Or it it just Sup Forums
Is the alt right actually a thing?
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Its a thing, but not a big thing. Sup Forums is bigger than these autists. Alt Right leach off Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is a board of peace, for the CIA that's monitoring.
The alt-right doesn't exist
I hate niggers and jews
>imgur filename
And back to plebbit you go
Sup Forums is the alt right, retard
Most people here wouldn't identify as being "alt-right" though.
The media just labels Sup Forums as the alt-right to create a political enemy, and don't mention the fact that who they're really dealing with is just a bunch of autists posting on a forum who aren't actually unified in any way.
We've got around 100k members among various groups nation wide. We're definitely not small.
>Sup Forums is the alt right, retard
No. The Alt-Right is White Nationalism. Although many of us organized White Nationalists post here, none of us claim that Sup Forums belongs to us. Thats ridiculous.
why do you hate me
The Alt-Right existed before /new/ came back as Sup Forums
>There are no whites on Sup Forums.
The alt-right was a thing when HRC made it a thing to serve a means to an end, which didn't work.....
no. The actual alt-right is next to nothing. But the left uses the term alt-right to wrap everyone up in a blanket and light them on fire.
These are just anons, no alt right here.
The alt-right predates Sup Forums. Spencer has been doing his thing since 2010, but he was pretty much irrelevant back then.
Sup Forums is not and has never been the center of the alt-right. I bet less than 10% of you faggots have even read the Culture of Critique.
this, this is free speech and 0 oragnized hierarchy enforcing a definition and label of those who follow.
Those who identify as "altright" do so those who don't do so don't.
I am a National Socialist, I have no leader or hierarchy and organization nor do I care for any, nor do I want to be defined by something that I have no control or faith over.
We want to end all WAR, all MURDER, all EXPLOITATION, and all SUFFERING and bring happiness and justice to the world, anyone not agreeing with this is simply another enemy, imperialist enemy of the world and enemies of the aforementioned nothing to do with nationalism.
>implying 10% of Sup Forums reads
We do not support race mixing.
Alt-Right is just another example of normies trying to figure out the internet. It's quite fucking hilarious desu. On a serious note, I don't get what Alt-Right is. Am I Alt-Right? No fucking clue. Is being a White Nationalist THE requirement for AR?
spencer is a faggot
alt-right is a shit term for the msm to group young conservatives in with the autists of trs and stormfront
>just Sup Forums
How is it Sup Forums in the first place?
Alt-right is a strawman for establishment media to say "look at how horrible this is" and smear everyone they want by association.
>there are people who actually believe this
>there are Sup Forumsacks who don't know where term comes from
Sup Forums these days is fucking retarded and a bunch of alt-lite faggots. That's the real subversion here.
Fuck off, Spencer.
>Is the alt right actually a thing?
Nope. It is a boogy man story made up by democrats and liberals as a scare story for normies. Liberals only get what they want when there is a clear enemy. If they cannot make waves by pushing social agendas (illegal immigrants/refugees/blacks) than they have to attack someone....there is no alt right, so they paint the repubs and other conservatives as some sort of conspiracy group.
Find a flaw.
I'm not even a fanboy of Mr. Implicit Whiteness but he's infinitely better than any alt-lite cuck. That the average Sup Forumsack doesn't even know the history of his own movement or even the basics of the ideas behind it is incredibly depressing.
Kill yourself
It's a mystery
The Alt-right are homosexual democrats in fear for their lives from the clintons.
The alt right is anyone who disagrees with the regressive left.
Whether or not it's "Just Sup Forums" is debatable
But it's certainly not much more than Sup Forums
It's more like something that was implanted and then grew within Sup Forums until it exploded out into the rest of the internet. Kind of like the chestburster from Alien.
Not really, I have always been the same since I was a baby, I was just too smart for indoctrination.
Nope, the alt-right is a media narrative label. you're a fool to accept it.
That's called the Dunning-Kruger effect kid
The roots of the alt right go back to when that yacht owning Yale faggot William F. Buckley started National Review and declared himself the gatekeeper of conservatism.
No libertarians, Birchers, or race realists were welcome. Just nice, creamy Chamber of Commerce bullshit. Good for business, so cut the capital gains tax and open the borders for cheap spic labor. Anything elss was Nazi bullshit, and you would be called a racist. Oooooh, scary.
yeet boi