Black Lives Matter

Whatever happened to BLM?

They used to be all over the news defending dindus and blocking traffic, but lately, it's been happening less and less. Why do you think this is, Sup Forums?
Is it a merely a (((coincidence))), or is hating Trump simply the new fad liberals have latched onto?

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Soros cut their funding after realizing they were a failed meme.

It's amazing how much calmer things get when you don't give aid to asshole anti-white leftists.

Niggers stay in during the winter. Wait till summer the bullshit will start up again.

The shock from trumps victory had redirected left wing focus any from BLM for good.

It is every bit a flash in the pan as occupy was.

BLM will exist henceforth only as an establishment co-opt such as "occupydemocrats"

They were only funded until the election to drum up outrage and get blacks to vote for a candidate they weren't terribly excited about. Now that the show is over for a few more years it's time to spend money elsewhere until the democrats need them again.

BLM is the one thing that "woke" white people up. (Honestly, no pun intended)

BLM telling everyone they were privileged in order to silence the one group that has fronted the bill for the globe for all of history was too far. Screaming they wanted dead cops was the end of the left.

The decline of leftist ideals began the day Trayvon became famous. And when they began rioting over Mike Brown was the final nail in the coffin.

BLM, even more than feminism created Trump.

The leftist elites know this. So they no longer fund this garbage. It cost them the election of the president,the senate and probably all media and political power for at least two decades.

Til:dr. Niggers ruined everything the left had planned.

BLM wasn't enough to help Shillary win the election, so Soros stopped funding them.

...what, you think those coons traveled to rallies all over the country using their OWN money???

I don't blame niggers. The liberals ruined them with BET and rap music.

They may not have the potential for greatness, but I would've been fine with them if they stuck to playing jazz music in tuxedos.

holy fuck that pic is cornier than an Iowa State Fair porta potty

They ran out of bus fair

Anyone have any articles showing that Soros ended funding to BLM? I searched but couldnt find anything

Soros is funding antifa now. Figure maybe someone will care if it's white people rioting

i agree.

But whatever BLM is and regardless of how it was created, it was the thing that killed the left.

They may be waiting in the shadows for Organizing for Action.
> Obama's bitches

It's called election year, that shit only happens in USA btw

Yeah, and?

>you'll never see a group of earnest young smiling children with nothing but respect for authority.

police shooting unarmed black men was an election issue. u don't hear about them anymore because the election is over and politicians won't gain or lose from talking about them. not saying i agree with BLM, but that's the truth

Its this , this will be the second winter they went in to hibernation

All the white liberal race traitors that gave them legitimacy are now "resisting" Trump.

In short much like niggers father's they used them and left them.

They ask moved to hating Trump now.

And antifa is pissing people right the fuck off. If BLM hadn't killed the left, antifa ought to deliver the deathblow. I know a married lesbian couple who HATE Milo, yet they were disgusted over what happened at Berkeley.

Soros is going to continue to fund grups that:

1) Piss people right the fuck off and push for whites to reestablish white identity.

2) Are seriously lacking in a necessary ability when it comes to violent action. (BLM - organization, antifa - few guns and not really fighters, etc...)

3) Have untenable and annoying goals.

Why hasn't anyone killed Soros yet? I mean seriously... Why hasn't the GRU killed him and his fag son?

Why haven't YOU done it, user?

You can't just sit around waiting for other people to do stuff. If you want to change the world, get off your ass and do it.

I mean this sincerely and with the utmost encouragement. Be the hero that we need.

>I don't want to get in trouble or work too hard... You do it
Repeat ad infinitum

what do you think of zerohedge as a source?

Saw this white cuck loser driving a golf with a huge BLM bumper sticker and decal.

While pulling out of the bar me and my boys kept yelling at him calling him a fucking white male to show dominance.

He sped away so fast he almost took out a couple crossing the street.

niggers don't like cold. so expect this summer to be cozy as fuck

Most people - including liberals - don't actually want to do shit. That's why these {{{movements}}} disappear completely as soon as the funding stops.

More niggers need to be shot, I guess

Its cold outside OP trust me. Shootings and shit dont peak until the summer. Last summer was happening each week. Chicago niggers are inside even though its been unusually warm but still. Its not summer and people aren't behaving like its summer. Example: large groups of people arent gathering outside talking about the topics of the week and such they might be inside or on FB but the gatherings outside during the summer create the real mob mentality. Its coming literally just wait until it warms up.

Most of them figured out black lives don't matter.

this, they're just like insects

>(((BLM))) loses 6m members
>(((Antifa))) have 6m new members
>Soros' outgoings are exactly the same

Isn't it obvious? It's just pure coincidence.

I mean some BLM started killing cops ambush style during several protests. Once bullets start flying people tend to distance themselves from it.

is Soros behind the scenes /ourguy/?

is he a true puppet master?

Ive got too much tonlive for. Plus im sure he's protected.

Why cant one of you church shooter autists do it instead of going into a church?

It's true, animals go into hibernation when it's winter, humans don't because we have to work in that cold