Is Jontron redpilled now?
Is Jontron redpilled now?
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Has been for quite some time.
about 65% redpilled
In his words, he's not redpilled as much as just fed up with the Liberal agenda. Yall niggers gotta stop acting like niggers.
I was really glad to hear Jon is at least purple pilled. I really thought he was going to come out shilling for #heforshe or something like that, one day.
wow based as fuck
>the social conditioning isn't working, jews moved the white genocide too fast and the goyim are noticing
It's disheartening to know people think like that guy though, isn't it?
>whites baked a pie.
>everyone in the world deserves to eat a piece of their pie.
>whites are a very small part of the world but everyone must be permitted to come and eat some of their pie.
It's all learned delusions and magical thinking. There's no way you could think about this and not come to the conclusion that our pie is finite so we can only invite a finite amount of people.
JonTron is just a normal guy with mundane reasonable opinions, but the political spectrum shifted so hard in the last 10 years that now he's in evil Nazi bigot territory.
Holy shit
He's a brainwashed retard.
Dude's looking gaunt as all hell
JonTron is one swood grommet
>tfw you realize that that's all we are
This chubby cheeked, happy go lucky motherfucker is on to something. I'll give him that.
Take it back.
Bullshit, there are a lot of people here who are well into the extreme right, even by normal standards.
Haven't seen a jew roasting this well since the 1940's
He can't stop it now, it's out of his control.
Once you get redpilled, you gotta keep chugging on those pills. They are simply too addictive. And the memes only make them sweeter.
t. buzzfeed
This is true. Don't listen to mr noseberg. I've known far leftists from college and far right people from work and the far right people were actually normal and kind. They just stuck to their guns about what they believed whereas the lefties would threaten to attack people that disagreed with them in between bouts of heroin and the daily show.
This is beautiful
i hate it when lefties throw the word "deserve" around. nobody deserves anything.
Jon woke up, saw the world for what it really is, and went "ECH".
s a u c e p l s
Who's Steve King and what happened? What did I miss?
What is it about YouTube gaming personalities that causes them all to eventually become redpilled?
He's a congressman who wrote the truth on twitter. A revolutionary act in these times. Now people are losing their minds.
senran kagura you grommet
Warriors of Justice attempting to invade and censor their hobby
heil hitler
fuck kikes
The roast is so hot I can feel the heat from my screen.
It's about ninjas, apparently
damn, son
His middle name is literally Aryan
This is the case for me. I was the libshit outcast in a highschool full of conservative kids. 15 years later, my opinions ans views have only gone slightly more toward what used be center, but everything else changed so much people with my opinions are being decried as white supremacists. It's just...insane. i find myself rooting for the right wing just because I want to see the left get absolutely crushed into dust and then scattered into the ocean.
I'm a nazi for not wanting western civilization to capitulate to foreigners and just acquiesce and give up 2000+ years of cultural legacy. Like, fuck...
Fucking well done. Jon Aryan "Master Race" Jafari does it again.
McMuffin is going to go after him soon
hey, its how I started, give it time.
Someone redpill me on Persians vs. Arabs.
>when the bantz are just right
He's crossed the line into associating culture with race. There's no turning back now.
Arabs are semites who speak a hammo-semitic language whereas Persians are Caucasoids who speak an Indo-European language.
Yes, he witnessed first hand how his dear friend Arin Hanson sold his soul to the Jews.
Danny "Sexbang" probably fucks Suzy daily in order for Arin to live in luxury/have a profitable youtube license.
Persians are not nearly as inbred as some of the other Middle Eastern countries, and have a background in Zoroastrianism. Countries that have a background in a pre-islam religion aren't as bad (Egypt is another example, where polytheism and christianity were big for a long time).
That was a shitty redpill
Persians (parsi) are Caucasian, not too many of them left.
Arabs (semites) have capoid and caucasion blood.
As long as Sup Forums keeps pressing forward, we're gonna capture all the normal white and white presenting normies eventually ,as we speak the truth.
Dammit now I have to fap
no difference, carry on
wtf i love jon now
Well fuck you then nigger. You're the retard that needs to be spoonfed. It goes to the very basis of who they are and underlies the entire current conflict in the Middle East along with the Shia/Sunni split.
He's been acknowledging frognazi accounts and the language he uses makes it clear he at least browses Sup Forums, if not necessarily Sup Forums, on occasion
Who'd knew vidya LPers like Pewdiepie and Jontron would be the vanguard of the anti-leftist movement?
Based Bob "'Blob'MovieBob'" (((Chipman))) blasting nazis left and right!!!
Why is TLoZWW so fucking dank?
Mainly because feminist have ruined gaming...
You got to take the fight to their echo chamber. All it takes is for some cracks in the echo chamber to open and we can shut this shit down.
Based as fuck. Jon is our fucking guy.
Gamers were literally the first culture to fling shit back at SJWs instead of bowing their heads and apologizing.
Persians were aryan and a majority had blonde hair and blue eyes. Arabs invaded and pretty much mixed them out of existence
"telling the truth is a revolutionary act in an empire of lies"
Never come in between a man and his games.
Snownigger please. Not everyone is a fucking Suomi-Polarbear halfbreed.
JonTron about to get BTFO by a numale. Get fucked alt-right kiddies
Nice to see someone like you.
t. contrarian.
I literally have never met a person who would wanna do a live debate "right then". I debate often and am fond of it and I wouldnt. How pathetic do you have to be to demand it at that instant, knowing the other person will most likely decline? Just so you can say "haha! I win!"
I don't think it's pathetic at all. If you don't have your facts there and then you're clearly spouting shit without any evidence. If you disagree send me your discord and we'll do this live right now.
Destiny will ALWAYS win against alt-lite civic nationalists and centrists because tehy are not willing to take their ideas to their logical conclusion.
>spouting shit without any evidence
what are you talking about, ahmed?
debate about debate?
whatever you say paco
Its all males have left. We have been pushed into basements and bedrooms in solitude as the only place to have an escape from the liberal hell of this world.
When they attacked videogames it was a step too far for most NEETs
Holy fuck, I thought his coming out was about being anti-sjw or something. He is literally defending white supremacy on Twitter. You are son of an Iranian Jon, for Christ's sake. Those you are defending don't even consider you white. It's sad to see someone so charismatic killing off his career like this.
>Moviebob contributing to anything other than america's obesity statistics.
Nice joke
>thinking whites deserve to preserve their culture
>white supremacy
Its ok, he can still be a useful ally. Use civic nationalists to purge the sjws and muslims, then when they are gone simply tell all loyal non whites you are sorry but its just for the best if they go have their own country
haha um you actually are up for it right now? um legit my burger just got here and I want to eat it
>White people wanting to avoid ethnic and cultural obliteration is white supremacy
Where's my swastika armband
>How pathetic do you have to be to demand it at that instant
You have a point. Pretty rude to demand that someone adhere to your request right then and there with no regard to their schedule or what's going on in their life. Plus the guy comes off like an opportunist trying to capitalize on Jon's notoriety just to boost this own profile. If I was Jon I'd just tell him to get fucked.
ay jon
I think you should scale it back a bit my dude. I'm worried for you. It never ends well when people reveal their power level too quick.
Youre a faggot
No visible person wants to host a formal debate on the spot, its not practicable. You have to familiarize yourself with common arguements and counterarguments, gather actual citations for the facts you have. Knowledge=/=meta knowledge. I dont know if youre being a smarmy little cunt to ruse me or if its just in your blood, but neck yourself you sorry limey crumpet cumguzzler.
Luckily I think the times are changing though, we are slowly rising back up.
Damn Jon, just come out and say you're a Sup Forumstard already.
Even Kek agrees that we should send them into exile AFTER