What does Sup Forums think of Tibet?
What does Sup Forums think of Tibet?
A weird hybrid between India and China
Save. Do not reply to Shi threads only post smug anime girls or call them faggots. OP is a faggot
The nazis liked it, so i like it too. Apparently they also could let giant rocks levitate by using music and singing
I don't have a fucking opinion on every single little shithole country fuck off! >.
The future of my country
They were a barbaric theocracy before the Chinese took over in the 1950s. I suppose you could call them the Buddhist equivalent of radical Islam.
Faggot OP
God damn bird people
Export something other than monks and mountains so I can have an actual opinion.
Sucks that china annexed them, but their people are better off
nice US proxy there, agent ching chong china-man
fuck you Chinese fucking roach you deserve to be boiled alive, every single worthless Chinese life could perish and I would still be more concerned about a single Tibetan monk's strange sounding cough
fuck you chink
>had the support of the remains of colonial british, CIA, jewish media, india
>Says the thieving malaysian who is more than likely a sandnigger
You don't get to speak, low caste subhuman
I'm not Chinese, but Chiang Kai Shek did boil communists alive in 1927. Good times!
sounds like vancouver
fuck tibet let it burn
Pretty based and should be a free county
Shut up you dirty gook go attention whore on Twitter
A bunch of peaceful inbred farmers that are basically 100 years behind the rest of the world. Have little to offer anyone but are bullied/used for political gain because of their geographic location.
I see no problem with this