I'm going with Brazil. Everything I see from it makes it seem not only violent, but also sex-crazed and ass-obsessed, public TV programs have women being paraded around and groped, and stuff like Carnaval looks like Degeneracy: The Holiday. America's up there too, it's the source of rap music, Black/Jewish culture, Hollywood, and the epicenter of most Leftist/SJW bullshit.
What's the most degenerate country?
What's wrong with that? You a Christ-stain or something?
Men like violence and sex.
Whenever I see a woman moving her ass like that it turns me off. I like sluts, just not that. Unsexy.
poo in the loo
Cringe, cringe
Sweden, Brazil, and the worst of all Saudi Arabia.
Brazilians are hot AF.
onahole isn't sexy. it's a tool
This is
>but also sex-crazed and ass-obsessed, public TV programs have women being paraded around and groped, and stuff like Carnaval
the most wrong view of brazil.
Countries like your are 10x times more degenerate in this aspect.
If you mean that in the bullshit Old Testament meme sense, then maybe Brazil or Japan. You can buy "used" panties out of vending machines in Japan, and they dehumanize the outside world to the point that violence against foreigners is hardly considered violence at all.
In the sense of true, culturally acidic degeneracy? Depending on how you look at it, either the USA or Sweden. The USA is all kinds of traditional dystopias rolled into one. Sweden is a whole different sort of fucked up. Don't need to tell Sup Forums why.
We are fake people.
We are fake country.
Sex is our drug(but we still keep all the others...), people don't just like or have sex, they are insanely obsessed.
Brazilian women living in Commiefornia are degenerate
South Sudan. They rape women and children alike. Sexually mutilate boys. Just because they can. It's just part of everyday life.
Do Brazilian girls like American guys?
Toss up between China and Israel
Winner: Israel
Reasoning: China doesn't know any better.
>be "Holy Land"
>be founded and co-funded by most sinister family on Earth, the Rothschilds
>give immunity to any criminal who reaches its soil, based solely on racial criterion, due to ideology/victim card
>have 400 nukes, lie about it to receive gibs from US tax payers (and cuz lying is forte)
>have highest rate of prostitution per capita in region, even tho "holier" than thou, and size of New Jersey
>have preference for tricking out white Slavs as sex slaves, shades of supremacy
>plan in gov docs and literature to clear out surrounding countries to great mega-kingdom; lie about Iraq WMDs so US blood spilled for your plan
>run infomercials in US and at churches here asking for donations for elderly health care, even tho you're a national-socialist theocracy
>motto of intel service, which rivals CIA, is "by deception we shall wage war"; similar to Devil's motto?
>don't tell "best ally" of paradigm-changing terrorist attack, intel agents celebrate it, then deny deny deny
>corner global ecstasy trade, shill it in US, to pay for black-ops spying on "top ally"
>preach and peddle so much subversive degeneracy around world that your women begin letting loose in own country, LGBT etc, piss off your dark lord Soros
>have world's most anal immigration policy, build huge wall, then have your dual-citizen US politicians say top ally is racist, Nazis, nostalgic
>corner black market organ trade; kids missing worldwide; coincidence?
>have homeland, get gibs, most your people not satisfied with your infrastructure, decide to stay in US, annoy everyone here, ruin Star Wars, use ADL as wrist slapped; Holocaust in public schools 24/7; Lena Dunham jogging pics; try to ban "Christmas"; shove Commie roots in our face; corner digital porn but push cat lady feminism
Sort yourself out, Israel!
Still not as bad as Africans.
>Biggest porn industry producers
>Biggest hollywood producers
>Unirronically believe communism cam actually work
>no voter id, knowing well a lot of illegals vote
>"Sanctuary" cities
>Multiculturalism State
>Apple and iphones
>State in where people unirronically believe they can be a country by themselves, knowing well of the droughts and the need for other states to help them or they can't even grow crops
>Berkeley University
Still not as bad as Africans.
1. Usa
2. Japan
3. Brazil
Still not as bad as Africans.
Spain and Brazil are tied for first.
After that, America, Sweden, Germany, and South Korea, not in that particular order.
Afgahnistan and Pakistan.
Use this next time.
Oh good point, I completely forgot about some of the shit that happens in those places because Islam superficially brushes it under the rug, well that and they don't get in the news anyway.
> Afghanistan
> Literal socially acceptable child rape
> Pakistan
> Gay porn searches kek
> Cousin marriages, honor killings, killings over pretty much anything
> Really both probably have lots of that in addition to some goat fucking
The Middle East, Afghanistan, and Pakistan all seem pretty fucked in that regard desu.
UC Berkeley is still an amazing research school. The humanities have been subverted out the ass, but the natural sciences remain some of the best in the world.
Every country in the world. A better question would be, what's the least degenerate country?.
Fuck yes, Brazil might be my jam.
all niggers, entire asia, central and south american countries, all the country in the middle east, and all small island countries
they're all degenerates
>Including america who just elected Trump to MAGA
>Ignoring Gerministan and Swedistan
Oy vey
>America is really a more sophisticated less degenerate brazil
I don't mind the sex and ass part, but the violence makes it pretty dangerous to visit. Why are all Latin American countries violent crime-infested shitholes?
> showing skin and dancing is degenerate
Okay prude.
Brazil for sure
from what i've heard, yes, except
>costa rica
mostly costa rica though
what i meant to say is that these two countries are not crime-infested shitholes
Brazil is a big country user, if you filmed a parade in San Fran you could prob make it look worse than Carnival. I would look at countries who have the smallest religious populations. Like France or something.
what the fuck is that mouth beat boxing sample? it sounds so cheap. And im seeing it in other songs
And how does that make them different from niggers in general?
>mutilate boys.
Jews, Mudslimes and Americucks do that as well.
t. tyrone
Why do you Brazilians make such shitty music?
>Cringe, cringe
holy shit... is that the same place that kid shot in the rekt thread?...he ran down and then they shot him dead on the street.
Define "like". Lower class girls will often associate being foreign with being rich, so your chances of getting pussy in Brazil are pretty high, if you're willing to risk the potential STDs, that is.
Most slums look the same here, so for all you and I know, the one you saw and the one in the video could be located in completely different states.
And no, a kid being shot in one isn't specific enough information to tell which slum it is.
People like it, doesn't take much work or talent, just shill for drug lords and their factions, or mention something sex related (subtle or otherwise) and bam, you're basically rich.
brazil is by far the most degenerate country
then were number 2
I'm never going to get tired of that bunda. Even when she got fat.
Brazil is a genetic conglomeration of a bunch of shitbags
I would say
How rich would i need to be to have a BR mail order husband massage me every day
Just take him out of brazil and he should be grateful to you for his entire life
:) awesome, hopefully your country improves but stays shitty enough so i can take advantage of it
America and Israel because they both export the degeneracy, most countries manage to keep it within their borders
You cunts take pride in pushing all this shit
Brown and black lands are naturally degenerate. Of the White lands Sweden and Calilfornia are too close to call.
>White lands
that first one is actually kinda catchy
Not sure why most of is saying that Japan is degenerate. Only a few of the people do weird shit
The United States of America
We are the poster child of capitalism. Capitalism creates Marxism which creates degeneracy. I should know, I'm a fucking degenerate who is about to overdose on freedom. It's fucking beautiful if you think about it.