When will there be peace in the world? Let us all forget violence and hatred, One World Government When???
When will there be peace in the world? Let us all forget violence and hatred, One World Government When???
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No thanks,wars are a way were either the greatest faggotry or decisions are decided...I don't like globalism either,I want my own people to stay together and whatever fucker comes in he's welcome as long as he becomes one of us and actually supports us...that and am also tired of uncontrolled immigration here
Soon I hope. Europe has the right idea opening its frontier and embracing diversity. Ignorance breed hatred.
So you're saying that from then on, all wars will be civil?
With Jakob Rothschild as president.
Praise NWO
why they killed Bashir in 83?
When shitskins and their bestial behavior is banished from the Earth once and for all. Evolution is bequeathed in the blood of the failed
I had an epiphany tonight
man has no concept of peace
>One World Government When???
>No thanks
Well there is the problem user, a one world government means submission from all governments to create this one world government
I guess the only way to create a one world government is by collapsing all countries economies and creating a big war...
When political junkies fail to understand the mechanics of natural selection
So you want all the war in one lump sum payment basically?
when robots take over
>One World Government When???
First some backstory:
Holy Roman Empire=Nazigermany=EU
HRE is currently controlled by babylonian satanist kikes while babylon was probably conquered by trump for the holy roman empire/nazis.
CIA was founded by nazis and probably still is at its core, even though, like everything else, heavily corrupted.
The nazi-cell in the CIA hacked the DNC and let it seem like it was russia (as recently proven possible by the vault 7 leaks) (giving them in the CIA some protection, and since people dont buy the "the russians were it" narrative drawing people away from clinton). The content of the DNC leak then draw even more peopl away from hillary.
After this was done the same part of the CIA doing the hacking leaked the information to wikileaks (maybe even sooner) which published it (weirdly shortly after Trump draw the spying issue more into the spotlight after claiming he was wiretapped) which now gives Trump the opportunity to clear out the CIA from the corrupt elements without looking like he is just going after political opponents.
Now about the One World Government
The EU will most probably soon "collapse" seemingly to then be overtaken by a new force in one go, which will be the same people basically, only this time calling them selves differently, probably calling them similar to the holy roman empire once again making the connection obvious. However the HRE will join the "beast" that comes out of the sea, the beast being the one world government/nwo coming from out of the sea, probably meaning from over the sea, from america/USA/modern Babylon
And when this happens you better start praying because the bible will have another accurate prophecy and the end is near, and it will be your last chance for redemption
>lost 2 world wars
>not intentionally draw back to antarctica to wait for the ideology to spread to take over the world peacefully through an ideology when the time is right instead of through force
Is this the ideology spreading and it being the right time?
its not time yet. but if you dont see the pendelum swinging back currently you are blind. trump wouldnt have won if people wouldnt be waking up and start seeing the corruption and subversion
/thread desu
You'd also have to be blind not to recognize that Germans are a naturally destructive people.
The pendulum won't swing back in a meaningful way to save Germany or for that matter France there's no time.
The Sith will rule the galaxy once more. And we shall....have.....peace.
fucking never
Luther ? Seriously ?
In what way did a monk that dismantled everything wrong in the catholic church at that moment of history, be destructive ?
>pic related
>Peasant wars are good
Texas flag wannabes
Of course peasant wars are good !
They are the founding grounds of every dream come true
"The harder it is to find someone and punch them in the nose, the more likely they are to fuck you over"