on the soup. Whoever’s got the most desire for the soup and is willing to fork over the higher price buys out the other’s half, then the other just jogs on down — jogs or rolls on down to Safeway and buys himself some more soup. Whoever’s willing to put his money where his hunger is gets the dead guy’s soup.’

>Marathe shook his head without any heat. ‘The Safeway store and bidding, these are also not relevant to my question I hope the example of pea soup to raise. Which perhaps this is a dull-witted question.’

if youre not 1/8 on your mums side then you arent even a real jew by their standards. unless you get holocausted, then you know its okay to make up as high a number as you can

>Steeply was at the wig with both hands, for repair. Former perspiration had mashed its form inward on one side, as well as small clots and small burrs from the falls of his descent to the outcropping. Presumably there was no comb or brushes in his small evening’s-wear purse. The rear of his dress was dirty. The straps of his prostheses’ brassiere dug cruelly into the meat of his back and shoulders. Again there was for Marathe the picture of something soft being slowly throttled.

>Steeply was responding ‘No, I know what you want to raise all right. You want to talk politics. Scarcity and allocating and tough choices. All right. Politics we can understand. All right. Politics we can discuss. I bet I know where you’re — you want to raise the question of what prevents 310 million individual American happiness-pursuers from all going around bonking each other over the head and taking each other’s soup. A state of nature. My own pleasure and to hell with all the rest.’

>Marathe had his handkerchief out. ‘What does this wish to mean, this bonking?’

>‘Because this simplistic example shows just how far apart across the chasm our people’s values are, friend.’ Steeply was saying this. ‘Because a certain basic amount of respect for the wishes of other people is required, is in my interest, in order to preserve a community where my own wishes and interests are respected. OK? My total and overall happiness is maximized by respecting your individual sanctity and not simply kicking you in the knee and running off with the soup.’ Steeply watched Marathe blow one nostril into the handkerchief. Marathe was one of the rare types who did not examine the hankie after he blew. Steeply said:

I hate globalist Jews the rest are okay.

Dont fall for this. Jews will also reap what they sow.

Don't worry buddy I don't belong here either :/

t. blonde hair, HAZEL eyes

>Marathe, during this time, was smiling up and to the left, north, rolling his head like a blind person. His favorite personal place of off-duty in the U.S.A.’s city Boston was in the Public Garden of summer, a broad and treeless declivity leading down to the mare des canards, the duck pond, a grassy wedge facing south and west so that the grass of the slope turns pale green and then gold as the sun circles over the head, the pond’s water cool and muddy green and overhung with impressionist willows, persons beneath the willows, also pigeons, and ducks with tight emerald heads gliding in circles, their eyes round stones, moving as if without effort, gliding upon the water as if legless below. Like films’ idylls in cities the moment before the nuclear blast, in old films of U.S.A. death and horror. He was missing this time in U.S.A. Boston MA of refilling the pond for the ducks’ return, the willows greening, the winelight of a northern sunset curving gently in to land without explosion. Children flew taut kites and adults lay supine on the slope absorbing the suntan, eyes closed as if in concentration. He was giving out a small and desolate smile, as of fatigue. His wrist’s watch was unilluminated. Steeply threw a butt without turning away from Marathe to watch it fall.

>‘And you’ll accuse me of you’ll say I won’t only poke him in the eye and commandeer the whole serving of soup for myself,’ Steeply said, ‘but will, after eating it, I’ll give him the dirty bowl and spoon and maybe even the no-deposit Habitant can to have to deal with, saddle him with my greed’s waste, all under some sham-arrangement of quote Interdependence that’s really just a crude nationalist scheme to indulge my own U.S. individual pleasure-lust without the complications or annoyance of considering some neighbor’s own desires and interests.’

i dont mind jews or black people

we hate marxist kikes feminists sluts
and leftists cucks and communists faggots who doesnt know what they are supporting and then claiming to be smarter then everyone else like wtf..

Fuck off nu-Sup Forums
Kys kike.

>suck at math
how did fucking happen?

No one cares, get out of here don't speak english and no one will care about you unless you literally invent your opposition to chase down all Jews and murder them all.

Robert Davies posting green text from beyond the grave

I love this time line

no, I just apply my hate rationally and don't like subversive rhetoric that will demonize and delegitimize us in the long run

theyre mostly above average on verbal skills not spatial reasoning, hence the lies. come on goy

>being good at math

Jews are terrible at advanced mathematics. They're good at fake maths like theoretical physics.

>subversive rhetoric that will demonize and delegitimize us in the long run
What the fuck do you think you're spouting, moron?

looks pretty good.

Look here I invented an opposition, Jews who hate Goyim for holocaust and wish to exterminate all the Goyim, zionists want to exterminate all goyim, Zionists are those who believe in the Jewish population being any separate to any other equivalent population.

Either you are a part of the psyop or you've been fooled by it,

the true enemy is cultural marxism and you are like a baby, watch this, playing right into it

also fuck niggers, I agreed with the earlier post

The Jewish Zionists and Jewish identity want to exterminate all the Goyim!
Why do you Jews want to kill me?
I've done nothing wrong...

Looks delicious as fuck

That shit is good. I make that once or twice a year. I usually add bacon with the ham. American bacon, none of that half assed Canadian bacon shit.

A Fucking Finland

>Either you are a part of the psyop or you've been fooled by it,
Trying to make yourself sound like you are privy to some esoteric crap on 4chinz is some of the saddest shit one can ever see.

The real enemy is the same enemy that has been plaguing our societies since the dawn of time; social degeneration.

Jews aren't ultimately to blame for this, we are. We are allowing them in our societies to do as they please and that is our fault.

But just because you leave your front door open and an intruder comes in that doesn't mean that simply because they don't steal anything or rape you that it is somehow alright for them to be there.

Fuck you, fuck Jews (all of them), and fuck the rest of the degenerates that act like social acid good-goys.

You sound like a decent enough guy my man but that might just be because failure has made you humble. No telling waht your DNA (offspring) might do if they taste success.

Too many words didn't read.

>didn't read.

Furthermore by being a Jew on Sup Forums you are systematically killing the 6,000,000 with every post you make. You can almost see all those men women and children standing behind the concentration camp gates. Their hollow sunken eyes saying "Moishe why? You did this to us!"

I do this for you Sup Forums so that one day you might see that what I'm saying is not esoteric at all but rooted in sound understanding of how the deep state operates, honestly it's so sick you are not psychologically ready to accept it, the Cabals are panicking right now, and are trying to do a massive damage control operation

tl;dr I agree with you mostly, but the degeneracy we are seeing has been socially engineered

>he thinks it's merely a religion

You might not even be a Jew(genetically speaking) to start with...however, as someone who used to be a NEET ,I can tell you 2 things.
First,everythings seems alright and I have been very successful...
Second,darn I do miss all the free time you have as a NEET ,as well as the old times in Sup Forums

why u no do soething good.

u know there are feminists out there ... ehmmm ... n islamists .....

why not do humanity some good ?

u have nothing gainst jews....

but against cucks n traitors n commies

your sadnes makes me sad :|

Zionist Jews believe a race is responsible for murder and crime, they are evil racists who want to exterminate all the Non Jews in the world.

If you're here then you can be an ally. Just don't expect any of us to trust you.

Step one: join your local synagogue say you want to get back in touch with your heritage.
Step two: do what it takes to become part of the local community clergy
Step three: subvert. Jew the Jew. Rise to the top. Don't get sucked in, don't let any power get to your head. If you succeed you're a hero. We'll welcome you like the SS did the sonderkommandos...

...I'd do the same thing with the local mosque must if I didn't have a job, may still do it if I lose the job...

spill the jewish secrets

Reddit, please

jew is not a race, you are askhenazi

>Filthy jew admits he wants to be a demonic shapeshifter destroying the world for his shekels

He's a fucking kike alright. Gas yourself.

Dude, join us. Hitler had jews all throughout his ranks. When we name the jew we name the jewish oligarchy. If you sincerely fight for the 14 words you are one of us. Be like brother Nathanael and call the jew out

>I don't hate blacks I just hate niggers


Some of our best conservative allies are Jews, as are many of our worst enemies. As long as you aren't jewing, then no one really cares.

Also, unless you're an actual Semitic Jew and not an "Ashkenazi", then the concept of being ethnically Jewish is a myth. Most western Jews are simply Italian, genetically speaking.

trying to get a good jew (neet) to go and gain more influence in our society. Cuck

>tfw have 1/9

thx sleep

Welcome aboard the train, fellow jew.

Let's take a shower on the next stop.

I don't want Jews in my country, but OP I do have a question. Why do you think so many Jews object to the scientific fact that Jews are a race?