Stupid republishits

Stupid republishits.

Other urls found in this thread:

>yfw the guys who actually grow the food say the same thing

>yfw the guys who actually grow the food are either on the brink of bankruptcy or in debt to massive agribusiness that finance both political parties

im pretty sure 99% of republicans are farmers and ranchers, the fuck.

fuck off shill

>implying that republicans are whiny, patronizing socialist authoritarians that hate the working class

Hmmm. This gets my noggin joggin

Nobody is starving in this country. We're so nice that we give you money if you don't have enough for food which is wasted on chips and soda. Unfortunately, people also think that you're entitled to cheap housing and free money. You should actually only be entitled to medium portion of rice each day if you're starving.



>I've never seen a welfare recipient drop $200 in food stamps on Doritos at the grocery store
fuck off leaf

Yeah, the"starving" poor are all obese as shit


Foodstamps should not be able to buy you luxury foods. If you're on taxpayer money, you should only be able to buy staples. A loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and some rice will hold someone over until they get a job and contribute.

>Using Disney to proove point

Opinion discredited

>the guys who actually grow the food

Illegal Mexicans?

why is it that the left constantly has to use cartoons to try and make a point. It's almost as if their ideas are so shitty that they can't just state them in plain terms.

That's a little harsh. Fruits, vegetables, and pasta should probably also be eligible for food stamps.

>inb4 what are memes

not the same thing.

>lets keep feeding welfare leeches so that they spawn even more welfare leeches that will demand to be fed
yeah, perfect plan, you dumb nigger. if you can't feed yourself then don't breed.

>using one of my favorite movies to make a terrible anti-conservative meme

>level entry

Nah, that's too good. If you're poor you should be miserable. That's literally the only way you're ever going to motivate yourself to not be poor anymore. You're entitled to live. No more.

it bugs me that almost an entire generation of people were raised to understand nothing beyond "republicans are just bad"

>implying she is wrong

In a Society where hunting and growing your own food is outlawed?

Are you saying we should take up arms ?

Anybody who likes Harry Potter is on the list of ones to kill
It's some of the gayest shit ever



>im pretty sure 99% of republicans are farmers and ranchers No, that's not remotely true.

Maybe the inverse is true, a lot of people in agriculture of course vote republican, but there's not the slightest chance that a majority of republicans are actually farmers and ranchers. Jesus.

Is The Emperor's New Groove redpilled?

liberalism is a mental illness, it's like they're stuck mentally as 10 year olds.
Always linking Harry Potter, lord of the rings etc to everything.

>liberal argument through cartoon reference

It's dangerous to go alone, take this.

Serious question: are liberals able to comprehend reality without resorting to referencing media/pop culture?


once upon a time in mexico...

I just bought the same shit I normally did on foodstamps. Except I'd get more sushi and crab cakes lol

To be fair, if you pay taxes, you're already paying for foodstamps. Whether people use them or not, they're still going to take your money for them.

Fucking manchildren

And please tell me why I should work with people like Shareblue and Open Societies or perhaps even the Government?

>If I start my own Business and Muslims kick me out of the building and the Government says I am racist Am I to blame ?

No, that's who they hire to pick the fruit.

Fucking man child mcweeb


Own your own business you fucking child

you know for a country of 120+ million people who love soccer they sure haven't shown it at the international level

I mean all that supposed "superior racemixing" and they can't win one world cup?

That's the (well, a) point of fiction.

Go fuck your dog somewhere else, gnome raper

>literally socialists in a nutshell

Oh yes please tell me How I am a Manchild for saying the government is willfully letting Isis attack the native population and burning down small business owners resteraunts and extorting them and not allowing the military to act.

>Do I look Like I've starved?
And if the Muslims keep fighting against me burning down my Shops I am a manchild for being denied by the government any form of assistance?

Might as well just call me a Racist.

That's from all your fucking burgers taking the crowd and chopping off their dicks

you're an idiot.

subsidies do more harm to farmers than any other government program.

and subsidies are socialist policies, just so you're aware.

i'm talking about water credits, letting people grow corn in places where corn can't grow naturally, people growing sugarcane in fucking finland, growing grapes in southern california with imported water, the works.

deregulate this shit. stop this madness.

Fat ugly feminist detected





Fat basement dwelling virgin detected

He's right tho

You're a point of fiction

Inshallah I am a Shia Muslim from African Tribe why you call me racist white boy ?


Cause you, racist. For not cucking the white males.


>posts Hillary

fuck off shill



He's right in your ass thou. I can see the cum in your ass from this far

Sieg Heil


>whaa the government should provide me with food
Enjoy getting taxed at 50% to pay for welfare leeches you fucking retards.

Fuck off

>liberals relating politics to cartoons

Every time.

Fuck off nigger. At least you ain't sunni

Enjoy the muslim cock, leaf

>Uses a cartoon character that looks like Hilary
>Lol republishits amirite

Fucking hell, the shills aren't even trying anymore. Howin the fuck did this get so many replies

The fuck did I do to deserve a reply like that?

How's the >10% Whites going, leaf?

>using Disney cartoons
Get the fuck of here normal fag.


I am neither I was lying , the Pharisees call me Master.

I know you love it, Achmed. I know you fucking love it..

Nor am I jewish or a Gentile or Christian.

I am something else...

>not sucking Disney's cock
Fuck off disobedient goy

Praise kek

>15 posts by this ID

Poorfags who can't even feed themselves. LOL.

Farmers make up about 2% of the US population

Now that's not including everyone else in the agriculture industry, but even including them you don't get anywhere near even 40% of the population

Praise the almighty power of autism


*fart noises*

They make up 20% of the population the other 80% are ducks like you and trump



This nigga gets it

In some sense

Is there any way to block faggots that mass reply like this?


We make memes, they just take preexisting images/videos and say like "DRUMPFTARDS BE LIKE XDDDDDDDD"

Here is my Outfit.

Is there anyway for me to block a faggot who sucks too many dicks

Sup Forums the delusional religion board

Target Spotted.

Checked and blessed

The corporations who make that luxurious food lobbied to let food stamps buy Doritos and Red Bull's and slim jims.

kek, look who's calling the kettle black


>growing grapes in southern california with imported water, the works.
>irrigation is communism
>lives in godforsaken desert continent
You can't make this shit up.