>pol unironically wants to preserve THIS race
Pol unironically wants to preserve THIS race
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Anons who pedestalize white womenz need to see things like this.
The mouthy one even has that dumb slut voice.
well im mad now
What an entitled cunt.
the guy was being an asshole for no reason. she was being a little bitch too but take some responsibility.
>Trip is Cancelled.
No.. No you didn't.
she did end up paying 5 bucks but the cunt deserved it
>you're talking to women here!
so she gets a taxi
the driver leaves without finding the fare really early
the woman is snarky about it and decides to pool with the other girl
the guy is at this point being a little bitch and snaps for literally no reason
the only mystery here is why all the poltards support this guy
>to strangers hop in your car hen you've cancelled the trip
>they don't even attempt to listen and just complain you didn't pick them up
>tell them to get the fuck out of your car
>they say no and tell you pretty much to fuck off
Nah, I'd have done the same thing, if you tell them the trip is cancelled, they need to leave
Thats a Cover fee for making the Driver Come to your Location so they don't have to wait for ages, If your Uber Driver Arrives you get into the Car just like you do a Taxi you don't make them wait around AND IF YOU DO you say you will pay them extra for the time spent making them wait you don't suddenly get to take ownership of the car.
>a taxi
Son...It's an uber not a taxi. As far as the money goes, uber will refund it.
Fuck off roastie
not the point how it's called or who will refund the money
the point is the guy was triggered and acting like a little bitch. you know like entitled snowflakes? so why is he right in this situation? everyone seems to defend him here and in youtube comments. any ideas?
American's whites = bunch of different white looking ethinicities race-mixed (including slavs)
European white is going to be extinct in like 5 years.
Preserve what?
He's right because he cancelled the trip in advanced and they just fucking stroll into his car despite being able to look this up and being told it was cancelled and instead they just keep complaining. It's his car as well. His personal property.
>Girl acts like a cunt her whole life and gets away with it
>Some dude doesn't take her shit and he's the bad guy
You sound like a pussy worshipping little bitch.
>>to strangers hop in your car hen you've cancelled the trip
that's wrong and deliberately misleading, we both know that's not what happened you lying prick
>>they don't even attempt to listen and just complain you didn't pick them up
yes, they complained because the guy didn't pick them up. that's valid. the not listening part you pulled out of your ass.
>tell them to get the fuck out of your car
this is where he gets triggered like a little bitch
>they say no and tell you pretty much to fuck off
yeah they should have left but again - the guy was the little bitch here, not the women. the women were snarky because they waited for their uber and he cancelled without even looking for them in what appears to be the span of a few minutes. that warrants some snark doesn't it?
kill yourself 60% burger
Cancellation costs $5
>inb4 hurr durr, it's not much...
It can be to teens on a allowance, girls look like they are 16-17.
The guy kinda acted like a white nigger. Why would you cancel a trip right in front of them?
he was triggered but he was in the right
yeah bong, we're totally gonna take the side of some sub-70 IQ roastie who talks like she has a 3,000 person partner count
Better than being a woman.
no, he cancelled one trip, the other girl was pooling with the first one. he didn't even know the second girl was from the first cancelled fare until the conversation happened. you're either stupid or willingly disingenuous. we both watched the video so don't try to bullshit me.
how do you ironically preserve a race?
after seeing this ass i stopped being a white nationalist
holy shit dude, you're going IN on this like she's promised you'll be able to felch some chad's semen out of her meatflaps
Worst part is these chicks aren't even hot, yet they have the biggest fucking stuck up arrogant attitudes of all time because guys are trying to fuck them constantly. I literally HATE american/western women. I'm getting the fuck out of here to find a wife. These chicks aren't even sexy, generic fat face anglo/germanic looking chubby whores.
>i'm a guy so i can get triggered like a little pussy and get away with it
>if you say something negative about a guy you're a little bitch
no, you're the bitch. the guy is a shit worker and shouldn't be doing this kind of job if he can't be assed to look for people on the street whoa are waiting for him on location.
you sound like a cock worshipping little bitch.
And also, this. Unless you prohibit people by law from fucking different races, people will fuck whoever is close by and race-mixing will happen by default.
I want a kpop waifu
Meh, from the conversation sounds like the dude parked way fucking away from where they were, and since the street was full of fucking cars they couldn't find him. Sounds like it's his fault, he should have called them. Then he chimps out.
The girl was a huge cunt but that dude acted just as much out of line, since he seems to be at fault for them not finding him in the first place.
Working this shitty job dealing with drunk early 20s bitches probably caused him to overreact though.
>i can't refute your points so instead of conceding i was wrong i will call you a cuck
>pol intellectuals
kill yourself low iq untermensch
>that's wrong
No, it's not. Those two people are strangers to him.
>yes, they complained because the guy didn't pick them up. that's valid.
It isn't when he cancelled the trip and they walk into his car anyway.
>this is where he gets triggered like a little bitch
Ay bruv, let me walk into your house and complain to you about you not letting me in before, if you tell me to leave, you're a triggered little bitch lmao
>yeah they should have left but again
Why even argue this if you agree they should have left when he said he cancelled on them.
Dumb broads can't open their uber app to check on their trip despite them most likely being on snap chat or texting on their phone. Not his fault they didn't check their uber app to see it's been canceled.
>would not fuck
yeah fuck you low iq neckbeard. are you so stupid you can't defend your own opinion and at the first sight of disagreement revert to insults? off yourself.
Again, pretty sure uber will refund you that precious 5$ goyim.
It's a sign of being born a superior human being, slut. Nobody has to humor stuck up cunts in their private property. He should have tazed and beaten them desu. At least shitskins do something right.
i already refuted you upthread, you're just blind
Brb, gonna father a few supreme gentlemen
>No, it's not. Those two people are strangers to him.
the second girl is the fare he decided to pick up after he cancelled the first fare. he didn't even know the other girl who hopped in was the one from the cancelled fare. again - you're either really fucking stupid or really fucking disingenuous, either way i'm not going to continue responding to you because it's a waste of time. you say things that are immediately demonstrably wrong and manage to be smug about it. fucking kill yourself retard.
those aren't white women. they are whores and deserve to get BTFO
You started with the insults, dumb slut. Sure is easy to be a stronk independent cum rag behind a computer screen.
>parks far away
>cancelled the trip on the app, they should see this
Do you not know how to take a hint either?
IF ANYTHING, the dude doesn't have his car doors locked which is the mistake we're all missing here.
>i'm a superior human being because i was born with a benis
keep telling yourself that you fat greasy receding hairline basement dwelling unemployed neckbeard with no friends.
in my eyes you're a shit human being because you're low iq.
you didn't. you're fucking retarded.
>Coming from a white knight
Whores drink for free all goddamn night because guys are trying to fuck them. They fucked up thinking he would just wait out front holding up traffic waiting on these two stupid sluts. Stop being such a piece of shit.
mad? triggered like a little bitch?
>I can't refute your logic without ad hominem so I give up
Look up the definition of "stranger". If I text a random number, they are not automatically not a stranger. I still don't know that person. Read a dictionary nigger.
6'2", 170, 8% bodyfat but okay, roastie. Are you throwing a tantrum because your daddy didn't love you? Or are you pissed off you're not gonna be able to lock down a millionaire chad now that you're a fat piece of shit nearing your 30's?
i started arguments. you started the insults. and again you're stating something something that's completely wrong. fuck off you bunch of retards.
>muh masculinity
>he's right becaue he's a male
>lol women am i right
a women pointed out that he's shit at his job and he got asstriggered. and you bunch of little neckbeard cunts can't accept when you're fucking wrong because MUH RACE MUH GENDER
fucking low iq dipshit board
go suck some hitler's cock or something
by killing all the other races
Don't come back, cunt
Bye bye roastie.
Is this how people treat each other in America? How shitty.
>You're talking to women here
They can't be serious...
If it were me and they didn't leave I'd pull a gun out and shoot them. I get away with it because self defense laws and the "I feared for my safety" line.
When you enter someone's personal vehicle, home, or similar property and show such disrespect, expect you might get the favor returned?
how the fuck is this guy in the wrong?
Before you leave check out your posts from start to finish
And don't let the door hit your smelly cunt on the way out
>dude doesn't have his car doors locked which is the mistake
BINGOOOOO. Should have let them stand out in the rain and argued with them until they got soaking wet. Then close the window and slowly drive off. Or pull the, drive off slowly and make them follow you to continue the argument.
This guy did what every taxi driver that has to deal with an entitled cunt wants to do.
But, they hopped into his car, the moment after he cancelled, so I don't get your point?
He could have just taken them to their destination and earned some easy monies.
can't make this shit up
What race? Arab?
He already said he has another appointment or w/e in the video when they get in and that's why he cancelled.
>sit there and take the egg in your face man
cause everything sucks.. Its over for the globalist!!
She could have not been a cunt?
>pol unironically wants to preserve THIS race
I don't, white women are the worst
Let them breed with niggers. They create nothing and destroy everything, they're perfect for each other.
Sup Forums want's to preserve the race most of it's users belong too, shocking.
You burgers really need to get your women under control
I'm trying to understand what happened
>girl 1 orders Uber
>guy pulls up, looks around, pulls out to nearby spot with no traffic
>cancels when girl 1 can't find him
>meanwhile girl 2 orders the same Uber
>finds guy in New spot, they both get in
>guy says fuck this, video happens
About right?
>expecting anything less than absolute human trash when you drive a car for a living
Wow it's like he wasn't expecting drunken loudmouth cunts to get in his car late at night in a downtown area.
The smart thing for him to do would have been to bite his tongue, then drop them off in a really bad area, like a ghetto full of rapey niggers.
That should teach them a lesson.
I've driven a cab before and you see that he was fucking irritated on her way before she entered. It's so familiar.
If you have any self-respect you can't stand for idiots like this. It will eat you up if you let them win.
>bitch I haven't had a drink in a week
I was expecting him to say like 10 years. But congratulations I guess.
>Sup Forums
If you see this flag, you can safely assume it's a mongrel or a pure shitskin
Overall the one girl was in the was in the wrong. She tells him, "well figure it out." Driver thinks ok, I just figured it out, get the fuck out of my car.
The driver probably parked too far away but that's pretty common w/ Uber. The girl was too rude and an entitled bitch. Guy did the right thing.
Yeah pretty much. in between the "they get in" and "guy says fuck this" is the conversation of him explaining to them he canceled and has another appointment, and they act like cunts when he tells them to leave.
16-17? Are you fucking serious?
That bitch was pushing 30. the only reason you'd guess that young is cause you must be a 60 year old and cant tell the difference.
Fuck that, I'm just waiting for my A.I android waifu to hold while this shithouse goes up in flames
Those bitches were annoying as fuck, but if you can't handle a situation like that, then don't drive an uber at 2:00 am in fucking Chicago. What kind of passengers was he expecting?
Muslims were right
Watch the first video again.
1. Two girls called uberpool.
2. He cancelled on one of them.
3. He could have easily taken the other one with the first one.
The guy was just being a dick, seems like he has some rage problems desu. Don't work in the service sector if you don't know how to be nice to people.
Don't drive a taxi, if you have road rage... you're in the service providing business.
Every American, to me is an entitled cunt, yet I don't go around telling people to eat my ass.
What situation? He told them to get the fuck out of his car and they didn't. I'd say he made his point clear earlier when he told them he cancelled and has another appointment.
Who is that gross bitch second from the left? I keep seeing her, and she's the one that scream REE NORMIES in that HWNDU vid.
She is visually offensive and makes me cringe.
They were in their early 20's you virgin. Stupid spoiled bitches, probably taking some lightweight major at an overpriced urban university.
Wow clever. Really good point never thought of it like that
Right but it's not like he waited in the spot for an hour while they tried to find him.
They both dropped the ball on this one, even the driver in the YouTube comments said it could have been handled better on his end. The only people cheering are dudes who want to have something that pretty girls want so they can say FUCK YOU in misguided revenge acts.
Nigga, what do you not understand about the cancelling part. He cancelled them both. He even tells the other one he cancelled her. He gave his reason why too and they didn't take it well. This isn't rocket science to understand this.
Road rage for not accepting people treating you like dirt? No one should accept that. Ever. If you do, you teach people entitlement like this.
>pic of a small no-friends bunch is supposed to represent the demographic
If you take a pic of the Sup Forums users around here it'll be white as fuck. Sorry the US is infested with low tier genes.
I get the feeling that this poster is a woman.
Wait. He called the police and then left? Wouldn't that get him in the power of shit when the cops (eventually) turn up and find out hes not there?
Thought that would get something like wasting police time. Making a false report. Whatever.
Personally I would have said nothing after telling them to get out. When they refused I would have driven straight to a police station and asked the cops to remove them. See how mouthy the bitch is then.