Be an animator, going to college

>be an animator, going to college
>was going to join Army reserves to help protect my country, and pay for college, also seemed better than being a dishwasher
>literally a couple documents and a MEPS appointment away from enlistment
>was literally going to take risk of war breaking out, for muh cuntry
>got rid of all fear, was fully emotionally ready for boot camp, and a new adventure
>read fine print of contracts on internet
>almost get jew'd, recruiter held back a lot of information from me
>back out, not showing up to any more recruiter appointments, don't care if he hates me, he's kinda a faggot anyway.
Dammit. as soon as something looks to good to be true, it is
Sup Forums, i'm just smart enough to not be retarded.
If you're a military kind of guy then the US Military is your best bet; But don't be jew'd. Know what they're doing to you.
Trust me, the whole "free tuition and gibs" shit is just a fucking meme. With the amount of time you spend there, you may as well go be a fucking dishwasher or a janitor. You'd make just about the same amount of $$$ accept you can quit whenever you want and not have to worry about gay ass contracts. I mean they literally pay you about $8.00 an hour in reserves. It's not fucking worth it for the money.
also the college tuition gibs suck. it is NOT a 100% guarantee that you'll be covered for all classes. It's some classes at some colleges, sometimes.

If you're in the military, you're awesome. But your contracts are fucking gay.
I wish we were like switzerland; just enlist in basic combat training, they give you some cash, and then you're done and they leave you alone.

Fucking POGs trying to join the military.

What the MSM/shills tell you

What the vets tell you
>Haha i don't regret it for a single second! It will make you a real man™
What the recruiter tells you

>Hey just do what you're told, be a dindu and follow orders and you gon' be gud

What it really is
>You are being deployed for 2 years, to do some safe and quiet manual labor for about minimum wage. Also congrats, you have a half paid scholarship to dick ass Community College

Are you in the military? Good for you, man. You're a good person. But you know your recruiters are faggots.

He's right though. They lie through their teeth when it comes to signing people up. Sometimes they even outright lie about what they sign you up for. Even worse they might change the content of the contract later by change the laws regarding it.

>"sup John, so you want to be doctor like doctor House MD? just joking. We will pay for everything until you get your MD, but you have to stay some years to pay back the investment we did with you. Congratulations, you are qualified. oh yeah btw, by the time you leave to civilian life you could put us as reference in your CV."

those fucking animals, HOW CAN THEY DO THAT TO YOU!

Thats one weird looking Indian


Vet/ex-recruiter here. This doesn't happen. They do say this, though.

If you want the real gimme dats, man the fuck up and go active. Reserves and NG are a joke.

If you're going to join the military, at least do it for the right reasons. I don't know how anyone joins without first accepting that they're more or less a corporate shill dying for rich white men. I look at it as they need you to fight & possibly die for their profit, while you learn how to kill & welfare the shit out of the system.

the people who end up failing in the military are those idealistic faggots who have retarded reasons for joining like patriotism and "protecting" America, only to end up being the bad guys, doing a lot of bad shit, and coming back with "PTSD". Oh and without being able to find a job because you gave up the most important years of your life and got zero job experience. by the time you go to civilian life you're some 25+ guy who doesn't even have retail experience.

However like i said if you have the sociopathic pragmatic mindset you'll do good.

Benefits are negligible between the two.

el peruANO

sos amerindio no te la des de supremacista blanco bobo

>If you're going to join the military, at least do it for the right reasons.
There aren't any, anymore. There is no great war. The military is relegated to giving frozen chickens to Iraqis. Yes, even combat arms. No, I'm not joking.

I don't know much about the reserves, but my state's guard starts paying out for college after one year. Is the reserve different?

When you can and can't access them is vastly different.

>If you enlist, after the duration of your enlistment, the military has the right at anytime to reactivate you for whatever reason they choose.
Yeahno, I'd be willing to give 4 years to my nation, but not if it means they can force me to return at anytime afterwards.

war was never "romantic" though. world war 1 and world war 2 was the same shit too as today. except people didn't have a choice back then because of the draft. At the end of the day, if you go to war you're going to do bad shit. There's no way around it, even if you have good intentions.

So what? Doesn't change the fact you can't live on MGIB and go to college at the same time, which was the original intent. This is a change Obama made.

You're missing the point. There isn't a war. Never really was. It's just a police action. And most of it is a waste of time and/or unnecessary.

At the end of the day you'll still be far more prepared for the day of the rake if you do military instead of dishwashing.
Lifeskills like being able to scalp a leaf and his buck are worth it

>At the end of the day you'll still be far more prepared for the day of the rake if you do military instead of dishwashing.
No you won't. Typical day in the military is doing exercises that don't make you fit for an hour in the morning, hanging out until lunchtime, and then bitching about not going home early because command can't make up their minds about what the fuck they want to do. No real training happens anymore. This was the same in nearly all duty stations. I kept hoping the next one was the, "Real Army." Never happened. Doesn't exist.

I'm talking from experience as combat arms.

The military in the US has the function of effectively drafting the underclass into shitty undesirable jobs to die for corporations. Enjoy your right wing dystopia, Ameribro.

Replace corporations with corrupt politicians and yeah, pretty much. Though by corporations lobbying you're still not wrong.

This x100000000000000

Literally my everyday.

y donde he mencionado algo relacionado a supremacia blanca. Solo estaba comentando sobre su sistema de entrenamiento para oficiales q quieren sacar una carrera a traves del servicio militar.

Me parece q como todo argentino tienes el culo en la cara por eso no puedes verte al espejo y apreciar como un negro se tiro a tu vieja polentera. Avisame la proxima vez q Argentina sea relevante, ya pueden comprar carne de nuevo?

No me gusta el cliche pero, soy orgullozo de ser mestizo, con sangre india y negra y toda esa huevada.

Now speak in english, this is a merican board

post animations please

>joining the military for gibs
Literal nigger.

Pretty much this. at least the dish washer has dish washing skills, which isn't much but it's worth something if you plan on working in a restaurant. the other guy who spent his day in iraq doing nothing has nothing to show for it and won't be able to get a job there. plus people will hate him when he won't shut the fuck up about his ptsd since these people have to tell the whole world about it.

Sad truth of it is our military has been royally fucked over by PC culture. And worse they will screw you over at every turn if you're not a POC.

Do not join the military. I'm telling you as an ex-vet/ex-recruiter. Do not do it.

Eh, if you want to run around and shoot machine guns it's fun. I probably burned through a quarter million dollars worth of ammo being a 240 gunner for 4 years. Now my joints hurt though.

>Now my joints hurt though

not usa but shoulder back knees fucked

Yeah, probably not.

I got tricked into infantry. Went to Bosnia and Syria. Fuck recruiters for real, mine used to be a hard core salesman so it doesn't surprise me he has a silver tongue as well.

why does that door have no stepts to get inside? not that you cant get in, but there should still be steps.

This. And don't look at the benefits as Gibs. You are literally doing one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet and should take pride in it. You are doing an honorable deed and willing to risk your life whereas true gibs go to fat lazy niggers who don't do shit.

Me soldier
Me stronk
Me hav gun and uniform

1. Ranking and time served matter, you can always reenlist.
2. Get promoted to corporal and go down NCO path or other.
3. Spending your youth in the military is better than contracting diseases from roasties and sitting away literally rotting in a cubicke contributing nothing to society and dealing with dumb niggers all day until you eventually break and commit suicide or retire old and weak with no War stories or recognition.

You're missing the value of skills taught. Also serving your country.

Yes, I've had one tell me I can fake an injury in basic.

Hasta la vista, army.

I'm assuming you are either
1. An obese child
2. A bullied nobody
3. An out of shape IT guy that scares people
4. Fat NEET that lives at parents house playing video games
5. A failed nobody that frequently resorts to drug/alcohol abuse to deal with the harsh fact that nobody knows or likes you.


Where me fellow Sup Forumsac/k/s at?

anyone got any questions for a 2m0x3 in the AF?

This is something that cannot be overstated!

6. All of the above

How many women did you rape ?

It's a good experience that toughens you up, and you get valuable training that other people would pay to have. Why are you complaining? Just serve one contract, get your MGIB-SR NEET bucks, and get out if you don't like it.

The Reserves don't even have combat arms MOS's. So you complaining about "I don't wanna die" is retarded as well.

None. I was a medic.

I am not sure if you are shitposting or not, but if you are then whatever. If not, your countrymen would not have survived in Afghanistan without the US (Canadians used US helos, equipment, supplies, and lifesaving medical equipment).

>None. I was a medic.
lol this beta couldn't get his dick wet in a fucking warzone.
Did you know that your chances of getting gay raped increase 20x if you join the American Army ?

Also, Canada doesn't get involved in imperialism. we sent lyk the minimum amount of ppl and even they were support. We chilled that way

Kek you are so wrong its funny.
The national guard (reservists) get a shit ton more then any kind of marine. The only time you can get something decent from the marines is if you do officer training.

To be fair they can force you at anytime anyways, you'd just be a little higher on the queue if they ever need to force peope again

What if im getting a masters in computer science and considering going officer if it means cypto or cyber warfare shit?

Sure, worse pay than going to just work with the masters, but after being in military I imagine I could easily work in private sector defense / cyber sec world

Ask for ODS (officer direct school) and resist their bullshit about OCS.

Yep old school green berets were recalled in the first gulf war to train. There were news stories about high school gyms being recalled for TRADOC positions.

I honestly feel bad for NG/Reserve guys. Many were fucked during OIF and even now some employers discriminate against hiring them.

Okay you're just a fucking leaf got it.

>tfw free education up till any tier occupation one wishes

Of course we have higher taxes, but I choose this system over yours any day.

I'll keep in mind, I haven't started the masters just yet, I was considering two year ROTC, but may just take the student loan instead and pay it back.

That way I have the masters done and over, which i think I can do in one year or 1.5 without rotc.

*we actually get paid to attend school

Tfw $27 an hour, unlimited full medical, $4500 annual tuition assistance, GI Bill, discounts at most stores, free meme degrees from schools like Embry-Riddle, free gyms, paid vacations to exotic* places... the list goes on forever and I've only been in 4 years

Not sure though if AF or Navy is better for Cyber. I'd like my service to be related to CS but I know you cant really choose. They'd be stupid to not use my education though...but the military I know isnt known for not doing stupid things at times.

For navy that will likely put through OCS for URL/RL, maybe information ware fare. Get your masters and in the last year contact a recruiter for officer accession.

Have you considered NSA/CIA if you're really interested in CS? Apply on their site and not through USAjobs if you're serious. You need a relatively cleaner background than the .mil side though.

The trick about joining the armed forces is

1. Not be a fucking grunt
2. Not be a fucking fobbit

Airforce you're most likely stuck being a wrench monkey, albeit that pays really fucking sick on the civvie side for doing the same shit as you did in service.
Navy, you get to see the world I guess, being on carriers and destroyers is sick enough in it's own way, herding muhreens isn't though.
Army/Muhreen: lmao pray to your gods you don't end up as fucking grunts

>Have you considered NSA/CIA
I know I might be temporarily in lib states while in the military, but I figure a NSA/CIA gig would mean committing to living near DC more or less for much of my life, which I dislike greatly.

Sadly ruling out San Fran/NYC/Boston also, I just dont want to be developing my career and having family there.