Explain to me how the Persian empire were Barbarians

Explain to me how the Persian empire were Barbarians.

From what I understand their way of governance was quite complex, especially compared to the city state way of the Greeks and was more akin to modern European governance of provinces. They certainly had tonnes of culture and were no were near as "barbaric" as England and France was at this time.

Are you arguing with someone or ...?

They weren't barbarians. They have an ancient history of statecraft. One of the oldest in the world in fact.

Hey Jason, when are you and Richard putting on another conference?

Persians were cool why do you think they weren't...

Who says Persians were barbaric?


Uh, racist much? Come on straya, it's 2017 i mean geez louise

IIRC Germans were the original barbarians, the term derives from their language sounding like "bar bar bar bar" to the Romans. It's similar to how the chinese language sounds all ching chong to us.

they didn't speak English...
Barbarian from the greek barbaros

Basicly mean people who talk without meaning...

Greek = Bar Bar Bar

English = Blah Blah Blah

They were non-white tho.

Come on leaf. They were barbarians, you know it in your heart.

you know they weren't/

this mouth breather is from ontario and doesnt speak for us

Non-Greeks sounded funny to Greeks every other word to them sounded like Bar-bar

Yeah probably, but only a few levels more than the romans maybe. Shit was raw back then to say the least

Im impressed :)

STFU mouth breather

Greeks aren't white to so arent they barberians

Greeks were white before the 7th-8th century

>From what I understand their way of governance was quite complex

They waz still dik washers in sheet

>more akin to modern European governance

He thinks this is a good thing


enjoy ban

Thermopylae you pleb. Persians didn't even have a uniform civilization they had a heterogeneous empire that lacked the backbone of the Greek polis. Achaeans were far culturally, scientifically, technologically, strategically, and morally superior to the Persians in every way. It's remarkable just that they were able to fend the Persians off that much. The only way the Persians were able to outmatch them was brute force in numbers, which is the definition of barbarism.

No retard, definition of barbarianism is racism and greeks were racist. Persians were culturally superior.