So what am I Sup Forums?
So what am I Sup Forums?
A faggot
An authoritarian-leaning centrist.
You mostly don't care about other people but probably are against one or two social issues (I'm guessing abortion). You likely believe the government is an effective solution for many things, but don't trust it enough to hand your entire life over to it.
enjoy being a normal person
It's a stupid test.
What do you think about niggers, spics, kikes, gooks, and sandniggers?
This, you're a moderate, once you get significantly away from the center, then this question matters.
closer to a nazi than not
Wow I surprised myself
It checks out.
Pretty much exactly where I land every time.
You are abradolf lincler
This is mine, idk how I'm not full blown facist
I felt like all my answers were right wing except the parts about corporations being allowed to rape the planet and keep all the money.
I was pure, once.
classic liberal bois. Though immigration and 2A pushes me more towards paleoconservative nowadays.
I was once like you.
Oh yeah?
If you give a shit about
> muh greedy corporations, you too might just he a leftist
am I fucked or do I have a chance?
Last time I took this I came out middle lib/auth and 5 to the right.
Libertarian Nationalist
Wilders and Sowell got it right.
How'd I do?
Just fine, user. Just fine.
anything else can an hero
Bredy gud!
rate me pol. Don't have links for most of them.
Anyone got that image where there's just a little corner (top left?), and then everything else is NAZI or something like that?
Good enough to post here?
I've only drifted farther left and farther to the top over the last couple of years.
Used to be an edgy little Minarchist shit. I still cling to some of my older views, but at least I'm moving up.
Compass is biased. It equates being conservative to being a moron.
i.e. No one can naturally feel homosexual
Obviously they can, even animals can be gay? Doesn't mean we should support and tout it however.
let me just consult the definitive reference
ooh, damn, looks like you're a democrat. sorry man
Yep this is why I hate that survey. You pretty much have to take your results, and push it a little to the right. Then you have your real results.
It's kinda fucked up they called Albert Speer a murderous villian. He's actually a really good guy, and apologized for his contributions to the Reich as well as took responsibility.
How fucked am I?
You're in Fedora fag territory m8.
okay, i'm going to (you) everyone in this thread who gets to live
thats it
you guys all hang
You're just a Natsoc whose clinging to Libertarian values. Don't feel too shitty man.
Probably for the better
>These guys are alright.
Howd i do
Little to far left but otherwise alright.
And yet friends on normiebook still call me a "racist nazi"
You're here so you're not a SJW. As Long as you're not gibbets you're fine. I remember I was there a few years ago and that was when I considered myself the most free market, minarchist, libertarian and everything I was left on was just an exception.
So, what am I.
classic liberal lite
You can both have no serious opinions or convictions, or have opinions on both ends of the spectrum and appear centrist
To be fair, the compass test everyone is posting makes getting results on the right really hard.
Im by no means an sjw but i do believe in the government keeping things fair for workers. Regulating big business and stuff.
I also fucking hate gibsmedats and think you should make your own goddamn money but social services are sometimes necessary for people who are unable to work.
ITT: degenerates
Political compass posts should be bannable
I also dont see religion as necessary in morality, politics or schools but i think it is positive and have nothing against it. Im also pro choice. Probably why im left. I also dont think ethnostates are that important and im okay with "race mixing". Im not okay tho with violent and aggressive ideologies or might i even say oppression towards people of my race or belief system.
t. -5, -5
Im not an ethnic thinker, but i am a nationalist and think people should support and love their country, and fight corruption and division within it. I believe immigrants shouldnt get a free pass and should get with the program.
first time I've taken it. Figured that's where i was but some of those questions made me wonder where I'd land
I'm a conservative traditionalist, and I land in the same place as OP.
disgree. I tough I was gonna land left with the way I was answering and ended with +2, -2
just don't be a degenerate
Also, r8 me
Everytime Jontron makes a point Destiny screams "OFF TOPIC WE ARE TALKING ABOUT AMERICA."
Very annoying.
That violates the NAP.
Give in
>democratic party
>in blue square
when will this meme stop