
Can we talk about this shit for a moment?

>added salt to make you thirstier and buy more bottled water
>contains potassium chloride, chemical used in lethal injections
>known to cause birth defects
>shitty filtered tap water with (((minerals))) added to it

Fuck, is there any good bottled water? I know Aquafina is also filtered tap but I'd take that over the shit in Dasani any day.

Other urls found in this thread:


Never knew minerals were Jewish

bottled water is a scam, buy hey, is people are dumb enough to buy,

and potassium chloride is just a salt, a lot will kill you because it will unbalance up your ionic flow. But it is not toxic perse, just like regular salt.

> 2017
> not drinking delicious, based evian

Not drinking nigger cum from your significant other's pussy instead of drinking shitty branded water

Rich RETARDED WASTER OF MONEY yuppie faggot detected

>contains water, chemical used in lethal injections

certainly not rich but i just prefer the taste of evian over any other brand.
> inb4 "all tastes the same." Re: nah senpai

>not distilling your own water

You're a god damned idiot OP.

read evian backwards


Fucking kek

>He doesnt get water from a water fountain using a reusable filtered bottle

Distillation is the most redpilled method of obtaining fresh water. You can burn some shitty radioactive swamp water to distill it and get delicious pure water. Anyone who bitches about "muh chemical leeching" is a faggot good goy vegan who doesn't eat properly.

Minerals rather than chemical

>not bringing your own bottled water

>not being able to drink tap water

kek america is not a first world country

Such a hypocrite Mohammed


God tier water right here

Alex Jones would be disappointed at the posters in this thread.

As i read this thread im drinking half bottled water and half tap water. funny.

What kind of idiot pays for water?

Tap water in any non-shithole state is regulated much more than bottled water. You are paying a premium for an inferior product. It is a multi billion dollar licence to print money that constantly makes me think if people as a whole are this stupid, how can I get in on this scam. Would any of you tards buy genuine Boongwaterâ„¢ distilled by native Australian artisans? Every bottle has dream time magic inside.


Mineral content in water is important for blood chemistry. If the salt content of your blood drops too low water through osmosis will enter your cells (namely hemoglobin) and cause them to burst.

To explain, osmosis is the passive movement of water to and from your blood and cells to balance out the concentration of salts between the two. The movement of the water is high concentration of water to low. Less salt concentrations means higher water concentration.

This is why when you drink sea water your brain shrivels. The salty seawater raises the salt concentration in your blood relative to the concentration in your cells. Since your cells have more water concentration water through osmosis will leave your cells to your blood to dilute the salty blood. Protip: cells don't live when all their water leaves.

The best thing is to get a membrane filter with reverse osmosis on your kitchen sink, and an added 3 gallon storage tank. Filters out everything, including floride. Then get a nice glass refillable bottle with a cushioned outer covering.

>Spending $3.20 on a 36 pack of water is now a scam

Sorry poorfags I enjoy nice things. Enjoy your sewer water plebs

>He doesn't drink Valpre
Its like you enjoy being a fag

>"Have you heard of flouridation son?"

>not having a deep well on your property.

Muh azeotropes

The term yuppie makes me cringe down to the bone, just because someone enjoys luxury dosent make them lesser of a person.

RO water can rape the fuck out of you. It can be so devoid of mineral content that it will disolve cupro-nickel piping systems if it is not passed through a re-mineralization unit...

>not being clever enough to read brand names backwards

my tap water tastes better desu, I don't know why anyone likes Evian

>literally naive spelled backwards

>not living in a swamp
>not murdering passerbys and drinking their blood


what is activated carbon

I only drink Brawndo

if you live somewhere where your drinking water has added shit like fluoride and chlorine and tastes terrible your water district is cucked and you need to move. then use silver or copper vessels to drink out of and never buy the bottled jew again

>potassium chloride
nigger do you even understand ochem?

>don't fall for the aqua jew retards.

taste is subjective, senpies

How about Poland Spring

Do people really think all bottled waters taste the same?

Voss, Evian

are you kidding me. you pick Dasani and Aquafina is the two choices. wtf

They sell this at my local farmers market and its damn good

drinking literally anything other than Poland Spring water is degenerate.

So here's the thing OP, you retard, minerals can be helpful in certain amounts and toxic in higher amounts.

Bottled water is a waste of money, but not because of "minerals."

>Polish springs

>says the user after paying his water bill

hey I'm with ya pal

fuck you!

Why don't you get a RO filter for your house and carry your own bottle? Why is that option so hard to understand for burgers

Checked & kek'd

Moland Springs.