They want to make this statue permanent.
Charging bull thread
>still not knowing what those revolting hats mean
>fucking off from a thread before someone replies with the meaning
NOt quick enough user, not quick enough.
Just cover it completely in muslim garb inclduing the face. Challenge any liberal who takes it off as an Islamophobe.
>tfw libshits are so retarded they don't know that the Charging Bull is supposed to represent a good thing
The real statement is what is contained inside the hollow girl.
My dick? Soon?
The statue has converted. PRAISE KEK!
>bull represents prosperity
>woman stands in front of it to fuck everything up
Somebody needs to take a sledgehammer to that kids face
>mfw Wall Street is the only thing libtards haven't infiltrated
This makes sense now if the bull represents globalism
which one, there are several
It's probably going to be permanent.
Some pedophile billionaires added it.
This 2bh. Bust be careful with that shit
>charging bull
you dont know much about finance, do you?
Hey Moe, I get that they're pussy hats, but how does two pointed tips look like a pussy? What's the metaphor?
>jews wanted more shekels
>used globalism to get more shekels
>stock market goes up
good try shekelstein
wimin are gains goblins
We've seen from the HWNDU threads that there are tons of Sup Forumslacks in NYC. One of you needs to put a burka on her, like we've discussed in other threads.
Why don't we take advantage of how NYC defends its mentally ill trannyfags with its "pronoun" laws
>get a tranny from /lgbt/ that lives in NYC
>have them hot glue a dildo to it
>claim it's a protest because it doesn't take trans women into consideration
>anyone who tries to remove it is a bigot
>Women obstruct economic success and are a terrible burden if not married off by 20.
This is why the Chinese abort girls by the millions.
i get shekels thanks to bullish without globalism and am not jewish. how do i do it? just watch this short video.
I am in support of the concept of a woman standing in the way of a symbolic representation of a charging stock market.
Good idea britbong. But the issue is at the door: Who's going into that board to find a user?
Someone post it. The porn.
The pointed tips look like cat ears, and when you hold it by the tips facing out it looks like a vagina. It's actually quite clever until you start to vomit.
They look like cat ears.
In reality they're just beanies made by people who don't know how to knit a rounded beanie.
I kek'd
They're cat hats. They're worn to be cute and are somewhat known over yonder in Japan.
These fucks culturally appropriated it for their own uses.
>The bull the girl is facing down is literally supposed to represent economic progress
how come nobody sprayed that statue with cum yet?
what the fuck are those two guys doing
Someone should cut its head off and leave an isis flag.
Hat isn't even on the statue anymore.
Soon they'll be scrapping those statues for the copper.
someone should release an actual bull on wall street. bravery will not save your life.
I said 'if' m8, when she had the hat on.
How about a crucifix around the neck, and perhaps a bible under an arm?
New York is pretty lost, but if symbols of christianity trigger the libs, it might wake the rest of the US up a bit.
It's hilarious watching Sup Forums side with the giant capitalist Jews on wall street over a statue of a little girl
It's almost like you goys love your globalism and slavery
The bull represents Moloch you faggot
If people don't believe it without you saying it, then it isn't true.
I've been on Sup Forums a long time and this is the most Jewish post I've ever seen.
It was put there by a fucking financial firm. It's a fucking publicity stunt. It even has a plaque that fucking says so.
Do you listen to Spice Girls, faggot? What the fuck are you talking about?
It's the retardment of it all: why put a girl statue facing down a symbol that is well known to represent progress? It's just the low politization, trying to make a symbol that has nothing to do with feminism and deturpate it to be some kind of attack against women.
the other end of the bull actually receives more attention from tourists and is more symbolically significant
Back the fuck off.
You are breaking the law by defacing private property.
You will be prosecuted.
Back the fuck off.
I'm talking about how upset Sup Forums is over a statue of a little girl on the most Jewish nepotistic street of usury in the world
>women's inability to not take in stray animals, or their drive to always vote for permanent happiness for the fuzzy wuzzy kingdom, will stop a bull market dead in its tracks
hot take
Progress of what? Bailouts? You don't even know what you're defending. Go back to sucking on the Jew's udder of debt.
Need a millionaire on here to commission a 4 ton statue of a frog pls
Why not? I mean, we all will get a laugh out of it and it's not entirely illegal.
I dont see any digits
Clearly kek wills it
I'm curious to how many White and Asian tourists will be taking pictures with the statue when she's wearing a burqa. Think of all the tweets being posted without the burqa. Glorious!
Someone post the R34 from the other bread
Post time stamp faggot.
I started this thread seeing that mods took down threads explicitly about the burqa operation. I want to see that shit.
I'm wondering how long it's going to take before some crazy hobo hotglues
This. I wonder if liberals will connect the fucking dots eventually and figure out who funds and benefits from these "social justice" bullshit.
Good it will be a reminder that every company with a woman on the board cares more about feelings than giving high returns to you.
I feel sorry for women who worked 80 hour weeks to get on the board.
those are big balls
I can see some super drunk idiot with a MAGA hat and some industrial adhesive gluing himself to the thing trying to stick the hat on
If they take it off, then they are islamophobes.
If they they keep it on, then the feminists show themselves to be hypocrites.
>U U U U
Quality post
By hotglue he means cum on it
a well struck blow with a sledge-hammer would take her head clean off, not that I'm recommending something like that.
Add a strap on underneath the Burka. Confuse the fuck out of the Feminists. Make a Muslim trap loli.
why are people in here so stupid and not doing this!!
dress like John Podesta... hurl insults upon it "you think you're hot shit, etc" til the media shows up. Red pill people on pizzagate.
We're waiting for the NY anons. They've all cucked out so far. Card stand v2.
now would be perfect
area clear.
Fuck it. If doubles i WILL do this. Im in the area for spring break anyway
it needs a maga hat.
they're probably waiting to do it way late when no one's around, that's the best way to do it successfully.
Why are all the NY anons so fucking PUSSY. Put a burqa on it already!
rounded beanies are hard to completely fuck up
What are they doing now??
Those toes pointing inward... get me every time.
Anyways, so what do we have for ideas?
Destruction? (Hammer, blowtorch, acid, etc) or Defacement? (JB weld +... Burka, MAGA hat, dildo, etc)
See! Grills are stronk!
Not every person has a burqa on hand like they do in Canadastan.
This is nyc you're talking about. there's probably 10 burka shops
It looks like shit. Who sculpted it?
I'll do it. I'll be there in 12.5 hours.