Why do you nazi shitheads have to censor art?
Why do you nazi shitheads have to censor art?
what did those wacky boy do now?
dey HWNDU nuffin
In this context what the 'nazis' did was actually art as well, considering the nature of the art project.
Modernist art isn't art.
maybe a janitor accidentally cleaned up an 'art exhibit' again because the artist just upended a garbage pail on the floor and claimed it was artistic.
Save the arts
Making thinly veiled political statements? That's art, bro. It's 2017.
>vandalizing art is literally destroying civilization when white people do it
>censoring everything to be viewed through a feminist lense is not destroying civilization
if hwndu is art, the removal of the flag is a masterpiece
>fuck with a dude who assaulted a kid, not even being serious 100% of the time
>Wow u fucking Nazi stop censoring art!!!
The arts are western civilization
who are you quoting?
Just because it's "art" doesn't mean it's inherently good.
This post is art.
Probably this.
>mfw he is calling HWNDU art
Someone still has some 'splainin to do. By leave do they just mean off Sup Forums? What even is the plot here? So confuse
Antifa literally destroys everything they come into contact with.
Why is everything downvoted on that subreddit?
Awww are the Nazis censoring their freeze peach?
> a crude sculpture
Why do Nazi Jews have to censor words and parentheses?
Yes, it is.
Man... this picture is fucking comfy
Insisting on censorship is the sign that you're an authoritarian fascist. Calling yourself something else doesn't change that.
he is blind to the meaning of art and western mythos. i pity him
Why do you commie faggots have to censor language?
Because it's art. There are decades of skill, knowledge of anatomy, color, architecture, light and shadow applied to invoke a scene and a with it, a specific feeling in the beholder.
>women were getting BLACKED this long ago
How can whitebois even compete?
> absurd
kek only non normies will get it
Once you think about it, it truly is. It really captures the modern age and the power of the internet to cross barriers previously thought uncrossable. It shows the monumental shift in initiative betwern the left and the right. If the whole 'continent-wide capture the flag using armchair astronomic and aeroplane route study by an Albanian macrame bulletin board' isn't culturally critical performance art, I don't know what is
Modern art mirrors the degradation of western culture.
Yet, it's OK when leftists attack and vandalize things.
That's the women's bath. I suppose they could be lesbians.
Did they really put in the effort to make the new sign look exactly like the old one? Look at the font, the slightly odd looking 's' and the spacing. What the fuck did they mean by this? I used to think their hypocrisy stemmed from ignorance, but this doesn't support that theory. It could be a coincidence, though