Did this guy not post pictures of his murders 2 days ago on Sup Forums? why is no one talking about him?
Did this guy not post pictures of his murders 2 days ago on Sup Forums? why is no one talking about him?
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if you type Sup Forums into google news you get a bunch of articles in german about a guy who murdered a kid and posted it here but I see no one talking about it here
did they catch this guy?
ok so I found this article and it says he stabbed his neighborh's kid 56 times and posted it on the Deep web but other sources say it was Sup Forums
This is supposedly the thread
We have more important things to worry about, like race mixing.
Yeah that's fake. He was texting with his friend who posted the conversation + some bad pics of the first murder. He never killed that woman. He only killed the kid and later his friend whose house he was hiding at after the friend saw him on the news
>going on killing sprees
such a cliche.
its so overdone you could make one of those "only 90's kids will understand"
He sent pictures to his friend and his friend posted them and screencaps of the conversation on Sup Forums asking what should he do. I believe some random user contacted the authorities.
Someone linked to the thread here on Sup Forums
What a beautiful picture. I've set it up as my background. Thank you user
Because he is an irrelevant child murderer loser and to make it worse a Sup Forumstard
it is shameful for a man to be that thin
he even got rejected by our army who take literally everyone
He apparently video's the first murder (the kid) and uploaded it to a gore site on the deepweb. It was his friend who posted the pictures to Sup Forums. Killer then killed a woman while on the run and posted those pictures to Sup Forums. It's all archived.
People on Sup Forums are talking about him. He's not like Trollhattan guy. He just killed some random child not Muslims. Why would Sup Forums talk about him? He was a Sup Forums-tard.
Killing one of the few white Germans, what a fucking fagot. Roast his Sup Forumstard ass
He turned himself in at a Greek restaurant.
He is white, therefore does not fit the narrative that Sup Forums is trying to push.
Newsflash: It is shameful for a man to kill a 9 year old boy for no reason.
This dumb faggot was nothing but an edgy loser who should just be shot.
Jesus it's chilling to think about the psychopaths living in our midst
We can still hope that the bandidos rape him in prison
i don't even think this guy was a psychopath i think he was just really mentally ill and disturbed. a psychopath might do this but they'd plan on how not to get caught.
not all serial killers or killers are psychopaths.
True true. I just used a catch all umbrella term, I realize it's broadly inaccurate
>his other victim
>his only friend who allowed him to stay at his place
Poor autist :(
one thing that made me say this is this guy was really sad and actually attempted suicide. most psychologists that i read said psychopaths generally dont feel sad and very seldomly take their lives.
I want pizza. Damn.
I bet the Swedish army would have taken him.
Man, that's fucked.
Sup Forums hasn't killed my insides...
What is circled here? Can't see shit.
wtf? tell me more
was that the guy that posted on b?
Did they order the pizza together?
Are you really that surprised no one found the needle in the shit stack?
Well, he confessed everything to the police in great detail without showing any emotions or regret.
So perhaps he is indeed a psychopath. In any case, he murdered a young boy for no reason and should be executed publicly.
But he only killed Germans. That's not even illegal is it? It's not like he killed your kebab superiors.
Source on that?
No this guy had no idea, he only knew marcel because they were playing yugioh online together.
When Autist found out about the dead kid he confronted hesse who then killed him.
classical horror movie mistake
>I know this guy is a murderer
>I am alone with him in my house
>what should I do?
I've heard the apparently legit audio he sent to his friend over whatsapp
>"I just killed a person. It doesn't feel special."
>"Maybe i'll get a girl over, rape her and cut her guts out"
That faggot was an S-Rank edgy autist. And probably just an "einzelfall".
But, we all know how the german general public will react to this after seeing his "daily routine".
the swedish army is notoriously hard to get into
as long as you are a white male at least
your fat fuck no standards army takes anyone
I think it's the kid's face
Are German prisons rough on people who hurt kids? Because to see this guy beaten to vegetable pulp would be p cool.
>google tells me things
he didn't post it on Sup Forums, shitwit. He was posting his shit on some deepweb site, his friend was outsourcing and posting his shit to Sup Forums.
Murder is illegal you dumbass
This is a false flag murder to ban Sup Forums and Sup Forums from Germany.