b-b-b-but emails
Nobody cares about the emails we just thought she was a stupid cunt
Is Trump even going to be allowed to negotiate with Russia because if they scream every time he meets them we may as well go ahead and get the WW3 happening thread going
Calm down Ahmed, the election is over.
Rural and suburban retards will ignore this.
What is wrong with meeting Russians?
There's a huge difference between "met", and "had a meeting with."
Meanwhile, Hillary has shared bank accounts with them to facilitate the uranium deals.
>whaaaa whaaaaaaaaa I didn't get my geriatric warmongering baby-eating cyborg into the white house
>whaaaaaaaaaaa I wanted WWIII with Russsia
Why do these cunts all really REALLY want a war with Russia? At very least they seem to desperately want a cold war.
*and has very close financial ties to ISIS
has anyone actually committed a crime or is meeting with a Russian illegal now? Becuase this is all I see, "so and so met with some guy who knows a guy" This is the biggest bullshit story i've ever seen in politics.
>What is wrong with meeting Russians?
I would trust Putin over pissgate John McCain anyday
Met with = he was in the crowd with several other ambassadors during a speech Trump was giving.
That's like saying I met with Trump because I attended a rally. Very dishonest
Holy Crap! Look at that HTML. Must be Russian (CIA) hackers using UK proxies to try to hack all the Gibsons.
That's treason talk
Tomorrow is going to be a big day for you. Your hero Drumf is going to jail and YOU are being EXECUTED for the TREASON you just tryped there!
I think Trump has proven that he dont give a shit about screaming leftists.
I fucking hate how literally being recorded committing treason isn't enough to put someone away anymore.
Should have been a HUGE scandal but it was swept under the rug within about 2 hours.
ignore the drumpf shiSET CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=/D_DEBUG /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.netbot.4chans.spam.getPost(Threads.java:56)
He doesn't care about honesty or his dumbfuck constituency either.
looks like this new fag is having a stroke
These ruCIAns just don't give up...
>meets with an ambassador
>this is what ambassadors do
Fake news
trump is fin$%Eshed
>all the media talked about
holy shit, i went to school with this cuck. had to do a double take when i saw him on here
I just hope you don't stroke out first so you can live in pain for next 8 yrs watching Trump destroy whats left of Obama's legacy