one is cool to young people
the other is hated immensely
genocides were committed under both
what's the distinction?
one is cool to young people
the other is hated immensely
genocides were committed under both
what's the distinction?
Other urls found in this thread:
One is an ideology that would have ushered in a golden age for humanity. The other is a stupid college meme that leads to starvation and privation.
deep down people just want to be cucked by totalitarianism
One was defeated
Succinct. Also true.
fascism and marxism are both creations of the marxist hegelian dialectic
alt-righters would be wise to NOT associate themselves with fascism, as the cultural marxist matrix is programmed for you to be the enemy if you identify as fascist
Both were you retard
theyre both cool to young people
Fpbp as usual.
Propoganda and Jews one of them benefits the Jews the other throws them out of the equation
>collapse is the same as btfo in a world war
>NatSoc genocided
One was lead by Jews, the other fought against them.
One was started by a bunch of Jews, the other discriminated against a bunch of jews
This unironically made me think
One committed atrocities against Jews.
The other was Mostly Jews committing atrocities.
1 was eating their kids the other had traditional values
Why do the Jews, not even 1% of the world population, have anything to do with this (aside from them engineering the whole conflict).
They should stick to comedy and let white people figure shit out, like we have for all of human history.
false premise, one didn't commit a genocide
the other was responsible for 100 million deaths
>the holocaust actually happened
One now forces young and old to sit through videos explaining why diversity is good, without defining why it's good. The other is there to remind us that we once rose up against this, and we have the power to one day rise up again.
One is nothing more than everyone eating the same thing, wearing the same thing and being the same people thus stripping the individual of self identity.
The other tells you that some can be better than others but it doesn't mean we should hate them for it thus creating a healthy system for pride to be fostered in the individuals self.
Don't worry, my next job is sitting in a cubicle all day editing content from newspapers. It's double plus good.
Both are the same. There is literally no conceptual difference between Stalin's isolationist communism and nat.soc. of Hitler Germany. The only differences are cultural nuances.
Probably because they can keep saying "b-but no one has made a real communism yet"
One offers free shit in exchange for your freedom.
Distinction? Obe offers equality of oppurtunity, the other equal outcome. To a bunch of sheltered manchildren the latter seems way more "fair" because they'll not be competing for anything in their life anyway.
what a shithole.
It's even worse.
Two sides of the same coin.
There's little difference, ultimately.
One only lasted a dozen years and the other 69. This led to generations of people in the west living with the commies as enemies. Naturally, certain types of people have to question wether the enemies they were taught to distrust, despise, and fear were truly their enemies, and as an act of rebellion against their own society, identity with their enemies.
Liking commies is the political equivalent of teenagers who like rap because it annoys their parents.