I mean I'm not saying her policies are wrong but she's a women, i mean a fucking women. That's like voting for Hillary Clinton. I'd rather vote for a globalist pro-EU male leader than a nationalist anti-EU female leader. I mean seriously French people what the hell is wrong? Why has even the French ""right""" wing gone full SJW.
Why Would Any Non-SJW Vote For Maria LePen?
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It's how we traditionally save France. Don't think too hard about it. Le Pen is based
le Penn is nothing more than a populist whore. France will hurt under her arms
stfu whore
Like seriously nobody cares. As long as we leave EU I'm fine with welfare for apes and chimpanzees.
Smash numpad 2.
Targeted to OP.
Peace One Love.
sorry me no speek chinese
She's more man than the other candidates you stupid fucking leaf cunt.
>a woman could have done it! Jesus Christ.
Hey antifa nigger you are on the wrong side of history.
Le Pen will only be in office a few years if she wins. But if she does win, the changes she makes will determine the fate of the entire European continent for decades to come.
> I'm fine with welfare for apes and chimpanzees.
In case you didn't get the memo, Le Pen wants to cut off all foreigners in the country in order to expand welfare for the natives.
I'm wondering if you could tell me, my frog fellow, what FN's chances are of taking a plurality in parliament. That would seem to me much more important than the presidency
You should understand that we're not actually sexists. (Except the ones who are.)
Female leaders are just fine, if they're not incompetent.
Lefties just like to use the gender thing to get their own corrupt people in place, though.
No she wants to leave the EU for FREEEEEDOM
That's why I'm very excited of the prospect of Le Pen being the first female French president. Literally beating the libshits at their own game and stealing a milestone they'd have proudly celebrated from them.
>identity politics
neck yourself leaf
I never even thought of this. First female president and she shits SJW's omg.
Will this not prove the right isnt sexist?
>not being into identidy politics
Please have cancer.
>Will this not prove the right isnt sexist?
She even expelled her own father from the political party for unacceptable statements.
The Lefties probably can't touch her on "patriarchy".
look at the shill pretending to be a misogynist alt-righter
fuck off, pajeet
we want Le Pen to win, and the fact she is a woman is icing on the cake because now she will be the 1st female French president
Have you looked at her?
I love it.
>we want Le Pen to win
And when our memetic sorcerers unleash the full might of Kek to make it happen, the Left will suffer doubly a blow, losing their "sexism" card upon us almost completely.
>Says increasingly anxious Jewish man for the 7th time this week.
What happened to fre speeb
And she's a socialist, though I guess that's standard for Europeans.
>You should understand that we're not actually sexists
Recognizing what women are and treating them accordingly isn't a bad thing.
>Female leaders are just fine,
No, they aren't. Can you give a single example of that being true? Cunts shouldn't be involved in government at all.
Go be a feminist somewhere else
>we want Le Pen to win
Maybe retarded feminists like you.
Yeah, she's an ugly old whore. And so is her slightly less ugly niece.
Speaking of which, the EU Parliament seems to be trying to place her under criminal suspicion, while the banks have opposed much of her campaign funding.
Socialism is good tho
You fucking stupid leaf, rake yourself
Go live inTurkey then big man
In France she's actually very unattractive, since French (white) women average out at like 8/10.
it's this kind of juvenile drivel that make us all look like clowns.
please, don't mistake faux edginess for a political stance.
unless you are actually a leftie trying to make us the right looks stupid - is that the case?
>is that the case?
Of course it's the case.
We're actually female supremacists here, especially thiques, but lefties only see non-lefties as "Nazis".
Here is the thing with women. There are exceptional ones that go above and beyond their ilk. It is fine to give the kudos the exceptional ones deserve. Where problems actually arise is when these exceptional women think that all women will rise to the same standard they have and propagates that idea. Instead of having the same amount of integrity they do, the average women is likely to only hear and take upon herself the parts that don't make her feel bad. Meaning, that she'll encapsulate all that independent WE STRONG bs, while taking on NONE of the actual responsibilities, or very few.
What's truly sad about this stuff still going on, is that these exceptional women have had plenty of fucking time to see through social media that most women are not exceptional and the social engineering done to them to help lead astray society as a whole has only made it a million times worse.
2nd thread started by a leaf OP going full retard that I've had to reply to so far. You fuckers do it to yourselves and this is why I have no sympathy when replying to leafs abloo blooing about being denigrated on the board. Step your shit up.
This is the stupidest troll I've read here in a while. And that's saying something. Fuck off.
First steps after an an injury are often clumsy and painful but necessary.
>One of the 4 best candidates France had in 50 years
>Don't vote guys
Margaret thatcher
She expelled her own father she's pure scum
Le Pen how strong she is and the stance she has. Not a weak dudette. youtu.be
>le wrong side of history meme
sounds like an SJW tbqh
pic related
Grow up
She's scum
>no u
no u
Hollande, el presidente of Holland
She will save Europe. Economically Fillon would be better for France, but that is not my problem.
Fillon is pro-EU baka. He can't be better economically.