Was he actually right or is it satire?
There are two conflicting realities in my mind.
Was he actually right or is it satire?
There are two conflicting realities in my mind.
Its was just a prank bro.
He was actually fucking right.
He wanted to free Germany from the Jews who infiltrated and controlled its government media and banks sound familiar?
don't hate hitler just cause he could not divest himself of love for his people.
He didn't say anything about the white race, killed a lot of white people. stormfags gonna stormfag
He said 14 important words about the white race you ignorant fool
Wanting a home that isn't controlled by Jews isn't a horrible thing
Fash Sup Forums was never satire
Ignore the constant onslaught of libertarian shills, pol is a natsoc board.
Just open any picture and see the first 4 numbers.
>He didn't say anything about the white race,
He did want to create an Aryan masterrace but he wasn't the one who said the 14 words. That was a skinhead from Colorado.
Fuck it died
Point still stands though, lolberts need to be put in camps
True about 14/88 but Where did that man get those 14 words from? Could it have been mein kampf?
He was actually right, but the phrase "Hitler was right" is mostly used for satirical effect.
If you want to know the truth, much of Hitler's nascent philosophy was rooted in nothing. He was not particular. He understood that he wanted Germany to be prosperous, and he believed that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair.
He became antisemitic after listening to others around him. Dietrich Eckert and Otto Dicekl are two of probably the most influential in spurring Hitler's antisemitism. These two, as well as a couple of others, led Hitler to believe that there was an 'International Clique' whose goal was to malignantly create wealth for themselves.
What about libertarian fascists?
He came up with them on his own, in a prison cell.
A libertarian authoritarian? Are you smoking something?
The idea of expanding into other countries and enforcing the supremacy of your own race is not sustainable unless you're willing to:
>turn the world into 1984
>kill unlimited people
Otherwise, any population you make second-class citizens will eventually revolt.
Hitler should have been isolationist. Expel the Jews, close the borders, and become-self dependent. The aggression was his downfall.
he was a tool
>Hitler was born to a practising Catholic mother and an anticlerical father; after leaving home Hitler never again attended Mass or received the sacraments.[370][371][372] Speer states that Hitler made harsh pronouncements against the church to his political associates and though he never officially left it, he had no attachment to it.[373] He adds that Hitler felt that in the absence of the church the faithful would turn to mysticism, which he considered a step backwards.[373] According to Speer, Hitler believed that either Japanese religious beliefs or Islam would have been a more suitable religion for the Germans than Christianity, with its "meekness and flabbiness".
Sup Forums REKT
Also checkem.
It is transcribed from mein kampf. He says he speaks to all people who wish to protect the future of their people.
Hitler was right
Wrong. Absolutely a transcription of Hitler's words. If you don't believe it read mein kampf
>According to Speer, Hitler believed that either Japanese religious beliefs or Islam would have been a more suitable religion for the Germans than Christianity, with its "meekness and flabbiness".
Though he fucking hated Christianity, he was never a cunt about it and mostly talked about in his dinners.
>The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practices a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its keynote is intolerance.
Yeah, you know, physically removing the communists and democrats? State enforcement of liberty for the native population while excluding and removing foreign squatters?
>either Japanese religious beliefs or Islam would have been a more suitable religion for the Germans
>Japanese religious beliefs
Is there just something about fascism that attracts weeaboos or what?
>killed jews
>loved dogs
>loved whites
>wanted a white Germany that would never be fucked with
Im still waiting till the next hitler shows up
He literally did nothing wrong except naming the Jew and fighting them for the sake of his people and race. If that makes him wrong, then I don't want to be right.
You realize libertarian is not a catch-all term for free market capitalism, right? It literally implies social liberalism which, as I understand it, is the opposite of fascism.
So, libertarian fascist is an oxymoron.
That's not Libertarianism at all unless you mean the groups removing the Communists aren't government controlled but are private controlled.
>killed a lot of white people
At least he tried to save Europe!
You should blame the US support of Russia for his defeat.
What did you do today for the white race?
>The first slogan is claimed to have been inspired (albeit not by Lane or by Fourteen Word Press) by a statement, 88 words in length, from Volume 1, Chapter 8 of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf:
>What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.
Okay, but it's a bit longer than fourteen words, and Lane himself said he didn't get it from Mein Kampf.
He was absolutely right
While he was probably right to an extent, nothing is more barbaric than Islam.
Fucking hell I hate Islam.
They're universally weird, yeah.
It's weird how you guys don't understand that private property rights are the foundation of liberty. Communists don't believe in property rights, so they have no rights at all. What's so hard to understand about that?
He was unironically right and did no wrong up until he started invading his neighbours despite warnings from literally everyone else in the world.
In the end, his greed was his downfall. If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.
>The US, Britain, and the USSR killed a lot of white people
You know the (((Allies))) declared war on Germany and not the other way around, right?
>Oy vey, you evil Nazis, don't you dare invade Poland (along side our good goy Russians, who did nothing wrong) or we'll declare war on you!
I'm for private property but that's not what makes Fascism. Fascism is by definition a big government. What you're talking about would be private companies using their NAP principles to get rid of Communists which doesn't involve a big government.
Watch and decide for yourself.
he didn't murder anyone nor 6 million Jews.
Are you fucking retarded?
National Socialism does not give a fuck about you individual in your small scale ownerships powerties and such what it cares about is the control of the banks, massive corporations, and such, small businesses are not affected by national socialists at all, we don't care about taxing you very much or anything.
Why wouldn't the companies support a government that gets rid of communists? It doesn't have to be pure anarcho-capitalism, which I personally believe is impractical and unsustainable.
All I'm saying is that a government's first duties should be to protect property rights while expelling communists and unwelcome foreigners.
that's not libertarian that's pinochet-esque
I think he is onto something. The role of the government should be to violently opress anyone who tries to limit or regulate our civil liberties.
I could get behind this.
The end result is the same.
Helicopter rides for communists.
Big government =/= taxation
I wasn't talking economics.
If you want a big government in any way that's not Libertarian.
What are you talking about? I'm personally more of a minarchist. My ideal government would foremost concerned with removing leftists and protecting property rights. What's "big" about that?
his folk ideology was correct
his inclination toward fascism was probably bad
his love of war was bad
his willing to fight for germans was good
but his execution bad
wrong to think the english could be allies instead of deadly enemies
>giving Speer the echoes
Do you even know who Speer was?
Fascism is what brought the German people out of the Great Depression era.
Anschluss wasn't even war. The Wehrmacht walked into Austria, Czechia, and the Netherlands, and the people there largely welcomed them with open arms. Only Poland put up any real resistance, and only Hitler received any blame even though Stalin invaded at the same time and was arguably much harsher on the Polish.
Literally the only mistakes he made were going easy on Britain and fudging Operation Barbarossa.
What about forming an axis with Italy? In hindsight that was a mistake
He was dead-on right about the correlation between societal cooperation and racial homogeny, combined with the high social capital thanks to the swift boot to the ass of the central bankers.
His expansionist lebensraum policies however were retarded. You can't just stomp around Europe genociding people on a whim and expect nobody to give a fuck.
Of course hindsight is 20/20, but Hitler couldn't have anticipated Mussolini to completely fuck up the modernization of his army. They finished waaaay to late, and by then everyone else was upgrading.
Wow Hitler doesn't like a religion about a kike on a stick Sup Forums btfo
Link is dead
We don't care about the white race, we care about own races(ethnicities in nuspeak)
He was right
gypsies are not people and those were the only to get genocided.
Hitler'd gas you, you subhuman leafcuck
Fuck the church.
Hitler was more christian than most of this board though, just not like a puritan cuck.
And his quote about islam and shintoism is obviously of philosophical nature and he is right about it.
The only way to spread islam to Europe would have been to be conquered by moors and arabs which he obviously didnt want.
You dumb piece of shit.
Our colonies were taken away and we couldnt expel the jews without getting sactioned by you.
Because jews control you. (and us)
The reason so many people listened and still listen to him is because he told some truths, because of the lefts inability to counter those truths while also character assassinating the people who ask convenient questions the truths are starting to overflow.
No he was not right about Jews 100%, sure there are many that push multiculturalism etc. but so do white people and Stormfags can't counter that fact without going back to Jewish tricks.
Also he seeks to put a German form of government onto all the peoples of Europe, wouldn't work out of freedom of will.
If the right wishes to be correct and answer questions they should not look to the Nazis but the intellectuals that influenced them but also would never of supported them; Oswald Spengler and Nietzche etc.
I think it really is important to understand what Hitler wanted because WW2 was the turning point in European history.
Since then everything went downhill and we know why - because (((they))) were the real victors of the conflict.
You have to see the big picture, of course there are millions of white degenerates its laughably and childish to deny that.
Removing the jews also wont suddenly turn our world into a paradise, we still had to work on it to make it one. But it would give us the chance.
But all of this is jewish propaganda. Why would they fight for aryan supremacy anyway?
He was right OP
he was a good guy
its hard to unbrainwash yourself from a lifetime of jewish muh 6 gorrillion propaganda but you'll get there eventually
>kleenex in the back
what did they mean by this?
Did Churchill suck the jews of in a LITERAL way?
He was...actually right about almost everything. And his people and a good chunk of Europe loved him.
He was wrong about National Socialism and Aryanism, and was a strict dictator, but he was unjustly vilified by history for a crime he didn't commit.
>Hjalmar Schacht
>rothschild agent
He's talking out of his ass you fucking know it. Why spread lies?
Old fag reporting in who has been here longer than Sup Forums has existed.
We are and have always been UN-ironically Nat Soc and full on 1488. The only Disputes we actually have with each other is whether National Socialism is better or Straight up Italian Style Fascism is better. Thats it. Civic Nationalism is Cancer invented by the Kikes.
Here, have some videos:
Are you saying there isn't? Because it's fairly clear there is. And they even openly admit from time to time. lel
>He knowingly participates in a ritual where he symbolically drinks the blood and eats the flesh of an undead an eternal Jew
>Thinks this makes him red pilled
top wew
Act 14:2
>"But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren."
Acts 16:20
>"...These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city."
John 8:44
>Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do...." (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees)
IDK man, seems like Jesus wasn't defending any type of jew, unbelieving or traditional-and they certainly hated and vilified him.
He was right but holocaust was a hoax
He had the right idea and his heart was in the right place, but he was fucking shit at realizing his dream and mission.
He could've not killed the jews, cripples and other fuckwits (not saying they deserved to live), so the allies wouldn't have been able to demonize him and gang up on him. A Europe without communism and filled with nationalism would be a real life paradise.
He was right for being wronged but he was wrong at war and just lost the fight. That's IF there is no secret nazi base on the Antarctic and on the moon. Seriously though if war happens when some people piss enough other people off to force population reduction then it happens. Its a different world now and jews aren't the only ones to point at anymore and not all of them suck. Pol is WAY too obsessed with focusing on the past and have lost sight of what's necessary to fix the future.
Latbro, the Jews declared war on him before the Reich harmed the hair on a single Jewish head. The war was coming whether or not he killed kikes. Not falling in line with the international banking cartel guaranteed it.