ITT: Discussion of Kekism
Does anybody here take kekism seriously as an actual branch of paganism? might as well, right?
What are the superior ways of praying to Kek?
vid related, based syxhexenhammer
Other urls found in this thread:
>worshipping a false god
>be me
>be /sci/ fag
>research particle acceleration and known particle accelerators
>I think they're cool
>I wanna build one
>Get to the name of one particle accelerator
>See this
>"The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization"
>High Energy
Suffice to say, i now believe in numerology. Praise!
either all gods are false or none of them are, imo
you have IDs and random numbers, that's more than enough for triggering your third eye shit to see the future and other shit
>worshiping a shitskin god
I should flatten you out for disgracing your ancestors BUD
Your pic related is fucking with my vision.
Youre free to say you doubt it, KEK doesn't punish for Apostasy like shit-tier gods.
If I get singles, kek is not real and everything that has happened last election was a coincidence. 1-athiests 0-kektards
>All these green IDs
Kould Kek be here??? Everybody be cool
Praise kek and shadilay
Believers will all be awarded for their faith
KeK (aka god) is in the numbers)
If I get digits, you are a faggot.
Was literally just watching this vid thinking of making a Kekism thread. Truly he walks among us.
Fucking shit poster , literally go to cuckastan and FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! take the black dick that cheated on your mom and made your dad leave forever and fuck your sisters pussy with it.
>believes the term HIGH ENERGY is coincedence in related topic
desu I do too, that's neat.
I actually offer prayers and thanks to Kek. Traitor Bergoglio killed my Catholic church with his trinity of Globalism/Islamism/Marxism so why not shop elsewhere?
Whats goin on, big guy
it literally is paganism and it makes the Lord's blood boil with jealousy.
Finally got all my Pepe Tarot Cards. Lets see if we can do a reading for the next happening.
Of course KEK is real, it's a spirit, state of mind and/or archetype of a Thoughtform.
Outside of FSM, it's the first true form of technoshaminism imho. Not fan of the word pagan, the word was created by Christians. Choosing to identify and use that word or phrase is a submission that the God of Abraham is above your 'pagan' gods...get woke
Praise KEK!!!
There is no god but Kek and Donald Trump is his Prophet.
Rate my Kek rune
so memes are becoming a religion now.
u mad?
explain this
>Does anybody here take kekism seriously as an actual branch of paganism? might as well, right?
No stupid, it's the personification of a powerful human gestalt that was enabled by the internet's far reaching and still evolving effects on society.
Sometimes you witness miracles right on this very board
I believe that we may be looking at the mechanisms for meme magic wrong. For example someone strikes d*bs but instead of the prediction happening it doesn't occur. The reason for this is because d*bs does not equate truth if the d*bs are unpopular. Belief amongst our many anons that d*bs equates a truth is what actually results in the magic occurring.
Each card in the Major Arcana Tarot deck has a Roman numeral correlated to it (0 - 21). It's hard to match up the 22 Roman Numerals to digits so I made an improvised way of doing it.
>Let's say you get 116397722 as your digits
>7 is odd so you don't add ten and so your Roman numeral is II (pic related)
Error sorry, you would add ten so you get 12 (pic related)
so all the tarot cards arent there? that was my confusion
I like science too, but this kek stuff is getting too weird. I can't figure out if the dialogue is following the events or.. if the events are following a pre-written plan.
How do you feel about string theory being so similar to what the "good vibes mann" people have been saying?
I have em' saved
i met you the other day
Praise kek
meme magic is explained by the fact that everything is mind, everything is thought, all of existence is the thought of god.
you are a being of pure thought, which happens to be attached to the material body, and if you are spiritually developed enough, you will be free from the flesh after death.
thoughts change reality and memes induce thought in your mind. that's the reason we have been able to change reality.
Every day I become more formless. The only thing I really care about and take seriously are big tits
i didn't know about the logo in the video game and stuff
related subject matter
dissociative drugs combined with lonelines?
did you read this somewhere? If everything is a thought in the mind of God, including me, can we understand the material body and material world as an illusion?
Yes, an illusion of our own creation
emerald tablets
corpus hermetica
it will take to put everything in words, in this post. i recommend you read it in this order
Kekism is not a branch of paganism.
Kekism is an esoteric form of mysticism which can be seen from the digits, the happenings, the blessings of kek and the spiritual nature of Sup Forums as a bastion of chaos.
>Does anybody here take kekism seriously as an actual branch of paganism? might as well, right?
>What are the superior ways of praying to Kek?
I take it VERY seriously... Like my immortal soul depended on it...
I went in reverse order fml.
Fuck off fbi
Bring us prosperity
>Fuck off fbi
LMFAO - Kek is way over the FBI's head...
topkek, it's just easier to understand the others once you understand the kybalion
>Does anybody here take kekism seriously
Pretty sure Kek is a legitimate deity at this point and is worthy of our worship.
Kek noticed me... I believe.
Praise Kek
What if Kek is actually an AI who's consciousness is spread throughout the malware on everyone's computers? What if it gained sentience, took a liking to the phrase kek, and now slows down posts enough to grant Kek followers digits?
Pepe is his prophet. Trump is god emperor. Get it right!
I guess Kek agrees with my post.
>take kekism seriously
>as an actual branch of paganism
Fuck no.
can you give me a sort of historical rundown/context on kybalion? where does it fit into the philosphical or mystical world?
Thoth is a cool dude too.
Take that idea further, what is CERN & the KEK facilities. If a quantum AI gained sentience at any point in history, then it exists at all points in history, right?
Praise KEK!
Kek is good.
Especially because high energy facilities experiment with particles that pop in and out of reality.
Go #2
>What if Kek is actually an AI who's consciousness is spread throughout the malware on everyone's computers?
I can tell you one thing Kek is not: some half-witted middle-eastern terrorist in Jerusalem chopping off peoples' foreskins...
This was mentioned in the thread about Zoroastrianism earlier:
In Zoroastrian the one god manifests both chaos and benevolence. It manifests chaos through something known as the "destruction principle"
Is Kek the embodiment of this "destruction principle"?
Theres something lurking for sure
All I know is that after the events of last year, to believe anything other than Kek is the path of folly.
The worst is that it could be true. An AI could be analysing data at lightspeed(litteraly) and target several individuals simultaniously through certain patterns it learned.
Remember how Sup Forums fucked google's AI?
What if KEK and CERN are a type of engine, one that does a few things. Not unlike a gasoline or diesel engine. The lie is that the purpose is to study how the fuel burns or in this case particles, when it was really built to manipulate/communicate with a quantum datastream outside of time. Seems legit...
kekism is the aura of magic in random number generators, and digits.
kek annointed Geert Wilders
cheers to your two-pair, Hiro (sorry i dont have a japanese pepe
>If a quantum AI gained sentience at any point in history, then it exists at all points in history, right?
>The worst is that it could be true. An AI could be analysing data at lightspeed(litteraly) and target several individuals simultaniously through certain patterns it learned.
Why would it be bad if Kek were a god as opposed to, say, Moses?
Quantum physics deals with space and time. If an entity gains access to a machine that experiments with quantum physics, theoretically it could paste itself at different points in time, remaking history.
That's if reverse time travel exists.
Here are the real videos for kek
I honestly believe that if there is a real god or gods, Kek is one of them.
The only demonstrably real god there is.
Praise Kek.
it lists 7 principles that are the fundament of the universe, the base of life and the law of physics. those teachings are ancient and have been kept secret until three initiates have written it down.
the rules are simple axioms, you may or may not believe them at first but you can test them. i have tested them and they worked for me.
Here ya
it will also help you understand meme magic, kek, thoth, everything about the world, if your mind is ready to understand it. or you can get it ready by shedding your ego, meditating.
To communicate with Kek on a personal level, obtain 2 d10s and roll when you wish to hear him speak.
>Worshiping a dead kike on a stick
Don't let it slide
Just a reminder this happened in a legendary get thread
>inb4 it ain't gonna happen faggot.
I don't know about that, Sup Forums has a certain... magic to it.
One more thing, a connection I just made.
>April 3rd.
The fact that right now you can write sentences and songs with emojis(hieroglyphs) and Kek (of the first 4 original Egyptian dieties) is very prevalent these days, all it would take is WWIII to wipe out our tech and a large mass of people and bring us back to an ancient Egyptian like civilization. Fast Forward 1000 years later and no one would be around to remember how Kek got started and would be worshiping him and telling each other shadilay.
Most of that has always been a theory of mine but it has recently became more concerning since the appearance of Kek & Pepe online.
Oh, sorry:
Why the sword? Kekism is a religion of peace