Does a perfect form of government exist?

Does a perfect form of government exist?


govern = control
ment = mind

government = mind control

You are asking if a perfect form of mind control exist.

It depends if you want to be under control or not.

maoist communism

I wonder what the NEETsoc fags here will say


National Socialism.

Being an island unto yourself.

"Perfection" is a bit of a meme

nothing is really perfect outside of a few things

As long as nepotism is a thing no, no perfect government or corporation or system can exist. Politicians protect each other and will also help each other inn racial, gender and other social lines like that. Happens in my job too where managers help those in their rusted group.

take the benevolent monarch pill

yes no government, digits confirm this

National Capitalisim

Yes, perfect totalitarianism. It is the form of government that the creators of this simulation adhere to.

No, perfection is pretty much a meme but even beyond that you're dealing with managing imperfect non-homogeneous entities, you can't expect some perfect homogeneous gestalt out of it.

This way to your helicopter

Moral Clerical Fascism

No. Utopianism is for chumps

No, humans being inherently imperfect, nothing we create will ever be, that's why I quite like the phrase "to create a more perfect union," by the Founding Fathers. Though I would put Capitalist Republic on the top of the list, for as shit as America is, the fact it was first of it's kind and has lasted this long show the system works quite well.

Perfect for who?

A lot of the problems with the capitalist republic system are evident in the US, while better then communism, captilsim eventually darwins itself into falling. Blame Soros for meddling, but its the flaws they allow him too
>the upward drive of technology takes jobs away
>power and wealth concentrate from the top down form corporations that have grown ridiculous powerful, they just pay off politicians to vote in their interests.
Which is a natural flaw, the best and hardest working people (or the best at hewing) become powerful and power corrupts.

People are not perfect.

I see it as lotgh put it. "People follow people, but not necessarily ideals or institutions."

Well, instead of seeking for materialistic power people have to find honor and recognition to rise hierarchically. The führer isn't feared but respected like any alpha male in a natural group.

This organic system doesn't arbitrarily split powers (justice/laws/military). NatSoc really is perfect.

A republic, if you don't go and fuck it up.

Yes, it's called fascism.

Does a perfect form of human exist?


Anarcho-caplitalism, both ironically and unironically.


National socialism its in your digits ya dumb fuck Heil Hitler.

"Ment" means expand you jackass

Can only serve as a transition from x to ethno-fascism

you can't just throw ALL your problems out of helicopters

No, you can throw most of them out and the rest will disappear.

What this society sets out to do, it does it flawlessly

i unironically use bubble sort all the time kuz i didnt pay attention in class for the other memes

Center-left, Decentralized, Nationalist, Social Libertarian, Mixed Market Capitalism.


the perfect government? probably a monarchy with libertarian/capitalist views in mind, with completely closed borders. i don't think any government can work well on a large scale


Yes but it can only be done with a One World Government

It's a system based on all great ideologies from different systems

ai controlled world government

The American one has been working pretty solidly.

No because all governments naturally tend towards centralization of power which leads to power being in the hands of the few who are only interested in helping themselves.

democracy doesn't work

We aren't a democracy dumbfuck

Thats why America is the world superpower within less than 500 years of its existence right? :)

Dictatorship with the right leader. Power struggles ruin progress, so he'd have to have ultimate power or be loved by everyone. So the former.

How do you expect others to govern if most of the population can't govern themselves.

I always imagined the perfect form of government being technologically-limited Republic, and only in control of services such as law, basic healthcare (like emergency care), and providing resources in times of trouble, such as a famine. It would also serve as the center for advancing human knowledge, but only to a certain level. I'm thinking today's technology, but made much more efficient.

The majority of the populace would be subsistence farmers educated in sustainable and productive farming practices. This would be great because it would reduce reliance on the government to provide for ones needs, keep the populace in good shape, and give work to everyone. Urbanization would be limited, and the population density would be fairly low, but-uniform, throughout the nation.

I basically imagine it as being a merging of old agrarian lifestyles with some of the benefits of the modern system. I think this system would maximize happiness for most people. It's too late for a system like this to be implemented though. I don't have high hope for humanity wanting to stop their grotesque consumption, and the direction our society is going in is slowly destroying our psyche.

Kek wills it


I'd mention New Hampshire/Free state project as close as it gets.

Can anyone confirm?

Athenian democracy

> It would also serve as the center for advancing human knowledge, but only to a certain level. I'm thinking today's technology, but made much more efficient.

I absolutely agree with you on this. I feel we are at the highest level of technology we can go without seriously intruding on privacy and basic human freedoms.

I think we already hit that point a few years ago with the smartphone revolution and internet connectivity for every device. Now is just beginning a downward spiral not unlike how we treated the environment. We'll reach too far, not understanding humanities limitations. And then it'll come back to bite us in the ass. I don't think I want to be around to see the end result.

What are your opinions on where technology is going? Do you think a system like this could take hold in the modern day?

Have you never fucking heard of Fascism or

We have scarcity, and inherent individual inequality. Capitalism divides the resources equitably to the strong. The weak die off due to retarded decision making. I see no reason to fight that.

We have a mixed economy here btw, so please understand that the U.S. was topdosh 100 years ago capitalism wise. We needed some work on certain regulations but welfare isn't a development we need, frankly the people that need it can't get it anyway.

>t. business major

You have to fight for it my friend but you have to know that you're the truth

>t. business major
you say that like you are proud of it
easiest shitmeme degree

Serious fucking question:
In a world without (((them))) and the shitskins hordes they control, wouldn't all forms of government achieve the same ideal paradise?

Roman government is the closest. Even when the republic failed it was able to live on for a good 500 years and another 1,000 years after the west fell. That's about as good as it's gonna get faggots.


>implying this hard

No, because governments are human constructs and humans are imperfect.

By definition no

Speak for yourself. I'm perfect

>implying capitalism rewards the strong
It's easy to get rich be selling overpriced shit but no one like you actually contribute to the society.


we're a world power because we don't have to deal with 500 different ethnic groups vying for control over land. We have an abundance of resources that blows Europes resources out of the water. America got lucky with buying land from both the Russians and French and only had to deal with the British and Mexicans. We got off easy.


A perfect government comes with perfect people. until then the most perfect form of government is one like the United States Government that takes into consideration many if not all of mankinds various moral failings.

Don't tell these plebs about New Hampshire, we don't need or want them

This made me think that the less competing ethic groups there are the better an area will be. And then I realized the homogeneous parts of Africa and the Middle East are shit holes. It follows then that the more white an area is the better and conversely the browner the worse

Replied to the wrong user


Closest thing is likely a Military Republic. Somewhere between ancient Athens and ancient Sparta.

Voting rights and access to full state benefits are earned through National service. The military (in peace time) takes over the function of disaster relief, elections

Free market is left to control most private sector functions, within tough but fair government regulation.

Foreign immigration is determined by harsh IQ and aptitude tests. If you don't pass, you don't get in. If you do get in, you can only be apart of the political process if you serve.

Those that run for office must have served and in order to be a minister in government, you must have a required university degree. No more mass lawyers controlling the country, by rather a technocracy, with only those who have proven they know enough about governance (through their citizenship tests) being able to vote.
Any citizen who gets enough signatures from other citizens are allowed to run for public office.

Anyone who chooses to become involved in Politics and is elected cannot hold a private sector job after leaving office (guaranteed a public sector job) and cannot receive donations from any private group or individual (goodbye most forms of corporate corruption)

State citizens are given incentives to procreate.

>+Money and corporate corruption are removed from politics.
>+Accumulation of material wealth as the guiding force of society is destroyed
>+Serving the public interest takes precedence
>+Everyone who wants it gets to become apart of something greater
>+Unrestrained globalism and mass immigration are effectively crushed
>+Government must then promote marriage and procreation in order for society to stay together

of course. all things can be achieved through one-state

Reminds me a little of old-timey china.

We still have a ton of different ethnic groups that have been at each other's throats throughout our entire history. Maybe not land disputes, but we haven't gotten along all too easily, even now.

Anarcho Hedonism

The Rule of Saint Benedict

Does a perfect form of slavery exist?


A perfect government is practically impossible, if not impossible.

There will always be a person who has power in government, and will always be able to exploit that power for personal gain. Having no "government" is just accelerating the power issue more, with the "governmental system" allowing for all persons to use power for personal gain at the expense of others.

There will always be bad people who want to manipulate the government and its system to their ends, eliminating freedoms for the people because they do not fit the needs of the power-holding.

If you make the "government" go away, like in anarchism, an individual will come along and create enough power for themselves so as to create a government that does away with anarchism.

The best you can hope for is establishing that government or changing it internally to suit freedoms, as opposed to creating a truly "free" government of anarchism, which will inevitably become a flawed state that exploits the people in one way or another.

People are born with the capacity for evil, not evil necessarily. Allow them an avenue for that evil, and they will actuate and fully realize this avenue for maximum personal gain.

Also fuck communism. Literally cancer. Allows for MASSIVE exploitation of its people, and creates enormous avenues for evil to grow.

Pushing for a government which creates the least incentive for SCREWING others over is ideal, so a shared identity and culture, as well as greater association for groups as opposed to individuals.

Capitalism is a good thing, when it is actuated within a system which limits the reasons for screwing others over.

So, in conclusion, there is no perfect government, but a culturally/morally homogenous and group associated state is fairly ok, as far as things go.

>that ID

haha GAY

Decentralized communities.

>GAY fot

Theocracy ruled by Jesus Christ


Yes when it's all white and EVERYONE works to help EACH OTHER. It fails when the greedy show up looking for a piece of the cake without contribution to the baking of the cake.