New Snoop Dgg music video absolutly BTFO Trump and white people
yo bbng is pretty good music tho. who cares what the gangbanger talks about
>e] [Auto]
Fuck you nigger
>system of a clown
LOL check out who the director was.
What does it mean?
Whites bought all his records and made him his money, guess that's definitely reason to hate them. They're still the largest consumers of rap/hip-hop music, not black people.
Yeah, because black people steal all their hip-hop CD's.
Can confirm, I worked in a record store for years. Loss prevention was always catching niggers with CD's stuffed down their pants.
But anyway, if Snoop Dog is advocating the assassination of the President of the United States, he needs to be reported to the FBI tips page and the Secret Service page.
What a geeky ass stoner.
this. this is classic snoop right here.
Is it me, or is this guy just perpetually butthurt?
Every time I hear about him he's always complaining about white people for some retarded reason.
i dunt understand why does snoop hate the donald so much when trump has shouted out snoop on occasion before
As a huge fan of 90's era hip hop and more specifically G-funk, this is not classic Snoop.
This song has funk elements but it's nothing close to the timeless classics he made with Dr. Dre, or even any of the stuff coming out at the time.
because Trump's a fucking idiot?
>New Snoop Dgg music video absolutly BTFO Trump and white people
You don't want to go down this road with me, snoopy.
you'll use your magic tripfag powers?
I don't get it, honestly. I get the white guy killed by white cops thing sorta... but the black kids are the ones who tell the world via youtube, and trump says what exactly?
like is it a clown revolt? Am I a clown? the black kid was a clown.
well that was fuckin gay
Check 'em
>checking your own quads.
I don't care. He's still black. He can say anything he wants in his white man's car, with his white man's music, making a video with the white man's camera, living in a white man's nation.
It's like a retard making fun of normal people.
"ha ha white people don't even live in mud huts. What's up with that"
been done a million times boy.
the best part is I wasted the quads with a dumb post AND I'm a leaf. Feels good man.
spotted the leaf cuck
ayy Lmao?
>nigger music
>checking yourself
What a pompous ass
yo Nigger I'm right wing as they come.
Doesn't mean I have to personally like Trump.
Dude's a fucking idiot. He also supports the jews and won't ever name them, so yea there's that.
Racist snnnnoooooooooopppp!
This never happened
>caring what strangers do on Sup Forums
on the spectrum like a boss
I'm guessing he's a clown because he just stood there filming
Damn right, faggot
Snoop is a sellout.
Trump is ironically more of a rapper than most rappers. He has multiple baby mamas, covers everything in gold doesn't give a fuck about shit.
>leaf who lives with his parents and shitposts on a Vietnamese straw hat crafting fire pit calls a billionaire businessman who memed himself into US Presidency and then decided to be the first one to actually follow through with promises and do work, a fucking idiot
I live with my wife and child thank you very much.
Nice work dodging Trump's love of jews.
Snoop has become irrelevant, looks like a last ditch attempt
Wow really makes you think.
>Leaf cucks so desperate for approvals They check themselves
You must be lonely in your igloo
This is one artist I don't get. He is often in the media yet most people can't even name one song by him.
snoop has his pulse on black community, he plays it well
Only reason he's famous is because he put out a few good hits, then sucked Dre's dick for features.
>never again holocaust reference
>rap music industry
oy vey!
the ma and pop record store in my town has all of the rap music locked in glass cases and everything else open
Snoop has gone so far down hill, this isn't even close to his past classics. Nobody will even remember this garbage in 2 years.
i like this one
damn thats a cold ass nigga, he rhymed sinister with minister, fucking genius
The Dad at the beginning is Micheal Rapport and he is a kike!!
I remember when snoop and trump were buddies, what happened man
remember when hillary and bill were friends with trump?
what happened mang
this is good
it only makes people more racially aware
>you'll use your magic tripfag powers?
I'll outrap you.
So much THIS.
HEs trying to erase his past of being pro-Trump because everyone is targeting him for it.
Wont work Snoop. Sure they called you a coon and an uncle tom for being ok with Trump but Now you have become something much worse. A chicken Shit little bitch nigger who turns coat on his friends to save his own skin.
This man is a Punk-bitch that you cannot depend on to ride N' die for you when the enemy soldiers come banging for war.
Thats much worse than a coon.
woah those background niggers are dressed like the niggers in the movie "dead presidents", get it dead presidents!
and because of DUDEWEEDLMAO
>I'll outrap you.
Come on snoop.... where you at?
on reddit as a moderator for many subs.
you know, like most gangstas
>snoop dogg is 45 years old
why does this fedora still act like a prepubescent teen with daddy issues?
>on reddit as a moderator for many subs.
>you know, like most gangstas
That you wish you wuz?
You ain't gangsta, you a punk sellout bitch
coming full equipped with that jewish shit.
Trying to propagandize your listening crowd with the CIA's how to playbook on selling out a population, the first in the nation to make entertainment a mental vacation from rational thought that they bought from the Rothschild owned lyrical forgeries, you want to step to me you'll get your ass beat.
You try to step to this ad libbed shit, you gonna wish you never responded to my post, you bitch.
i went to the school of hard knocks
where the teachers were hard up for hard cocks
dont ever diss me dude, you dont know me like that
i pull out my gat, and check out your girls belly fat
I have a gun
I fuck your girl, and cum between her buns
hang a nigger from a branch, then dip my chicken in some ranch
word upped your mother, next day you find her smothered im an elite your small time like an asians feets
cheah my nigga bouts to pull that trigger
make you fade to black like a nigger
Everyone got upset
At least mike tyson stayed bros with trump
Listen here you litlle bitch ass poser twat,
I'm coming in between your moms butt cheeks like spock.
All logical, spitting thick rhymes like i'm invincible.
You want to step to me, you'll have to check and see if your puck ass bleed.
This fat cock getting shoved up your brain, make you exclaim (that shit wasn't a proper refrain)
>cheah my nigga bouts to pull that trigger
>make you fade to black like a nigger
Well, as a white boy, I can't legally say nigga, so take that rtigga and shove it up your taint.
I don't exclaim how this refrain (again?) make you remain in the memory that entails the destruction of your entire lyrical mess that you press against the inevitable vaporization of your entire vocabulary mess, you're hard pressed to rebuke this drunken mess, that eloquently mess upon your absolute best redressed rhymes that you can't even redress for a retort of grievances....
You know what I mean? It's a scream what I'm putting on the screen, your lyrically rhyming mess is a shame to be seen, I can't believe that you mean to step to the motherfucking JEDI, My name is YOTTABYTE, son....
I'll kill ya faster than cyanide whit these lyrical flows that never get paid to go to the show.
I get paid in the dish pit
your rhymes are dip-shit
Super fucked up has been
Try me again
you'll wish you was never been.
Yo I was just messin before dawg
but now im bout to go full hog
Speaking of hog, I'll make you squeel like a piggy
make you wish that you never messed with this niggy.
uhh, yeah, thats what I thought, was getting caught part of you plan? only bitch you've slept with is your anime made in japan.
when you step to me, you best be stepping lightly,
because once I hear floor squeek i'll be pounding your ass nightly. Yo asshole will be unsightly, come on fight me. I'll fucking murder you, cook you up and make you live inside me. shit you out, never doubt me.
anime pillow*
>Speaking of hog, I'll make you squeel like a piggy
Yo, dat's gay.
>make you wish that you never messed with this niggy.
And dat's raycis.
>uhh, yeah, thats what I thought, was getting caught part of you plan?
You know bane crash your plane, right CIA?
>only bitch you've slept with is your anime made in japan.
Well, since the CIA done mind controlled every western woman to be a slut, I have to rebut, that IS part of your plan, to literally sink japan and every other westernized nation, it's not a vacation to think of the compartmentaliz4ed CIA in such terms, they'll straigt take over your country and tern them to short term profit margin of the intrtnational bankers, the shareholders of the planetary pseudo-nation that you exclaimin is the correct vector for our planetary population, a great mixing and thusly destruction of our planetary populations, the cultures, the memories, mixed all to hell and piled 6 feet deep. just to maintain the potential survival probability of these multinational corperate C3P..............O's
(would you like to know more?)
wiggity miggity shiggity whack
thats the sound that my dick makes on crack
take you to the cleaner, aka my house so you can suck my weiner
Do this:
1. mute video.
2. Play this in background
doubt it
It's like Snoop Lyin' hasn't figured out that toking is a tired 90s meme
Kek, I never thought of it like that before.
Trump is a real nigga
actually identifying yourself as a Leaf. Christ he's internalizing the continental roasting.
you are beyond cancerous
You all know what they say about rappers who go broke....
This is the most embarrassing thread I've ever seen.
(((Jesse Wellens)))
Every damn time
Not a valid argument. Not constructive or even near political debate.
Sage this shill garbage
good goy
this guy has smoked so much shit he cant even string a sentence together anymore
without theatrics and a backing track this is just a video of a mental patient doing a little dance and humming to themselves
Jesus this sounds awful.
Snoop really boned himself on this one
>take you to the cleaner, aka my house so you can suck my wiener
Do you want my full attention?
What reason do nigs have for hating him? It's not like he banned chicken
Man, I thought he couldn't sink lower than