I would like to know your opinion on Bowe Bergdahl, also serial season 2. How much of a bias does Sarah Koenig have?
I would like to know your opinion on Bowe Bergdahl, also serial season 2. How much of a bias does Sarah Koenig have?
traitor. death sentence.
Bergdahl is a fucking idiot. He deserted, he got other soldiers killed, and the worst thing of all is that we gave up confirmed terrorists in exchange for his stupid ass.
>I would like to know your opinion on Bowe Bergdahl
I think he would reck your mother's pussy but leave just enough splooge for you to lick up for sloppy seconds
Wasn't he just a dumb delusional kid? He wanted to be Jason Bourne. He paid for it by suffering with the taliban for five years. Isn't that enough. I'm neutral on this case. Just playing devils advocate. Do you think he betrayed the USA?
Koenig claims the taliban leaders that were released were going to be released anyway, and we're benign. Is that false?
>got E-5 in 1 fucking years
I remembered the rest of the details but did not remember him getting e fucking 5 in a year
also dude was a turbo cuck
He is an idiot for sure. What do you think he deserves? He was tortured by the taliban, tried to escape multiple times and was punished for it.
My unit spent a year in the area he wandered off in. We would have shot him on sight. One guy was from his unit and gave us the skinny on what a fucked up dude he was and all the efforts they undertook to get him back.
Tell me more, that's fascinating. I realize what he did was stupid and unforgivable. What do you think should become of him?
>He is an idiot for sure. What do you think he deserves? He was tortured by the taliban, tried to escape multiple times and was punished for it.
Death, I can understand deserting if command is putting you in a full blown 100% suicide situation for their own personal glory but he was just an autistic swedecuck. I can understand his frustration with higher up shittery but just deserting in the sandbox is stupid and not something that should be allowed in the military except under extreme circumstances.
Also, given the fact that he is a fucked up dude. Do you think he was malicious or just retarded.
Give me the fucking bog down on how this guy was a god damn E-5, fucking please.
>serve one year
>full blown NCO
I'm fine with him spending a large quantity of time in prison now that his reputation is shit. Can't believe anyone thought this dude was a hero of any sort. Guy is John McCain-tier.
I agree. He washed out of the coast guard because of anxiety and paranoia. Should have never been allowed to reenlist into the army. He claims that he honestly believed that his commanding officer was going to send him to a suicide mission.
That's interesting because McCain condemned him.
Dude was completely delusional.
"Hello Afghani villagers, I am totally deserted and on ur side. Plz do not kidnap and sell me to Taliban even though there's a 99.999% chance of this happening".
Exactly, keep in mind that he was 23. He claims he wanted to be some sort of honorable Samorai Jason Bourne. Honestly think that he is mentally challenged. And five years of not speaking and being chained to a bed probably didn't help. My worry is that he is still working for our military, why not discharge him to a mental hospital?
they were still going off the narrative that he was captured while on patrol so they promoted him as a """war hero"""
He was promoted in absentia while he was a captive. He was a spc when he got captured.
Yes, that was honestly fucked up. The Obama administration painted him as a model soldier.(which they've since said was a mistake.) but nevertheless they did. And I imagine that is very insulting to the army.
Shoot him by firing squad publicly
Yep. He was private first class when he was captured. All of a sudden sergeant. What gives?
Death or a long sentence would have made sense if we had rescued him right away. Instead of doing that, they let him rot for years and made a deal at the last possible minute. We had an obligation to rescue our guy, especially since he had never been tried or convicted of anything, and that obligation was not met. I bet if we had told pakistani intelligence we would bomb their headquarters if they didnt give us his location, we could have got him.
He spent most of five years locked in a tiny cage. I think that's punishment enough.
Even E-4 is insane for a single year, what the fuck? How is that possible? POGs can do it because of previous civ experience but I've never heard of such shittery for an 03.
To be fair this was around surge time and I enlisted during a similar period, we were taking dudes with Latin Kings tattoos back then.
Oh if he was a pfc then that makes sense but spc, no fucking way does that make any sense what so fucking ever.
That area was full of 'suicide missions'. Legitimately you'd go on patrol and see the ridges lined with fighting positions from previous ambushes. That whole area of Paktika is a nightmare.
They kept him in a cage, specifically built for him for years. I'm inclined to agree with you. I think he still should be dishonorably discharged.
Okay thank god, just started reading again since it's been years and found this.
>Bergdahl was a Private First Class when captured; he was promoted in absentia to Specialist on June 19, 2010, and to Sergeant on June 17, 2011.[30] According to soldiers in Bergdahl's platoon, the morning when Bergdahl was discovered to be missing, his equipment was found neatly stacked, with his compass missing
Dude was just a pfc so I don't have to lose all respect for army fucks.
And yet, he retains his rank here in the USA, what don't we know?
"Robert Bowdrie "Bowe" Bergdahl (born March 28, 1986) is a United States Army soldier who was held captive by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network in Afghanistan and Pakistan from June 2009 until his release in May 2014"
Autism speaks. And this moron is its voice. Its vessel. Autism in small amounts does not lead to much harm. But in some cases you get just the right blend of sexual frustration, closeted homosexuality, and daddy issues can make autism lash out unexpectedly. Bergdahl is such an outlashing of autism.
Now, the army clearly needs to do a better job of screening out these wierdos, I'll tell you that much. After this moron was discharged from the COAST GUARD, there should be no way he gets shipped to Iraq. Then again, this is what we get for retarded foreign intervention. One of these days the people will realize both sides of the government are using autistic spergouts to distract from the real issues going on.
He was captured in 0 fucking 9 and enlisted in 0 fucking 8.
Yes, so this soldier deserts. Is it our fault or his? He was clearly unstable.
He was promoted to E5 in 2011. They don't discharge you when you get captured.
I was in the Army too and Airborne as well.
He's brought a tremendous amount of shame to the Armed Forces, much worse than simple treason. Death would be too kind of a punishment.
If any justice is to be served then "Sgt" Bergdahl needs to be thrown into a cell with a bunch of captured Taliban fighters and wild goats who will be required to sodomize him for the rest of his pathetic life. He should also be castrated beforehand so he cannot get any enjoyment out of it in case he's gay or into bestiality.
A webcam will be installed and live streamed 24/7 for every American to see. He will be a living example of what happens when you break your oath of enlistment.
Precautions should be made so he has no way of killing himself and cheating his way out of the punishment. He will continue to receive medical attention so that he has to endure every bit of punishment until he dies of old age.
Also Afghanistan was where he was shipped, but your point is taken.
He wasn't a sergeant when he was captured. He was promoted IN CAPTIVITY. WHILE CAPTURED. IN PAKISTAN.
When he enlisted they were taking literally anyone. Enlistment bonuses in 08 were off the charts.
Sick fuck just put a bullet in him. Torture is fucked up.
No shit, but you don't usually get ceremonial promotions when captured under pretty suspicious means. Not to mention even a 3 year E-5 is still insane, there's a reason the terminal lance meme exists.
It's getting that way again, They have 2 year contracts again.
What the fuck is the point of that
So what's up with this insane promotion? Can you enlighten a civilian on this please?
Soldiers were critically injured looking for his dumbass
It's something people put a lot of work into getting.
not just handed out for wandering off like a dirtbag
This seems overboard, and like what the taliban would do themselves. I understand that you are angry at him though.
He thought he was smarter than the CO. He probably should be dead for leaving the base.
You don't get it. Hundreds of soldiers were sent into harms way to get his ass back and some were killed. They didn't need to go on those search and rescue missions. The dude deserves whatever is coming to him...
And thats unforgivable. What I'm looking for is an explanation why Koenig, npr, and the Obama administration are trying to clear him. Because they do make a good case. But I'm not buying it.
He met the time in grade requirements, and they're not about to make him do SSD-1 or a PFT while in captivity right? Again, he had neither been tried nor convicted. They promoted him and paid him knowing they could demote and fine him if he was convicted.
If that is true. Then it is unforgivable what he did. He ran off and men who were honorable got hurt. That is not right.
I actually prefer 2 year (or single deployment) contracts. I did 4 and spent my whole last year preparing for a deployment I'd never go on. Would have been much easier to drop me into a unit 3 months out from deployment, do a year overseas, and 6 months of decompression stateside before out processing. Instead I got slotted into a unit that just got back, spent 18 months training, 12 overseas, and another 15 months training up for the next rotation.
Blue falcon piece of shit
He abandoned his post, disobeyed orders, and put the people that went looking for him at risk for fucking what?
He should get a dishonorable discharge with all the attendant fuck yous with oak leaves that entails, but I think he should get time served instead of a stint in prison.
But the first year is training and in-processing.
I'm on the ass end of my 5 year contract, fucking useless. never deployed despite being in an Infantry unit for 3 of them. now all I dude is watch youtube and fuck around on reddit.
it's a fucking joke now, but at least I did something for a few years to help the fighting force
Why does it have to be anyone's fault? I don't think the army owes him anything. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. What the army needs to do is start running a tighter ship to make sure it doesn't happen again.
And who cares what Bergdahl thought he was preventing. Ya, being in Iraq was dumb. No shit. He just made things a million times worse by making a string of really stupid decisions. Stupid decisions which cost our society an outrageous sum of resources.
We don't owe him shit.
We don't, so what is to become of him?
Infantry E5 is not a big deal in the Army. Points are usually pretty low, get a 270+ PT score, pass a board and wait to get pinned. Overseas they'll often times pencil whip the PT test (or use your last stateside test) and not even bother to do a board.
You know his father is a convert to islam, right? He actively pursued that all gitmo detainees be released.
Is a big fucking traitor family, and they should pay for their actions.
Btw, the whole "they kept me in a cage" is Berghdal own claim. I bet he was just enjoying sniffing butts 5 times per day with the other degenerates.
> Afghanistan
Ya that.
Line this fucker up in front of a firing squad and that will fix the problem ricky tick.
He's an awkward weeb faggot that wanted to go Rambo 3 and thought he could get there by pretending to get lost/captured, then return to base a day later, be hailed as a hero and talk a General into letting him kick down doors and fuck taliban mudslimes up.
>What Bergdahl lacked in social aptitude, he replaced with immersive reading. After graduating from his parents’ rigorous home-school lessons in Christian ethics, he lost himself in ancient Asian philosophy and the warrior codes of feudal Japan. “I did not know much about the Bushido warrior code until I heard that Sergeant Bergdahl was interested in it,” Dahl said with an amused smile.
>He said his plan was to hike about 18 miles to a nearby base, thereby triggering a missing soldier alert. After what he imagined would be his triumphant reappearance, he hoped to earn a private meeting with a general who would listen to his concerns about dire leadership and safety issues in his unit.
Unfortunately he was a fucking moron, ACTUALLY got captured and got people killed looking for him. He didn't try to go AWOL on purpose or convert, he was just autistic.
mine have been 698/ish for 5 years..
>When he enlisted they were taking literally anyone. Enlistment bonuses in 08 were off the charts.
So the army is unpopular? Its poorly marketed? Men today are too effeminate for the military? We need to stop handing out benefits to people like candy. Military service for pay instead. But really I dunno what to say about the army scraping the bottom of the barrel. But the USA at one point in time was known for its efficiency in warfare. The fuck happened to that.
I know it's overboard and I'm against torture too, but it's not just about "Sgt" Bergdahl at this point, it's about making an example out of him.
Need to have people understand that there are worse punishments waiting for them than just death if they betray their country and brethren on the battlefield.
If we kept all insurgents alive and tortured them for the rest of their lives and force-fed them bacon every day, other Muslims would think twice about joining the global jihad.
Like on the fucking dot, how does this count towards the NCO system though? You can only have so many and wasting it like this? Not to mention promotions are never promised in those positions. It's a massive fucking waste.
Wanted to be Bourne
Ended up being private ryan
So where is the proof, because if this is true he deserves to die.
Im not sure his father converted, I think he just learned Arabic and learned about their religion so he could give messages to his sons captors through the news media.
>Infantry E5 is not a big deal in the Army. Points are usually pretty low, get a 270+ PT score, pass a board and wait to get pinned. Overseas they'll often times pencil whip the PT test (or use your last stateside test) and not even bother to do a board.
Yeah, okay, that sums that up then. E-4 is big deal in USMC as an 03. I try not to believe the memes but that's kind of shitty.
A-are you me? You're probably a fucking corpsman too...
Even got sent to Mojave Viper and all that shit in prep for a deployment that never came. Most action I saw was with security forces in Kings Bay, seeing a cop get shot at and some marines get fucked up in training.
08 was right after the surge in Iraq and dudes were getting fucked up. Media coverage had shifted at that time and the wars were not popular. Economy had yet to pop so young people thought they'd rather do something else.
07-09 was bad. By 2011 enlistment bonuses were pretty much gone and they were only accepting qualified people because Iraq was on the back burner, people had forgotten about Afghanistan and the economy was slowly turning around.
I listened to the first season about the dindu nuffin muslim kid. She's honestly not too biased at all. There are hints of leftism in her podcasts, but by and large the first season was straight down the middle.
I don't think he's a traitor. I just think he's a Christopher McCandless level retard (the dude who just walked into the Alaskan wilderness with no training or preparation other than, "muh ideas"). And now seeing this retard glorified makes me rage.
I don't think he deserves extra punishment but he, essentially, deserves banishment. That he can't profit off his retard tale. Like, he should never be allowed to tell it ever again.
Are you 12? Do you not remember the recruiting climate in 06-08?
POWs are promoted with their peers via Time in service.
Yeah he is still employeed by the DOD but he is under constant supervision can't shit without someone watching him and is in damn near protective custody. There are so many people in the Army that would love nothing more than to curb stomp his weird ass.
During that time in there were so many demands put on recruiters that they would put in anyone. The shitty thing is 80% of recruiters are on the assigned because they are given two options. Go be a recruiter or get the fuck out after youve been in for 8 plus years. Then when they get to USAREC the command and leadership is filled with people who are more salesmen than soldiers and have the power to end your career if you dont bring them new recruits. So your only option is to bring what you can. Its a really shitty situation. People who have no business in this job but the other option is lose your job.
Its alot of things honestly 3/10 people are qualified for military service and even then most people dont want to do it. I think it goes back to the fact that military (along with trade jobs) are considered the last resort of people who "arent good enough to go to college". Then couple that with men becoming pussies its just a perfect storm that leads to the military not making its annual recruitment numbers which then makes the recruiting command give the recruiters a shit time who in turn put in anyone they can just to get the command off their back.
> What is to become of him
Nothing. He's already a nobody. Serial Season Two was a disaster, an absolute disaster folks. The story converges on autism but Koenig won't actually just say it out load. Because she wants to be PC.
M Night Shymalan / 10
Dude should have never joined. He had clear mental problems and the Army overlooked it. The Army is too concerned about numbers... or was anyways.
I just remember being up at JBER during his release in 2014 and they brought in everyone from his unit to have a meeting about it, basically instituting a gag order not to talk about it.
Dude should go to jail at least.