why would I want 500% moreemojis in my twitter feed
>said by a white women
Do people actually use twitter or is it just a meme
Please keep this shit up lefties, you are making yourself look retarded to anyone with a brain.
>She doesn't know what her paymasters do to boot lickers
A bunch of these young white women act black already.
(((Edison))) every fucking time
What if the unfollowed user identifies as a woman and, therefore, a trans and, therefore, stays way above POCs on the feminists scale of oppression?
Give yourself the gift of a plane ticket to South Africa so you can fully immerse yourself in true African culture.
There's just so much for an adventurous young open-minded white girl to learn and appreciate there.
POC > all
White liberals quiver in fear at the mighty POC.
It's funny seeing these black kweenz bitch about "White feminism" and they just take it like a bunch of little bitches.
Quite erotic tbqh
But what about transracial people?
The irony is that the tweet was written by a white man.
wow, truly a brave new world
She looks like a dude to me, unfollowed.
The age of white men is over; the age of POC and Women has begun
So unfollow that white dude named Avery and follow this chick?
How much fuck did he get?
>But what about transracial people?
As a trans-mongol I also want to know that.
I still have no idea who this is but I get the feeling she's taking advantage of stupid people
you're a cis mongol m8
posting random twitter comments as threads should be auto b&
>caring about some psychosis circlejerk on twitter
I think so too I don't care about her but the op pic is a dude lol
if these threads didn't exist Trump wouldn't have won
>assuming Xir gender
check your privilege shitlord
I may look like a white dude, but I identify as a woman of colour
People like this still exist? I thought this would go away once Trump got elected.
I hope he dies.
HOLY FUCK why is social media such a politically hostile place?
oh no, how will I ever recover?
Mostly bots senpai
Give yourself the gift of never paying attention to anything a white cunt says to you
>Planet Fitness is committed to creating a nonintimidating, welcoming environment for our members.
>unless you feel uncomfortable around mentally ill degenerates, then we will simply not tolerate your presence.
Twitter is for next level trolling, you get the chance to influence real normies. Step your game up.
That's the spirit, brother: speak to them with their tongue.
i shitpost like this on twitter
not denying that there are legitimately people who believe this but a lot more of it is poe's law than you'd assume
Why are white women such whores?
It still amuses me how "colored people" managed to go from derogatory to PC.
Oh well.
I got twitter just so I could follow Trump and sempai Pence. I ignore everyone else.
>when you operate a fake twitter that presents as a WOC
started for the US election. stayed for the lefty salt
I got one to troll