Tucson mayor Jonathan ROTHSCHILD is trafficking children via Casa de los Ninos. Search for the old Ninos logos and see how they have been edited. Also look at the former directors of los Ninos.
Tucson mayor Jonathan ROTHSCHILD is trafficking children via Casa de los Ninos. Search for the old Ninos logos and see how they have been edited. Also look at the former directors of los Ninos.
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Trips checked
validity achieved, have a bump
not bad tpbqh
Wait, 2014?
bumping, anyone got pics of the logos?
Fuck off shill, get your hopiam shit out of here
not bad
Got a batch of them right here
bump for the kids. kek hates child traffickers.
You will fall. One by one.
The evil shit stops now. No longer will humanity be brought down beneath our potential by pedo fucks
777s for Pizzzagate.
What's the evidence against the mayor exactly? His last name and connection to a place where a pedo who isn't him was caught?
They are actually digging a huge basement at the location of the new building here in Tucson, lol. It's like pottery.
Logo : Casa de los ninos
O its fucking happening
the guy's name in the article is ((Loebe))
Random but I was reading about the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope today. They named it S.A.T.A.N... which is weird.
Anyways it's right near Tuscon. Shrug. Pic related.
Its not weird it fits right in with their agenda pre adamites worship lucifer and all live in the vatican.
Why in the FUCK is a Rothschild JEW a mayor in the USA.. Fucks sake.
Pretty sure the telescope is called "LUCIFER," not Satan. Believe that's never been substantiated.
Yes "LUCIFER" sorry. I get them confused.
Citizenship aint free. The Grand Canyon gotta be filled with the blood of Mexicans. Jonathan Rothchild aka "el pizza man" is not my governor
Praise Arpaio
Because people in that city voted for him and he was eligible to run.
Oh, thank you for explaining how elections work.
My curiosity is well satisfied.
Good night.
Because people in Tucson are stupid.
They elected new yorkers, mexicans and krauts in the past.
What if... Just hear me out here.
This needs to happen. It'd be a massive bitchslap to the face for these fucking child-raping bank-controlling globalist cucks.
Because the city is conveniently close to Mexican cartels, and Rothschilds have always moved to where there's monies to be made.
It's all about to come crashing down on Trump and his pedo handlers
Well if that's not a sign then I don't know what is.
Phoenix fag reporting in. Fuck out of my state trafficker scum and take McCain with you
You fuckers better vote that McCain faggot out
Better start singing, Songbird.
>now I see the namefag
So wait...Ashton has been aggressively fighting pedos.
Does this mean the Masons are a "good" faction?
>it's not even a pizza commercial
Call the Bogdanoffs.
No, that's them owning both sides of the system. They're the cops and the robbers so they will never get caught
AZ state flag is top
I fucking live here and just saw this post. I hope this shit is fake news. I live 3 blocks away from Casa de los Ninos and shot three sometimes (it's a thrift store)
>fake news
This is as real as it gets.
If you gotta bump, bump with style.
Oh boy here we go.
Can I get a quick rundown on who you are referring to?
>Trafficking Mexican kids
Who would want to fuck some ugly dumpy little beaner?
It's a forced CIA meme, disregard it.
Not all of 'em are for fuckin'
God I wonna fuck her so badly.
>right near Tucson
Have you ever driven it? 3 1/2 hours from Tucson to the top. Not really "right near" user.
I've been up there 3 times, myself.
From the dirt road that traverses the top of the mountain, there's a turn off for the observatory and a sign basically saying No Trespassers / Authorized Vehicles Only (not exact wording but you get the idea. I'll see if I can dig up a picture from my collection that I've taken up there)
>wanting to bang a 30-year-old salaryman
There is something seriously wrong with you.
The same tracking tools can be used to target witnesses and whistleblowers.
Dont judge me.
>and shot three sometimes
typo, meant to say "shop there sometimes" wtf i'm not that drunk yet
So any connections to McCain?
Trump is part of the Rothschild pedo network
Is that why he brought Sessions onboard to investigate the Clinton Foundation?
literally debunked garbage
Trump personally BTFO Epstein when he found out what was going on.
Guys, i am a huge believer in the Pizzagate stuff, but this is such a massive stretch and not even worth looking into given the weak shit posted on that voat.
Post by "tucsonfoodie" (voat.co
This is stupid and literally nothing.
That said, I'd love to finally see a Rothschild in jail too.
>muh democraps/republicants
all the party bosses are pedos, in it together
that is why rapey bill and killary were at his wedding
Yeah, this seems like a last-ditch effort to discourage Pizzagaters.
wow Sup Forums actually talking about my shithole city for once and it's pretty much a dead lead
He banned Epstein from mar-a-lago for being a pedo pig. If trump was one of (((them))) why are they so assblasted at him? (((They))) hate that he wants no part of their kiddy diddling fraternity.
Plus, you are autistic.
get out shills
Trump nominated the prosecutor who arranged the sweetheart deal for Epstein to be his Labor Secretary. Trump is STILL in bed with Epstein and the pedos.
Go do some ground work and investigate on foot (but unarmed).
What a waste of an infographic. Epstein in the only connection, and guilt by association is fucking weak. Let's talk about trips to the island instead.
If they had this kind of a control file on Trump, they wouldn't be so absolutely desperate to get him out of the oval office.
I looked into Bianchi's too, they sound like assholes with shit food but nothing pedo related.
>calling me a shill
Are you a Suspicious Individual or are you paid to be here?
Fake opposition. Why did Hillary start the birther thing and Trump help close it down? CIA distraction from Obama's CIA past.
Why do we have Russiagate now? CIA distraction from Trump's CIA past.
See the pattern yet cucks?
You should quality for the Olympics with those Herculean leaps of logic.
You have autism.
non-arguments from shills defending trump's pedo trafficking
absolutely disgusting
Rothschild actually got carjacked by gunpoint here only a few weeks ago.
Doesn't appear to be related to anything though.
It's actually not bad food and the place has been busy every time i've been there.
Investigate what? Everything I've read so far is discouraging and not worth investigating. I never once got an eerie vibe from their thrift store that I shop at sometimes. They're on the corner of Prince and Mountain. I live near Campbell and Ft Lowell.
You forgot the part where Trump outed Epstein to the Feds and had previously banned him from Mar-A-Lago for creeping on the staff. You faggots don't even try to bring a coherent argument.
You forgot the part where the lawyer that let Epstein off with a slap on the wrist just got appointed by Trump to be Labor Secretary.
Epstein & Trump are still in bed together.
Set up a time-lapse camera watching the back alley for a week. Maybe something interesting will turn up.
I read Yelp reviews. Seemed to be a love or hate it thing.