Name a more based police force
Name a more based police force
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I like pineapple on pizza. What are you gonna do about it?
qld police force has better memes
Must be the lack of flouride in the water or dirt tier education.
S-Shit what pizza should I be eating then ?
Should ban all pineapple-pizza fags
I don't think normie memes are funny even ironically
>not liking hawaiian pizza
I bet you put vegemite and sprinkles on your pizza you golden-brown faggot
What Pizza does the Lord Jesus Bless ? Supreme ?
The only things i dont like on pizza are anchovies and spinach.
>Australian Facebook page
>meme shitposting
Greens are in power in my region.
Pray for me Sup Forums
"Pineapplers" deserve a worse fate, but we can start with their identities being recorded for future prosecution.
how can a police force be based when they enforce laws that can throw someone in jail for ten years for having a toy bb gun?
They dont make the laws
QLD. They threaten (and mean it) strike action when political correctness gets in the way of doing their job.
The only police force on the planet more pozzed than vicpol (Melbourne) is Vancouver.
this is not a drill, sharia blue is actively trying to get people to vote for FvD, TLDR, this is like getting conservatives to vote for McMullin!
Please help holland get back on track, tell people vote PVV, Geert Wilders, and link this video
they enforce UN laws if they were based they would quit immediately
I see idiots trying to argue with police all the time about the law they're breaking. The main response they get is "I don't make the laws".
Arguing is for court.
Cheese, pepperoni, maybe sausage it depends on the sausage, peppers optional.
Yeah great police work officers. You'll be taken much more seriously from now on. im sure all the lebs and maori's and gooks attacking people in sydney are just shaking in their fucking boots.
Am I the only person who enjoys onions on pizza?
Any /onionbros/ here?
Pineapple on pizza is fine, it's comboing it with ham that is disgusting. Both ham and the pineapple is sweet. Replace the ham with beef and it tastes much better.
t.murifat. trust me on pizza
Why do so many australian companies/brands have actual ironic meme shitposters running their social media channels?
The police are going to hound me because I'm hawaiian?
This is trump's america.
They enforce laws ensuring old women cant defend themselves knowing damn well how long it takes for them to respond at least with a handgun an old woman or man might have a slight chance but i guess thats very rare so they deserve it
It can be nice if the onion is sliced the correct way.
>Can't protect protect Pauline Hanson from leftists/antifa at rally.
>Can't control Apex niggers, Melbourne now has carjacking and home invasions.
>Cant stop ice epidemic and related schizos who run people over in cars.
should ban all non-pineapple-pizza fags.
I had a pesto chicken pizza last night god damn it was so fucking good
Yep. This and only this.
Especially with cheese all over the topics like pic related.
The cuck capital of Aus gets cucked regularly on all fronts.
Liberal minds at work mate.
They employ social media managers.
People paid to sit online all day.
It's unsworn/administrative staff that run these accounts not actual officers.
Your country is the nexus of shitposting, it's only natural
I know, but why are the social media managers always memespouters who value ironic shitposting?
This is the best timeline
Gotta get dem (likes)
Yeah you're right I should have thought before I spoke. I just dont think it's a good look for police to be cracking jokes on social media.
>Be Melbourne Somalian criminal.
>Carjack some random aussie, point gun at 12 year old white girl.
'Gibs me da keys or else'
>Oh, no; Vicpol in pursuit!!!!
>Ram police car
>Vicpol calls of pursit & drives away.
What is the most popular pizza amongst the Officers in the NSW gunna get some pizza and eat it In honor of our boys in blue and this thread and the memez.
>Supreme Pizza
>Meatlovers with Chillis
murrica what say you?
Why don't they target GFM and sharia?
>he's not old enough to remember the Wood Royal commission.
>he wasn't around when the joke was if you wanted to commit suicide you just had to be mentally ill and deal with cops in Vic or NSW
Not even worth a giggle m8.
all meats you disgusting subhuman abo
>dosnt like anchovies
why even live?
>be criminal in QLD
>police cant even chase you
the prisons are too crowded,
They're paid to be "specialists" in "online culture".
That includes the jokes and memes.
It makes them look cool and down with the kids.
It's like TV ads for companies that don't need ads (telstra). It's all for public image.
>genital female mutilation
Immigration mode: initiated.
Well there is a Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad in Sydney because the mudshits are that bad
asio is basically a middle eastern crime detection agency my man
Hawaiian? You belong in an oven, not the pizza. have a little humanity.
Ive always been afraid that if I ever apply for a job with ASIO they'l see how often I'm on Sup Forums
tooo funny
few asio fags browse Sup Forums ive had chats, they dont give a fuck about white people
Canadian gay patrol.
Hey we have flouride
You literally need a uni degree. m8 of mine worked at asis for 2 years.
A sociology degree.
your police arent as good as ours m8
they should be targeting dominos on pasta
the G Daddy
Its a shame NZ police get paid fuck all, heaps come here from NZ and UK for the money.
pineapple pizza fags will not survive the day of the rope,
>Hawaiian Pizza made by Canadian Greeks
>People Defending this monstrosity
Anyone who likes pineapple on pizza should be gassed.
pineapple pizza is god tier, yall faggots need pineapple in yo life
Grilled onions are ok.
Chicken, bacon, steak, and jalapenos master race
I actually met some ASIO employees at Uni once, they were 'ultra-normies'.
Their workplace is subject to diversity quotas and they have the usual in-house HR stazi officers for anyone with hurt feels.
What a joke, the premier goverment instition is openly infested with cultural marxisim.
The irony, corrupted by the shit they are supposed to defend us from.
Fuck off mate, our police regularly bash hippies, mussies and darkies.
It's vics judiciary and politicians that are pozzed beyond belief.
>what am i gonna do about it
>oh boy what wont i do user
>what wont i...
The QLD police are pretty based, this is a good meme though
few weeks ago someone had an oversized refrigerator on the top of their car, and the police posted the picture with the caption "Not cool"
yeah, besides getting paid fuck all the cops over here are also hated by everyone, even the normal middle class people who never have to deal with them. I honestly have no idea why, they are actually really fucking good
people who engage in degeneracy usually despise peoples whos job it is to stop them doing the things they want to do
The guy I'm talking about wasn't even that smart. He was doing some electives with me at uni and walked into the job after graduating.
It was a bit of a joke really.
With hindsight I'm thinking he was probably bugging all of our phones
>wahddup m8, watching the footy later
>nah m8, no leave pass.
>pub lunch on Friday?
>cheers m8, your shout.
What if i like playing dominoes with my pizza?
>captcha: select all the vans
>they dont give a fuck about white people
no shit mate. but what do they care about?
not liking pineapple on pizza is fine
but you can't trust someone who doesn't like olives and mushrooms
It's because they're cunts. And because of our very relaxed culture, it's good sport to fuck around with them and talk shit and you don't have to worry about getting shot or dragged out of your car and stomped on.
>its because they're cunts
only if your a fucking criminal
fuck of Maori scum
uh, What ?
please explain ?
Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong. If you get your morality from the government you're just a sheep.
That's what makes them cunts. Kiwis see them as a judgmental opinion when they should be minding their own fuckin business.
They should come when they're called, like an ambulance.
whatever you say Sione
Why do you keep on posting this garbage
>they should come when they're called, like an ambulance.
You're a special kind of retarded
If I need the police I call them. I don't want them patrolling the streets on the lookout for what they think is degeneracy. What if they think I'm a degenerate? Proactive policing is a myth, it's the excuse they use to cover the low resolution rate of crimes which people actually want solved, like burglaries. You know, the kind of thing you call the police for?
You're a cuck aren't you? When was the last time your local police saved the town from a wandering rapist before he committed the act? Never cunt, they respond afterwards just like the ambo.
Locking people up for doing drugs doesn't count, that doesn't keep communities safe. An example of what they think is degeneracy but actually causes no harm on its own.
This sounds good as fuck right now
The GeStaPo
I remember in my home town all the cops who were cunts had to go to a neighbouring for a night out, because the local bogans would punch the piss out of them. The ones who didn't go on like a fuckstick were fine.