
It's already starting, Salon is openly shilling for Zuckerberg 2020

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Mark Zuckerberg would have been a much better choice than Trump. We would be breaking down walls not building them. He will win easily in 2020 though

I like the video where he sweats and tries to explain the weird crap on his jacket

did Zuckerberg just buy a controlling interest in salon?

Even Cracked is against it.


>lol let's elect irl Lex Luthor

I hope Zuckerberg is a strongman caesar type and kills all the leftists. Moldbug tier or something

> unlikable prick
> dem nominee

checks out

Zuckerberg has absolutely no charisma at all and always appears nervous and fidgety. There's no way he would win.

He would manipulate the conversation on facebook.

I hope he doesn't run, for his own sake.

It'd be embarrassing and Trump would make history with how badly he'd beat him.


> Silicon Valley Douchebag
> The 4th Duke of Entitlement


> blackmail every frat-bro in the western hemisphere
> blackmail all political appointees
> etc

only way tho

I don't believe in an Illuminati but if it's real, Zuckerberg embodies it.

he would get stomped worse than jeb


Except building that wall around his own property in Hawai'i and pissing off all the indigenous residents...
Yeah fuck this haole

Why can't gen y faggots just die.

Didn't (((zuckerberg))) come out and say he doesn't want to run for president?

Zuckerberg is literally who journos that don't understand normal people think normal people admire.

> 2020
> zuck/sandberg or some bullshit sweeps the electoral college

> 2024
> you can literally vote from Facebook
> all election news is siloed based on hidden newsfeed algorithms derived from NSA metadata
> special prosecutor hired to investigate pedophilia on SnapChat
> *litigation intensifies*

Psh.. nothin personnel...

I voted for Bernie in the primaries. I voted independent in the election.
If the Dems nominated this crony I would fucking vote for Trump. Fuck the dems and their cucked establishment leaders.

>and Trump would make history with how badly he'd beat him.
That'd be one hell of a feat after Jeb and Hillary "99% chance to hit" Clinton's rapes.

This is literally fake news

If you haven't figured out that the Democratic Party embodies corruption by this point I'm not sure what to tell you.

>Zuckerberg 2020


wait, never mind, thiel wasn't born in the us.

"Thiel" is a weird way to spell "Paul".

Jeb! is one for the ages lmao.

Clinton will be remembered as one of the worst candidates for POTUS in our countries history. Beating her won't be remembered as the feat it was.

Trump might be a bombastic loudmouth but at least he's a people person. Zuckerbergstien is an autistic amoral nerd who struggles to do TV interviews and doesn't understand why asking the Chinese President to give your baby an honorary Chinese name is both painfully transparent and a massive faux pas.

I would unironically vote for Zuck. Scientific illiteracy and tea-party teir Christianity (normal Christians are based) is a plague on American politics. An engineer, even one as awkward as Zuckerberg, is necessary now. You fags voted for Trump because he's a billionaire, even though he simply inherited his money and is probably not nearly as rich as he says he is. What's wrong with voting for Zuck?

>Inb4 Facebook
Doesn't matter. The NSA already has full access to Facebook.

start memeing now.

They're wasting all their energy making an effort now, not in 2018 let alone 2020. But the Democrats need an appealing dark horse, and Zuck could be their Trump.

How many sheckels are they paying you? Faggots.

Never correct your enemy when he's making a mistake.

>Scientifically illiteracy and tea party teir Christianity [...] is a plague

Maybe you should work on normal literacy before you start talking about scientific literacy.

Zuckerberg is the globalist establishment incarnate.



The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

> youtube.com/watch?v=lfgIOlDRZSw

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>it's 2020
>Zuckerberg has just won the Democrat Primaries, having faced off against fucking Kanye, for some reason Hillary AGAIN, and Chelsea Clinton
>it's the first presidential debate
>as the show begins, Trump is nowhere to be seen
>anxious viewers across the country check his twitter (by this point it's owned by the Trump Organization and is merged with whitehouse.gov) for updates on where he is
>there's just a photo of him eating KFC inside his plane, the tweet reads "Everything has gone so well since I sued KFC! Losers they were, Winners now! High Energy!"
>Zuckerberg looks nervous, he visibly starts twitching every time someone says his name
>the crowd is in hysterics, 50c will do anything
>he decides to take the initiative and slander Trump for 30 minutes
>half an hour later Megyn, at this point wearing a burqa (nobody knows if it's ironic or not and nobody wishes the lawsuit to find out) announces Trump is finally here
>5 men in black suits come in first
>followed by 2 men dragging a limp, lifeless man with a bag over his head
>another two men, again in black suits but this time with hard hats, come to Trump's podium to assemble a wooden mounting rig
>everyone is audibly confused, surely Trump wouldn't succumb to the low energy of Earth's Gravity?
>the figure is mounted up on top
>one of the men in black comes over, reaches for the bag, and takes it off
>it reveals a computer screen
>with nobody else but Julian Assange on it
>Zuckerberg wets himself and starts booing, nobody else follows through
>he reaches into his pocket and throws a few $100 bills, everyone starts screaming for Assange's head
>Assange picks up a piece of paper and starts reading from it
>ZUCK: yea so if you ever need info about anyone at harvard
>ZUCK: just ask
>ZUCK: i have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, sns
>FRIEND: what!? how’d you manage that one?
>ZUCK: people just submitted it
>ZUCK: they “trust me”
>ZUCK: dumb fucks
>ahead of schedule
>under budget

Why does he have tape on his mic jack?

Trump took a million dollars a made himself a household name in America.

You're in denial.

I'm typing on a phone. Fuck off.

let's play a game. can you spot the chinese shills in this thread?

we'll be taking away the only weapon he has when we execute mr. obama and mrs. clinton for the brainwashing they engaged in.
he might have second thoughts when we put the future hyper-psychopaths on notice that the next time middle america has to rouse from its slumber to fire employees that we'll execute their entire gene line in front of them before we put them down, too.
also, he doesn't have the people on his side. not when they find out he's going to be executed for the same crime: the willing subversion of the will of the american people .

our electric chairs are going to be very busy for the next few years.

They're better off trying michelle obama, no one really likes zuck.

Writing "is" instead of "are" is not a typo.

He's going to get annihilated lmao.

lol that autistic fag would literally pee himself in a national debate once Trump started yelling at him.

Salon is always good for the most retarded, plebian 'opinion' humanly imaginable.

>Household name
Prior to the election, I'd forget he existed until i see his name plastered on some tacky building.

Retards are a far greater threat to humanity than globalists.

If someone asks you "do you know who Donald Trump is. Could you point him out to me in a small crowd?" and your answer is yes...then he is a household name sweetie. :)

>vote for me or I post all those nudes you sent through Facebook messenger

How can we make sure he's the Dem nominee Sup Forums? How do we make this happen?

That's literally /ourguy/ tier desu

Zuckerburg is a fucking tool.

Facebook was funded by InQTel, DARPA's investment firm, back when they found out that Myspace was getting really popular, and they decided to make a new CIA Myspace.

I'm not even joking.


True but i don't think journos in touch with admire

I throw up a little in my mouth every time you people call this man "Zuck".

Yeh. It doesn't take much digging to find links between the two.

They want you to forget the (((berg))) for obvious reasons.

Zuck knows what the people want.


Mark Zuckerberg is too concerned with performing social projects on african communities than running for office

Wait, where are 'Black Mirror' references now?

If not him, than who?

>Bernie's too old
>Clinton already lost and will lose again
>The Democratic Primaries had no real competition other than those two individuals
>Warren has name recognition, but her regressivism is no longer cool
>Democrats have no one else who hasn't already lost, and has name recognition
>Zuck the cuck is a young person who can act like he isn't one of the most powerful establishment players

This could be happening.

Anyone notice how zuckerberg is trying to get black vote by visiting Alabama and south Carolina? Lol

Check his recent Facebook posts

He's weak. Trump will crush him.

There isn't a credible alternative.

If you haven't figured out that both parties do, you aren't playing 4d chess.

wtf is the matter with people. oprah, zuckerberg, just being a successful businessperson doesnt qualify one for public service.

Too bad money can't buy you charisma and public speaking skills.

Oh but it can. He just needs training user.

Fuck no dude, he fucking killed virtual reality. Don't let that little yard grease fuck anywhere actual reality.

He would be the new Mondale or McGovern.

Zuck the cuck is an ugly annoying autist, who makes money by selling users information to the highest bidder

In other words, what a great candidate. To get the opposition elected


If we elect the creator of Facebook directly after we elected the star of The Apprentice this country deserves to burn.

you make an interesting point in that to be potus, zuckerberg would have to give up fb. you could argue that as boss of fb he is currently more powerful in certain ways of influencing culture and mainstream thinking, but obviously not in military realm or other boring ways such as healthcare and taxes. would he want to give up power to have to deal with boring stuff?

you also have to question his motives. he can live in bubble or be under constant scrutiny and pressure.
he isn't alpha enough to be potus


litterally 1984.
Fascism with a survailance state and arbitrary arrests.

We already did that dipshit

>giving the guy from facebook power over intelligence agencies

>HURR DRUR DRUMPFY not draining the SWAMPF


>Billionaires are good if they agree with us though

>Hillary Clinton never had a real job that she wasn't fired for corruption

>Her millions are illegitimate but who cares I'm with Her™

it never ends.

ZuckCuck would never risk Cuckbook empire over the shitty job of being POTUS.

You can guarantee Sanders leftists and incognito GOP operatives would be busy organizing a union of his workers should he try something like that (in hopes of the optics of him brutally crushing their unionizing).

They'll also leak the shady shit he gets up to in Africa, like outright running entire telecoms there. There's no way he'd ever survive a run it'd be suicide

On November 9th, 2016 the Dems decided to run Joaquín Castro in 2020.

Finally, a candidate that the CIA can really identify with.

This guy is as auth-left as you get, holy shit would we get fucked

i would never vote for him


Jim Webb would be the only person that could challenge Trump, but the Democucks would never allow A Fucking White Male to run.

This means we have to start memeing against this now.

more on this?

we elected batman

He can get nominated, and he can win if Trump isn't there to stop him. Keep in mind the far-left are already OPENLY talking about assassinations and aren't in jail. Meaning the corporate owners of America will have Trump eliminated, Pence will not be competent enough to fight back, the corporations will get their social justice Jewish leader, then he will allow the Moslims into America to culturally enrich us with rape and beheadings.
And before you say "The muslims hate the Jews" that doesn't matter when there is money to be made and Zuckerfuck can run and hide in his own nation because he has the money and the political pull to do so.
Just watch... It's gonna happen.

It doesn't matter who is running in 2020, no one can beat Trump. 2024 is the year to reallyworry about.


Theirs no way he couldnt win he litterly could control the masses with fb.

This list is very tentative:

> Kirsten Gillibrand
> Cory Booker
> Tulsi Gabbard
> Elizabeth Warren
> Julian Castro

Was (((Zuckerberg))) ever in the military?

Does Warren still have cred in the eyes of the Progressive wing of Dems? She left Bernie hanging, has been all talk which made her unpopular in Massachussetts, and Trump rattled her hard on Twitter.

Also Fuckerberg is young, but Facebook is for older people and he's ugly, neurotic, and uncharismatic. Many well-informed people know he makes the other notoriously shady and anti-privacy tech giants look like saints.