Its getting worse Sup Forums

Its getting worse Sup Forums


>grovel and abase yourself before us
>recognise that how much you pander you are and always will be an evil piece of shit because of the colour of the skin
>why don't people listen to us any more?

Good. The more they do this shit, the more "white allies" they will push away.

>take up minimal space during protests
I think I'll just continue to not go. I think that would save the most space. You're welcome minorities.

>Recognize that you're still racist. No matter what.


Keep going. Just more future Sup Forumsacks.

> You will always be a racist
Feels good man

>There are others better suited
Like the President of Zimbabwe

>that last one
lol, very persuasive, i'm sure everyone is just ecstatic to implement these principles into their lives

I agree with number 4. Lolololol number 10. Brilliant persuasion tactic!

so if im still racist no matter what, why dont i just be racist. your going to call me racist anyway??

stupid backwards ass leftists

>reject your white privilege
>nevermind you're still raycis whitey


So much contempt that they admit will pretty much never go away, no matter what you do. Whites must be judged as a group because they have "privilege". They'll argue that it's not racism but it's pretty damn close, and they feel justified in it (unlike racism, which is wrong). How the fuck did this happen? That's what they teach kids. Multiculturalism will keep us utterly divided (and thus weak).

It's like they didn't want you to go in the first place. When will people learn that divisive rhetoric won't solve shit if they want equality? It's okay to be different, but you can't constantly focus on that since it'll tear our modern world apart. The saddest part is that the far left and right are two sides of the same coin.




>letting someone tell me what to think, ever, under any circumstances

OH I am



literally who?

stop shilling your agit prop

>never invite people of color
I'm OK with this one.

fucking cunt can't even view an image of two babies without making it about muh racism

So I'll always be a racist even if I follow their advice, grovel and give up my dignity?
Might as well just be racist and keep my dignity, or am I missing some hidden positive side to doing what they say?

Okay, maybe this will fall upon deaf ears (or. blind eyes) but I think I need to clarify something.

The duration of this, combined with the level in which it is believed and pushed by the social media and mainstream media show that beliefs such as these are catching SOME traction and are here to stay until one of a few solutions.

You need to prepare yourself for the possible outcomes of this new wave of anti-white and anti-male racism and sexism.

Either white males (and those that stand with them) begin to stand up and defend the future of the world that we created OR white males continue to get blamed for everything and the destruction of civilization ensues.

There will be no "female controlled"/"POC controlled" system of civilization. They, as groups, are incapable of creating a sustaining system.

Now the real danger lies in how serious we take this. I, along with many of you, laugh at this non-sense. However, this non-sense is dangerous and has shown that.

At the moment riots from these people are taking place throughout more liberal areas of the country, but do not expect them to be contained to those areas forever. They will eventually spread, as will their false beliefs of entitlement for all except white males.
Countries will fall, so assuming that what happens in one "multicultural" politically correct country will not happen to yours is ignorance.

I am simply warning all of you now.

We will not invent time travel, we will not colonize Mars, we will not survive as a species (humanity will fall as a whole) should this ideology continue to gain traction.

These people are an enemy to humanity and must be treated as such.

Do not expect their beliefs to be a fad, their words to piss off enough to counter them, etc. etc. They prey on the young and impressionable, they promise those that want the world without any work that it can happen. They push mental illness and confusion on children and the weak minded.

If I'm a racist by virtue of being white then I guess there's no point in trying not to be racist, because by that definition I'll always be racist no matter what, may as well embrace it then.

> 1. Take up minimal space during anti-racism dialogues and protests

Way ahead of you, kek.

What kind of white person can cuck themselves into believing this?

>Recognize that you're still racist after you do these 9 impossible things meant to degrade you into an animal
Then why exactly are we trying to stop racism if it's so ingrained into human biology?

>Recognize that you're still racist. No matter what.
So, like every single sane person on earth?
Fucking Kikes.

Identity politics do not gain traction. They only serve to galvanize populations. For every x number of people who convert to their side, y number reject it and join us.
The inevitable result of this is that one day there will be no more centrists to convert.
When that day comes the radicalization begins.
They see their words stop being enough to get their way, so they will turn to violence.
People will only tolerate violence for so long before they retaliate with violence.
At that point it will be a legitimate civil war and whatever side wins will shape the future of society.
This is inevitable at this point. Its just a question of time. The only thing that can stop the process is some sort of external threat which inspires a feeling of unite or die. That means either a war between developed nations which means nuclear war and apocalypse. Or a new great plague which also means apocalypse.
The die has been cast. These are the only possible futures

I like how this is exactly what we did and now all the leftists are pissed off about it.

We did step aside. We stepped aside and stepped right out of the left entirely and voted for Trump. I think we made the right choice.

did you put this together, or is there a link you could have posted alongside the image but didn't?

Im so fucking happy Im not a contributing member of society.