Jesus fucking Christ these people are simply parodies of themselves...
Orchestrated Sex Attacks by Russia™
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T. Russian
Honestly, though... who is running in Germany that is any better than Merkel?
>Battered housewife syndrome on a national level
I'd say it's too insane to believe, but nothing is these days.
Sounds like a cover story for fear of losing their Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor scheme.
Big Industry gets the Cheap Labor, their Banker Butt Buddies get to issue a bunch of easy credit and the rest of us get force integrated and killed if we stand up to it.
What a deal!? For them anyway.
AAAAH they are hacking reality itself!!!! Nuke them! Sanction them! Destroy them!
t. Moammahd Al-Jihadi
this can't be real lol
And these people have the balls to use the phrase "Fake News".
It's impossible to be brainwashed enough to believe this.
>Russia hacked the Muslims
How would the russians even do that?
Mate, if Russia can easily prompt thousands of refugees into raping your people, then maybe these people shouldn't have been bought into the country anyway...
Shit, Russia just gonna start handing out free ropes and bin bags to the 'fugee's or what?
Jesus... the mental gymnastics required to even come up with this ridiculous theory...
People will. Many still believe the MSM tells the truth and is unbiased.
first hillary robbed and now this.
very angry at russia right now.
>tfw can't tell if the Russians are controlled by the Jews or the Jews are controlled by the Russians
Turkey owes Russia for their killed ambassador
GOY! Stop revealing our plans GOY! Its for the children!
Hacking. Can't you read?
>future headline
Russians have their own Jew tribe, actually its all just jews trying to jew other jews and we're right in between
>media finally acknowledges rape problem
>Russians have their own Jew tribe
t. shekelstein who got kicked out of russia in the 90s and lives in israel now.
If the Russians are really doing all they are accused of, then they are master chess players to be admired.
Oh woe is me! Putin hacked the refugees! To war by jingo now!
t. (((pro-EU))) (((think tank)))
I swear to god before 2016 the average American said the word "Russia" like 3 times since 1991.
>tfw, russian hentai squids are invading my waifus in their respective dimensions and forcing them to do very lewd things.
How is that journalism?
How does one coordinate rape?
>I wouldn't normally rape but Russia told me to.
I thought there weren't any sexual assaults
Grasping at straws, this is cinematic as fuck. I NEED popcorn.
Libshit propaganda has reached truly insane heights. Or depths. This is literally ridiculous.
Remember how red baiting and McCarthyism was supposed to be something from the bad old days that we had left behind in our new enlightened era?
lol Russian hackers have hacked the testosterone levels and minds of refugees to attack white women
is there nothing they can't do?
Russian hacking knows no bounds
Remember how McCarthy was right about nearly everything?
KEK, good point
what manner of kikery is this?
In fact, Russia is orchestrating a pro-EU think-tank to spin ridiculous theories about state-sponsored sex attacks, to discredit the pro-EU movement and swing the upcoming German elections
tell me more?
asking for a friend
I member.
The Russians have secret powers to hack into the subconscious of immigrants, forcing them to rape and commit sexual assault.
How on earth would Putin do that? These fake news people are ascribing superhuman qualities to Russians, as if they're transdimensional beings
If Russia is able to hack people then I hate to say it but the war is over before we even knew it started.
I believe it.
Russia wants all its Ukraine's and Poland's back. To do so it has to break up the EU.
To break up the EU he must flood Europe with refugees (bombing in Syria).
Next he has to let the uncivilized mudshits do what they do best (rape and gibbedat) to make all the europeans rage and vote rightwing to leave EU and end immigration.
>russia is coordinating sex attacks on our people!
>we have to let more in to show them we aren't afraid!
Um, are you just going to ASSUME their dimension? Fuck off you bigot.
so now they admit sex attacks are a problem
youre retarded.
No youre
Yep, but blamming it on others.
i think 9gag is more of an intelligent site for you.
Their narrative just gets more and more insane and pathetic. And all to cover up the DNC retarded pied piper strategy that pushed Donald Trump in, and all to hide the pedo rings, and all to hide that they murdered Seth Rich.
and they call us paranoid and conspiracytheorists
also this
Only because Russia hacked rapeugees sex drives
Why do feminists defend this shit?
Fuck off, Mischling.
can't make this shit up
the kikes are fucking losing it
Do not underestimate human stupidity.
They don't need hacking or reprogramming, they are animals who never saw a girl before, certainly not one showing some skin.
Even their mothers keep them away from their sisters cos rapey
I think the (former) West wanted to break Russia. To do this they wanted to break Syria. Russia caught on, bombed ISIS and sent the resulting refuges to EU as a fuck you. Of course since then the EU seems to be all for it as a population prop-up.
Is there anything these Russian hackors can't do?
Pay refugees to rape
Because to them being racist is worse than being sexually assaulted by a minority (white guilt)
t. Ivan Ivanovich "cyka blyat" Ivanovsky posting from the Kremlin and trying to reach his shilling quota faster so he can get his 15 minute DOTA 2 break
my god. the russians have learned how to hack minds.
the russians are going to hack us all.
I have the overwhelming desire to go sex a busty swedish girl, is Dima hacking my brain again or is this a legitimate sexual emergency?
It was sarcasm ,you also live in a Muslim country now, you need to conform to their society already.
If your women wore burkas and only left their houses in the company of a male family member, none of those "rapes" would even happen
The already have, comrade!
All this time we have been blaming muslims ignoring all evidence of fake attacks. This video completely without a doubt proves russia and syria organized these attacks yet u cucks wont watch it or just use ad hominem attacks
lol, this would at least be possible
Saved. Have one of mine.
>literally hacking the minds of Muslims
Is there nothing they can't do?
If the Muslims keep their heads down and out breed us I think this will happen too.
But I think something will snap (either them or us) and civil war in Europe will become a thing.
Make room ameribro cos millions of Anglo women and children refugees will be arriving by the boatload
Twilight Zone. We live in the Twilight Zone.
leafposting strikes yet again
>Putin to turn on ‘refugee tap’ to send migrants to EU and DESTROY bloc, Brussels fears
Putin to turn on ‘refugee tap’ to send migrants to EU and DESTROY bloc, Brussels fears
>Putin to turn on ‘refugee tap’ to send migrants to EU and DESTROY bloc, Brussels fears
Reminder the latest Turkish protests in the Netherlands were likely part of a Russian false flag campaign meant to undermine the stability of the EU and the peacefulness of an overwhelming majority of peaceful refugees, and to lend credence to Geert van Wilders' xenophobic crusade of populism.
literally no one
they're very fucked
>They're blaming the Russians
Is there no right wing candidate?
Honestly, millions of Anglo women and children refugees arriving by the boatload would be good for this country. Unfortunately niggers and spics are out breeding us here
I wouldn't doubt their "right wing" is more left than a Bernie Sanders over here
>you'll never be a Syrian agent whos mission is to rape as many German women as possible
>muh dick
Fuck off nigger
2 right wing wet noodles
angela "i'm totally right wing" merkel
martin "germany exists for israel" schulz
a bunch of far left wing nutters
>german politics
New president gets elected and suddenly russia is relevant? My fucks given are at all time lows, could have told me all this nefarious shit about russia six or seven years but folks decide to do it just now? "The sky is falling!" is a more believable statement.
martin schulz has a horrible shill meme campaign that makes me hate him 100x more.
Problem is, syrian refugee crises was acknowledged for almost 2 years before russian intervention in Syria
Cold war technology.
It all makes sense. Arayan's where the kikes all along!!!!
Has satire become reality?
Or has reality become satire?
I can't tell anymore.