Can I see some leftist memes where they try so hard to be funny, but fail miserably.
Liberal humor
Other urls found in this thread:
>picture of something you're not meant to like
>reference to something pictured person did or said, typically a deliberate misrepresentation
>essentially call him an asshat
the problem with liberal humour is that is that it almost always has a weak punchline, and it is about as subtle as a brick to the face
Not to be racist or anything, but Asian people. *Swallows entire visible universe"
They're pretty much all like this
Lol that pretty much sums it up. But, what do you expect from a group of people who have no imagination and their (((professor))) in college has to tell them how to think.
basically this, a perfect blend of snark, smugness, and ignorance
I went to the "Occupy Democrats" facebook page and immediately found this. Y'all's explanations are spot on. Liberal memes are never funny, they're always biting and passive aggressive.
In addition, they have some sort of bizarre celebrity worship fetish, as if George Fucking Takei has anything relevant to say.
>Oh sweetie summer child you don't know that you'll regret voting for drumpf soon enough.
So George Takei owns a gun...
Here's the original
kek. But the worst part about the one I posted is that he says "not mandated healthcare." Who the fuck wants mandated healthcare? Doesn't he mean universal or socialist or whatever they wanna call it?
Dude healthcare is a fucking con.
>don't use
>pay a ton
>pay more
I just don't know. The problem I have with Liberals is that they tell mistruths and lies whenever they try to argue that by the time I've wrapped my mind and prepared to counter, they've moved on to an equally disingenuous topic.
This is probably the best example I have.
Two important reasons their """memes""" aren't funny are that they're really really angry and that they're made not to provoke laughter but rather both as a way to vent and as propaganda.
On the other hand, we have lighthearted, self-reflecting humor that we make because we genuinely like humor and making our internet friendies laugh. We can even make self-deprecating humor, like with the Hilldawg memes in which Hillary cucked Trump.
They would never do such a thing. We can make memes in which our enemies are endearing characters, while their image macros are all like FUCK YOU STUPID FASCIST RACIST FUCK DIE PRICK I FUCKING HATE YOU UGHHHH.
They can't into self-reflecting, self-deprecating, lighthearted humor.
In short, we're nice, while they aren't.
What do you expect, to live the life of a liberal is to be a walking hypocrisy.
I never said anything about healthcare, friendo. I was talking about how gay asian man said "mandated healthcare" instead of "universal healthcare."
>this is cool and good
>this is extremely me
>haha owned
>garfield is incel
>shut up bitch
Yeah I know I'm just saying.
Basically this. A sad moment to realize, Sup Forums and Sup Forums, a place filled with degenerates, borderline pedos and petty assholes is a nicer place than most of the Liberals.
It's more than that. They don't realize the hypocrisy because they don't think critically. It's not even that most Liberals are stupid, they just accept the media immediately as a truth. The media cannot possibly be wrong and thus their arguments are built upon a foundation that is incorrect, but you can't even point that out without being called a truth-denier or conspiracy theorist.
Remove the "wow" and it would have been funnier, but lefties can't exist without exuding smugness.
What is even coming out of that nozzle?
This meme is basically Sup Forums. How is this liberal?
Leftists use humor to push their politics
Sup Forums uses politics to push their humor
FBI? I'm CIA. Uhh you don't get to bring friends.
the fuck I literally made this "meme" as a status on normiebook a few days ago, except all the people on my friends list know I'm a racist faggot and they are all racist faggots too
care to take a guess?
Mainstream media not allowed here, please leave.
I have a sneaking suspicion
Fuck I'm out of here.
Wut, we don't even do that lol
Say it with me:
>Sup Forums is always right
I'm pretty sure most people on pol would not waste their time saying "I'm not racist". A true denizen of pol would just call it like is if they saw a nigger acting niggerdly, a jew acting like a kike or a wetback acting like a spic.
This one is just as funny as your shitty memes
This one is confusing
This one isn't a joke, it's more of a talking point
This one is kinda funny but the extreme liberal opinion here puts a damper on it
I think overall what you guys are noticing is that really extreme liberal opinions change your perception of a joke that otherwise has promise
I believe that their humor isn't funny because it doesn't have an edge. Maybe it used to be funny to mock Bush back in 2004 because Republicans were the majority, but Liberals pretty much have a clamp on things which makes their humor unfunny because it's the establishment. Also with PC culture they're afraid to say anything funny because it might be offensive.
I didnt ask for this.
The people the left looks up to says more about them than anything else. Sup Forums memes usually quote philosophers, world leaders, authors, etc. Anyone the left quotes is always either an actor or a musician.
>hurr durr some actor on some low-budget TV show from 40 years ago says healthcare should be free and nobody should have guns, looks liek this argument is over Sup Forums btfo lololol
no one is making that argument. Why do Liberal love to make up things ?
I agree with you for the most part but hilldawg memes are ironic and not self deprecating
But wasn't it Republicans that mandated psych wards and mental hospitals meet improved standards literally every time? Or am I remembering this wrong? Also, most Republicans are all for getting the guns away from the insane, but they simply look for the least restrictive way to do so to preserve the rights of everyone else.
fuck this retard. GLAAD is also gay.
how about one where they aren't trying to be funny, but end up being hilarious?
Someone post the top 20 percent of blacks one. or the edit where they talk shit about Trump compared side by side with this one.
Sup Forums doesnt claim to be NOT racist
oh the irony
>not "sufficed"
this bothers me
what the fuck is this?
>TFW memes like this are the best globalist money can create
Some Leaf made this ironically.
>this is X
>he does Y
>X is doing a good thing
>be like X
>this is X
>he does Y
>Y is bad
>don't do Y
The difference is that Trump isn't an American President. He's a puppet.
Go away ObamaLeaf. I've already BTFO you today.
>Liberals have a clamp on things
You mean all three branches of government?
I'm racist but Dr.Dre is a fine nigger.
The mainstream meteor
>the same fake graphs over and over for months
> Obama changes the definition of unemployed and creates temp jobs while splitting full-time jobs into multiple part-time jobs
I wonder why they called his job creation fake.
> want people to be able to defend themselves and not be beholden to the government for healthcare
I wonder why they control all three branches.
I love how all these faggot award acronyms sound like someone choking on a cock.
Thats ObamaLeaf for you.
slovenia is not russia.
Yeah, that's why I mentioned ignorance
>15.8 million fast food jobs were added to the economy over a period of 6 years
deleted emails
>emilys cartoons
Globalists don't have to pay women anything.
Are these Joe Biden memes still a thing? A friend on kikebook was posting these a couple of months ago and cackling about them, seriously some of the cringiest shit I've ever seen.
I see them every time I go on faceberg
It's not funny because there is too many words for a punchline. A successful meme is a good joke and good jokes are always cut short.
The picture in question could do without the entire bottom text and a picture of a more racist white guy. It's not to say your viewers are too stupid to read, it's under the assumption that your viewers are smart enough to analyze the picture and text placed together to reach an ironic but humorous conclusion. Liberals are literally too stupid to do both and they come up with shit tier memes.
Can someone shoop out the top words, and just have a Sup Forums logo on the top?
That one is actually kind of funny
Liberals don't try to be funny.... they just try to say liberal political bullshit in a funny voice.
Liberals ARE a joke.
Some of the Hillpepe memes actually got the point of memeing but given how shit liberal memes are they probably made them by accident.
it's ironic
I don't think libtards post this kind of shit because it's actually funny to anyone. I think they post it and imagine the reactions that right-wingers will have to it and laugh because they've frustrated someone who's not on their side
>Got the point
Yeah. But were funny? No.
I'm all about taking the piss out of everyone, but the left are so shit at it.
>unflattering picture of Trump
>le drumpf racist
>no actual joke
>smug passive aggressive caption
that is not completely unfunny
I'm not racist but illegal Hispanics have to go back. They ruin are society and act and sometimes pretend to be niggers