only the maple man can save this. how can one leaf be so based?
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and for that reason I'm out
Fuck this liberal pretending to be blue to cash in on some kind of trump - style populism. Won't happen here
Fuck off.
>The Liberals are fucking up royally
>I know! Let's elect a guy who is almost the exact fucking same! I'm sure he'll do MUCH better!
Mad Max FTW.
Barbie CD Rom fraud failure American guy
Hell yeah, bruv.
Fuck off shill
>implying this globalist kike stands a chance against Mad Max
pic related, literally him shitposting memes on his official facebook page
Psshh, the Bogdanoff twins learned fluent french in 90 minutes
>seriously voting for sepratist maxime bernier of the Parti Quebecois
O'Leary wants to increase immigration even worse than Trudeau has.
Bernier's the only option.
So far, he seems to be the only one who knows the value of meme magic.
The only French I've seen him say was an attempt to say "C'est pas vrai, mon Français s'améliore à chaque jour", but it came out "C'est pauvre...". Fitting.
Dennis "I'm very liberal, I don't care if you want to marry a goat, I'm for it" O'leary is out.
It's time to retire the word "Based"
>seriously voting for a non-white anti-gun lebanese crypto-kike with a shitskin mother who wants to take away whatever few freedoms we still have and flood us with even more immigrants
He's literally a globalist shill.
>Pro unchecked refugee
>Lives in the US half time
>Potato dindu
>only accomplishment is half decent pizza
Maxime Bernier wants to abolish the CRTC so that foreign telecoms can come in and compete with bell rogers and telus, finally we'll have cheap plans with unlimited data, vote mad max you fucking cuck i live in the bush and mobile internet is all i got.
Hell, he's been on talk shows in Quebec where he speaks English the entire time and just give him French subtitles. He joined the leadership race late to avoid the majority of the bilingual debates and when a bilingual debate came up after he joined he didn't attend at all.
Nothing wrong with that. Québécois are not fucking leaves.
I will Never Ever vote for a Separatist and you are a KEK if you dare even THINK about voting for a Separatist
He's not a fucking seperatist.
He also wants to get rid of supply management so our dairy doesn't cost more than fucking gasoline. Unless you just want to purchase all your milk from China.
Then why did he join the PQ?
You're really going to choose a global potato dindu over daddy max
You're a cuck if you vote for a Lebanese liberal jew masquerading as an Irish Canadian. You might as well start enjoying your Abduls and Pajeets, because a vote for O'Leary is a vote for even more.
Because the provincial liberals are somehow worse than the PQ and there's no viable 3rd party? The only thing he worked on for them was their finances and he even voted against separation during the last referendum.
Stop being tsundere for Quebec fagget. We don't love you back.
>falling for divide and conquer kikery
The Quebecois are our greatest allies
There’s nothing new to say about his sovereigntist past, Conservative leadership candidate Maxime Bernier said Thursday, adding it’s a chapter he closed long ago but one he’s still “proud of”.
Chapter closed, he said it himself.
Why not kellie leitch?
A trust a conservative Quebecois more than I trust a liberal jew.
>proud of being a separatist
When will you kikes learn?
Globalist kike kys.
And yet he still wants 250,000 'skilled workers' a year, which is just code word for curryniggers with garbage degrees and flips.
Is this real?
have you heard her talk?
Unelectable, very little substance to her platform. The only thing she keeps talking about is immigration, but Bernier's is still better.
You canuck conservatives are pathetic. Trudeau is literally your Obama. You're fucked so long as he wishes to rule.
It's made him who he is today. Why not be proud of the past if he's content with where he is now?
Just cuz you were a pot addicted stoner high school kid in 10th grade doesn't mean you should feel shamed for the rest of your life. Sort yourself out and move on.
250,000 isn't ideal, but it literally cuts in half the amount of immigrants we're already taking, he wants to cut down immigration more than any other candidate.
At least when cut down to 250,000, that means that whites can finally reproduce and replace themselves with more whites faster than non-whites can reproduce and replace themselves with more non-whites. It's a good start.
Harper was actually a member of the "Young Liberals" back when he still lived in Toronto.
Yes. and he's leading the race along with having the largest amount of individual donations
and Trump was a democrat, dont vote for the lebanese globalist at the very least alright canadabro?
His social-media game is pretty tight. Check this one out.
bernier thinks kelly's idea is stupid and there needs to be more than a written test. probably multiple choice
She wants to test people who are just visiting the country. That would kill our tourism industry.
you guys do realize this guy only cares about money and nothing else?
Bernier shills are going to DESTROY this country because they got fooled into voting for a fucking SEPARATIST
He wants to decentralize power. That benefits all provinces.
Quebec can fuck right off tbhwy
Well memed lad
>Conservative MP from Quebec
Is this an oxymoron or something?
I know for a fact that Quebec is the most socialist province in Leafland.
O'Leary shills are going to DESTROY this country because they got fooled into voting for an ANTI-GUN, PRO-IMMIGRATION JEW. O'Leary's more liberal than Cuckdeau for fuck sake.
I get no sense that he's currently a separatist. He's even traveling to the territories to talk and hear them out.
He's more libertarian than conservative. His nicknames in Parliament are "Mad Max" and "The Albertan from Quebec".
Of the candidates who currently hold a seat, he had the highest vote percentage in the 2015 election (almost 60%). The only other candidates who are above 50% are Blaney (Also in Quebec) and Chong (Red Tory from BC whose platform is carbon tax and identity politics).
and the most nationalist, unlike you multicultural cucks.
I'm assuming you're Quebecois? Since a Quebec separation would mostly fuck over Quebec and not the rest of Canada. I love Quebec I don't want it to separate either, but if you're so concerned about this, why not talk with the people running his campaign about your concerns? You can legit call them up and ask questions about his policies.
>and the most nationalist
That's Newfoundland, actually. Quebec's pretty close to Newfie level nationalism (barring montreal and nunavik)
Québec is an odd bunch. Lots of french nationalists who hate muslims. pretty based. but they do get some stupid laws.
The weather is terrible, the jobs suck, the whole damn country is being flooded with immigrants for crying out loud, how is anyone supposed to get ahead when there's so much debt and no jobs?
And for that reason, I'm out.
>The Albertan from Quebec
Oh boy
Oh boy
Move a bit futher north.
Or get cucked and do what (((they))) want
He's not socialist, though. He wants to dismantle as much of the federal government as possible so that the individual provinces can govern themselves.
>Leader Tier:
Maxime Bernier
Andrew Scheer
>Decent Tier
Andrew Saxton
Erin O'Toole
Steven Blaney
>Canadian Values Tier
Kellie Leitch
Chris Alexander
Lisa Raitt
>Jeb Tier:
Brad Trost
Pierre Lemieux
>Literally Who Tier
Rick Peterson
>Liberal Tier
Michael Chong
Deepak Obhrai
>Merchant Tier
Kevin O'Leary
Québec nazi's are real.
Could you elaborate more on this? I'm curious as to why you might think this. If there's something I don't know I want more info on it.
The guy's a prick and i'm pretty sure (((they))) are his puppet master.
Newfoundland is like the finland of canada. No one remembers they're there. Inbred. Odd in every way.
What's his immigration (refugee) policy?
>Currently have a seat (In order of % vote achieved in 2015)
Maxime Bernier
Steven Blaney
Michael Chong
Deepak Obhrai
Kellie Leitch
Lisa Raitt
Erin O'Toole
Brad Trost
Everyone else except Kevin has either been an MP previous or was at least involved in politics beyond commentary on the CBC.
Erin O'Toole is the only one worth voting for
Extreme vetting
Proudest people in the country, but they're not proud of Canada, they're proud of Newfoundland. You'll rarely find Newfies who call themselves Canadian before they call themselves Newfoundlanders and their most beloved Premiere in recent memory was a nationalist who took down the fucking Canadian flags and raised the original Newfoundland flag regularly.
He wants to cut immigration in half.
kek, this man needs to be memed into office.
really makes you think
was a Newfie nationalist***
There you go. This is your chance, leaf.
Save your father(land).
Those Newfies seems like a respectable bunch.
>Andrew Scheer
Seems cool enough, after reading some of his policy page.
He's doing a good job of it
Newfies are really swallowing the Bernier pill even though they hate the French desu. Part of the reason Newfoundland's so poor is because clueless conservatives and liberals fucked it in the ass ever since they confederated with Canada in 1949 and then here comes Bernier with policies that will finally let Newfoundland make its own decisions.
Multiculturalism is cancer. Save us and bring back the lumberjack and tim hortons stereotype to canada
He's my second pick.
Reminder to you as well as everyone in the thread that you have until March 28th to get your conservative membership in order to be elligible to vote on the CPC leadership elections on may 27th. You need to be 14 years of age or older, so all you underagers can help shape our future too.