Why do other boards make fun of us? Is it due to the quality of Sup Forums?

Why do other boards make fun of us? Is it due to the quality of Sup Forums?

(Reminder that we're allowed one meta thread about Sup Forums and there are no other meta threads up, therefore this is allowed to stay up by the rules)

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying worshipping kek isn't autistic

Why do you care what other boards think? It's all the same site. Get the fuck out of here with your stupid reddit mentality, you dumb fucker.

>Why do other boards make fun of us?

What other boards, you little CIA shit?

Isnt 60million percent of the traffic to this board anyways?

Not gonna lie, the kek shit is autistic as fuck and anyone who posts kek is either underage or a Redditor or both

Sup Forums has lost to the normie flood caused by pol.
go on Sup Forums its similiar to pol now

go on /r9k/ the board has significantly changed in 3 months

Other people who do not like pol do not like pol bringing in droves of normies

so many newfags all the time...

Because you have people like this in the movement and they like to strawman everyone.



kek would be displeased with you. chaos does not fear the opinions of others

Because autism

Seriously, forget what you know and get a real life and be happier

That kind of unfiltered autism can cause blindness or death if taken in large quantities.

>This is why people make fun of us, but it doesn't mean we're wrong.

We run Sup Forums.

This pisses me off
It's easy to keep away from the fucking normies in real life where I could actually benefit from genuine social interaction

But on the internet they keep following us and tearing apart everything thats beautiful

We care what other boards think because?...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Who cares. We Sup Forums now.

The majesty of Kek can be blinding to the uninitiated sometimes.

It doesn't really matter what another board thinks. This is by far one of the funniest and most chill board of all. That is if satire is funny to you


This is a shit meta thread, but let's take a moment to appreciate that the stickies that one, presumably new, mod has been posting seem to actually be helping OP quality just a little bit

That, and filtering "drumph" and common aliases

NEETS are moving to discord now

I remember when some links were being dropped to discord rooms, but I never bothered saving them...

Wish I could

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are of little benefit to other whites, and you are absolutely wasting your time here.

Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.

>Why do you care what other boards think?
you're clearly very new other board have always hated each other in some short sense

what's killing Sup Forums

meme magic is real. I've seen it before my eyes, cuck

I host made a new meta-Sup Forums thread. That means you have to delete yours op.

Have babies only if your life is in order.
And gas synagogues and blame it on muslims = false-flag Mossad style but back on'em.
Normally the jews kill whites and blame it on muslims.

You must go back

>The majesty of Kek can be blinding to the uninitiated sometimes.

This is accurate.

>Reddit diaspora come and conquer or board, forcing us into isolated discords, effectively destroying our net presence


Get the fuck out.

Everyone see this post this faggot made?

NOW their latest tactic is to assosciate anyone who says "Praise Kek" as being autistic. Be that as it may, the left side of the normie internet is going to use this as ammo do discredit us.

You think that literal autistic kid in that Irish talk show who spouted "praise Kek" wasn't done on purpose?

They're trying to diminish the power of Kek.

Not gonna lie, former Kek supporter here, it's fucking funny watching him lose to Moloch. But in all seriousness, we can't let him have the memetic codes


they're pussies