RISK continued


Since the fucking leaf OP quit on us I'll be continuing this game of RISK. I updated the rolls to make the game quicker and more exciting. Everyone, please restate your rolls as I didn't have time to do them before the other thread archived.

And someone please take over my beloved Kangem.

We probably lost a lot of people. It might be better to just start a new game. Different map, maybe?

I dunno maybe. I don't really have the time for an entirely new game though. I was hoping we could attract some new people.

Wew thought when I made a store run I'd be kill, turns out map is?

I like the map, but this version was missing stuff, like Mongols not being able to build ships but getting +1 up to 8 for everyone they killed.
I like all the pre-set maps though.
Venice ceded to Antioch, and Antioch ceded to me.
Rolling to take Italy.

Well, if this is going, send my ship to Ireland and take the UK.

attacking Antioch

please just make a new game, no one new is going to join this clusterfuck.

Man can we just play a new game?

Make a new thread

Ok, if we are still playing, defend against the byzantine attack

Yeah new smaller map or at least one with reasonable T rolls

Whoever decided 1T rolls should be possible on that bigass map is retarded

Look at last game Venice ceded me all lands

Oh and attack dumb fucking Muhammed

If still rolling fill Hungary

Yo you gonna help me fucking end these orthodox scum?


Sorry my negro op. It's free land.

Yeah buddy bout all there is left to do

Ally up then? finish this off finally?

Fucking Sup Forums didn't upload the latest version, Sicily you got more of Kangem.


B-Line for Orthodox heretics, spills into Byzantium

Host a new game

My ship didn't move :(
Here: Keep filling the UK

Also, if you want new map suggestions, I have quite a few saved

This unfortunately.

Yeah leaf shat the bed and we hemorraghed a bunch.
Shame he had been a good OP up until bickering instead of mup

lets just finish this off all thats left is killing Byzantium and Arabia, oh and keep attacking

Fuck reply to this one guys, I'm sleepy as fuck and uploaded the wrong map.

Defend against attacks from the Catholics.
Kill the kangem.
Sorry again op. I do give you credit for not oplaying.

What maps do you have?


It's ok, I'm not black, just a cuckoldogist.

No ones attacking you sicily

Really? Thought you would attack me because I'm orthodox.

Convert back to catholic and you wont have to fear an attack

Ok. But I will have zero intent of attacking any orthodox nation.

Go to Byzantium and rekt them

Take the UK


Too many to want to list or possibly all of. Do you have any kind of preference to help me narrow it down? For example, free range, preset locations, lots of rules, few rules, naval, new world included, etc.

Kill the kangem.

What's the biggest preset map you have? (in geographical extent, not necessarily territory count)

lol just keep up with what im doing pretty sure its over as only 4 guys are all attcking nations with no players, might as well start a new game on a smaller map

Continue filling the UK

Here's one for ya op.


But, it might be time for Catholic peace map. Convert or die.

le rome map?

This map is decent, actually gets finished in like a thread.

Yeah, if I play I guess we could bump it up to 5 guys.

Roll nigga

Finish the kangem.
Press F

This map is pure cancer, again these tiny ass T rolls for so many Ts and 6 gorillion factions

There's a better version of this somewhere.

Rekt Byzantium shits



lol, this game was over a long time ago.

Fill Tribes if spill go to byzintum, unless the tribes Peace out i will let them live and denounce Orthodxy and come to the light

Fuck it then, only 2 people rolled this turn, might as well discontinue the match.

Fucking LEAF OP had to kill it just as it was getting gud.

Put me in next turn

RIP Black Muslim Kangz. Lost but not forgotten

Host new game, on map of your choice, just make it smaller than this one

I'm ending it, sorry brah there's no point anymore and I have to sleep soon.

Any chance of a new game?

gg antibro ur a real human bean

Nah, I gotta go to sleep now. Sorry man.

It's ok my negro. Sleep well.

PEace out Bohembro

Fug it, peace map.