For a community labeling itself as free thinkers, (((Sup Forums))) sure is an echo chamber.
For a community labeling itself as free thinkers, (((Sup Forums))) sure is an echo chamber
For a community labeling itself as free thinkers, (((Sup Forums))) sure is an echo chamber.
stfu you stupid leaf
For a community labeling itself as free thinkers, (((Sup Forums))) sure is an echo chamber.
For a community labeling itself as free thinkers, (((Sup Forums))) sure is an echo chamber.
For a community labeling itself as (((canadians))) you sure a tremendous faggots
>Sup Forums is one person
I read communist, fascist, monarchist, capitalist and all sorts of anarchic books daily.
Sup Forums argues with itself all the time faggot
For an OP labeling himself a free thinker, OP sure is a faggot
shhh digits man just ignore and let it slide
>implying Sup Forums wasn't co-opt by astroturfers when Trump announced he was running
>constant shilling
>constant ironic adopting of left wing positions
>constant argument
>incredibly negative and blackpilled constantly
>little moderation
Please kill yourself you worthless fucking leaf
For a labeling echo (((/pol))) sure community an itself thinkers, chamber free is as.
only rural and suburban retards vote for trump
fuck white people
> community labeling itself as free thinkers
I've only been here for a year, but when did this start? Last night?
not quite as big an echo chamber as your moms gaping cavernous floppy saggy loose vagina
For a community labeling itself as free thinkers, (((Sup Forums))) sure is an echo chamber.
How is this for an echo?
!!! (((poo poo OOPOO ooq ooq)))!!!
Pol is not and cannot be an echo chamber due to the nature of the board; you will not be banned for dissent, except on the occasion that you decide it a good idea to start spamming Sup Forumstier shit. usually, anyway
For a community labeling itself as free thinkers, (((Sup Forums))) sure is an echo chamber.
An echo chamber that constantly gets hit with all sorts of trolling, shilling, and butthurt liberal agitators.
So... not an echo chamber at all.
>put libruls in their place using actual logic
>echo chamber
gee you really got me thinking
Here's your (You)
stfu you stupid snow beaner.