Armenian genocide is fake. I heard the TYTs had a rollercoaster where they launched armenians into the sea.
they say the armenian genocide never happened but it should have, absolutely disgusting
I loathe Steven Crowder, but this was pretty good
nice desu
kek look at the crowd
>loathing someone who is helping bring generation Z to our side
Not really funny.
How does Crowder manage to make himself look so pathetic? Is it because Joe Rogan bullied the last remaining shred of masculinity away from him?
>I loathe Steven Crowder
hey cenk
>chunk ogre telling chunk ogre that chunk ogre is dying in front of this tiny crowd of disinterested people
That was really cringey on both sides
How much of a beta cuck do you have to be to actually like Crowder?
Hes a basic bitch "conservative" who is too cowardly to name the Jew or stand against mass immigration for what it is. Hes such an alt lite faggot that he actually uses the "the left are the real fascists" argument. Its pathetic.
when does he say that
Don't know a lot about him, but Crowder seems like your standard Republican that supports Israel. Am I wrong?
you're not wrong. He supported Ted Cruz throughout the primaries and is as normie of a Conservacuck as you can get.
What is Cenk doing that is bad here? I've seen him sperg out about Islam before, but he's doing the right thing here and just ignoring the retard.
Crowder has done this shtick like 6 times now. It was good maybe the first two times.
Crowder is complete and utter cunt. At least Cenk is unintentionally funny sometimes
This is fucking hilarious. I don't think the point was politics, just trolling Cenk's tiny audience.
Steven "Another 6 million wouldn't be enough" Crowder is further to the right than Ben Garrison.
And what physical achievements have you made against the left in the last week?
desu Cenk is just always cringey
>People over age 13 thought this was funny
My country is fucking retarded.
>address none of my points
>throw out some random ad hominem
At least I didn't make myself look retarded by repeating the same 3 jokes over and over.
It was no Cenk/Jones showdown
>"You know what that is, Steve? That's the sound of silence, man."
>auditorium is 90% empty
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. That is one super-low-energy conference, god damn. Crowder's appearance was probably the highlight of this boring presentation.
Jesus this was cringe
I would have shot him and said it was self defense
"Armenian genocide"
Pretty effective there
Well that was hard to watch
>lolbertarians are now bullying you
Man, the left has not had a good few years.
This is stupid
Honestly, this was pretty lame. Crowder could of actually tried to be a bit funny or something
He's Canadian, user.
you are the fucking retards ruining Sup Forums
That makes a lot more sense
Steven Crowder is a failed comedian who adopted a right wing ideologue persona to gather an audience of anime Nazis and frogs online. There's very few funny right wing personas so it's very easy to get into that scene, even if you're not that funny.
He talks about the armenian genocide being fake all of the time
It's starting to become trendy to be an edgy conservative in the hipster circles now. They like to brag about how the post shit on /po/ to their friends at parties
It makes me sad, like that whole thing was cringe worthy.
>Steven Crowder is a failed comedian who adopted a right wing ideologue persona to gather an audience of anime Nazis and frogs online.
He rejects the nazi frogs tho. Gavin buttplug Mccnnes is too edgy for him. What he desperately wants is the Milo crowd, and in the back of his head now that Milo's been dethroned this stunt was probably an attempt to get there by seeming edgy and subversive. Instead, he's just a corny Canadian lolbertarian.
>A cuck cucks a cuck
Shoah memes
>big fan even though your audience is dwindling
Only funny part.
I hate crowder and uyger so much. crowder a little more. these fucks are just so insufferably full of themselves.
Crowder is basically a Jewish Ben Shapiro
and this is the ben shapiro show
Even Cenk knows Alex Jones did it better
I think it's pretty funny. Neoliberalism is dying and so are the Young Turks, meanwhile Crowder has alienated the "cool crowd". They're going to be selling used cars in 10 years.
Gavin McGuinness is the same story. Failed comedian adopts a right wing """"EDGY"""" persona. Says """""EDGY""""" shit and gets a bunch of teenage boys riding his dick.
>almost every seat is empty
>big fan even if your audience is dwindling
top kek
cenk has a genocide lodged up his ass
I love it!
It was good but he dragged it on to long and didn't have enough material.
this was just awkward.
cenk was just sitting there and he was taking it so lightly that it was straight up bullying.
TYT has been turned into nothing after the election, and its time to let them fade into dust and focus on other things.
Cringe. Alex jones did it better
HA HA HA HA LOL OLOLOLO THIS GUY lol has become a complete joke from what they were 4 years ago i mean what a sham lol good job steven crowder gg :)
maybe but he didn't get escorted out as quickly
>could of
And you could have actually learned English
probably thought he would get kicked out faster
>Crowder and Rogan shoot the shit for an hour, agree on a lot
>Rogan presses Crowder on pot
>In said its a non issue, but I have problems with DUI pot
>Autistic arguing over the degree SC cared about pot
>Autistic arguing over JR's debate tactics
>Autistic arguing on the issue itself : my study vs your study
>They ended the pod shooting the shit and in general agreement
A lot of things about him suddenly make sense
you have to go back
Why was anyone even filming a Cenk Uygur panel?
People actually want to watch what Cenk says on a shitty camera?
but the left are the real fascists. Also stop being so obsessed with jews, faggot.
Just by watching the last 30 min of his interview with joe rogan made me hate the guy. He screams of spoiled daddys boy with a big mouth and a narcissistic ego the size of a bus
It was awesome watching Crowder be totally cucked by rogan. By the end crowder was basically crying about how rogan called him names demeaning his masculinity. news flash, if you're so butthurt about it that you have to point it out you're just showing your not masculine at all, but a little boy.
It doesn't matter whether they are or "Dems are the real racists" is true. You're not going to beat the left by pointing out their hypocrisy. If it were that easy, we wouldn't be where we are today.
Anyway, I don't hate Crowder. But he is at the very least, a semi-cuck.
Crowder is a manchild egomaniac. I'm glad rogan called him those names and called him out on his bs. It is showbiz after all so rogan probably knew he had to make peace. I don't know why anyone would want to be friends with Crowder. The guy is a fucking retard, the kind I just want to punch out the longer I have to hear him speak and constantly interrupt people.
Constantly interrupting people IS disrespect.
That was pretty good
Not bad. Crowder puts in the effort, and sometimes it pays off.