Why are so many elites converting to Islam?

>Prince Charles
>Justin Trudeau
>Hillary Clinton
>John Brennan
>Keith Ellison
>Cat Stevens
>Lindsey Lohan
>Rowan Atkinson

What the hell is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:


they took the memri pill

Islam is the ultimate redpill against disgusting Western degeneracy


Thank you for quantum data

Mr bean laden?

Because they're TARDED!!!

They do whatever the Bilderjews tell them to do.

Holy fuck that can't be real

We created islam for you shitskins. You are a lower race.

This right here is why. This is why Islam is spreading like wildfire. This is why Europe is being taken over. I swear on my being that it is why. Take the time and watch this video, you can check the thread and see how positive the replies beforehand if you like. But just do yourself a favor and watch it.


same link 3 times

No surprises there

Because Satans influence is growing stronger. Obviously more and more people will convert to his religion.

islam is a nigger religion. you colored people are so far below us whites that you can't even fathom it. of course you can't have the same religion as us. does the CEO and the toilet cleaner read the same instruction? you fucking stupid shitskins. we created your religion.

>thinks I am Muslim
You sound sexually frustrated, user

get on my level, pajeet

>It was not only paganism [the missionaries] were attempting to displace, but the Moslem faith as well, and Islam was entrenched in Central Africa by this time. It had strong attractions for the primitive tribesmen, since it could be understood and practised by the simplest mind. There was no complicated initiation, no elaborate ritual, not even priest or a church were required... Already the Africans comprehended in a vague way the concept of God, and Islam merely demanded of them that they should acknowledge the authority of his prophet Mohammed.

Only ones on there that are true are Lohan, Stevens, and Ellison.


There is ample support for every case I listed. Take your pick and I'll give you a shopping list of evidence.

>It was enough to declare 'There is no God but God and Mohammed is his prophet', and the pagan illiterate was accepted into a faith that offered him all kinds of advantages...The status accorded to women by Islam also suited the Africans very well, since they were accustomed to polygamy; Mohammed allowed a man four wives who were all inferior to him, and divorce was easy. Best of all, perhaps, was Mohammed's paradise, for it contained just those sensual delights that preoccupied the Africans here upon earth: a cool water-garden inhabited by beautiful women, the gratification of every physical want, and, by night, four houris to attend him in his square tent... As for the slavery itself (which the Africans had always practiced), it was condoned by Islam... Compared to these easy-going doctrines, Christianity presented a hard, uncompromising front. Its emphasis upon original sin and its dogma were difficult for a sluggish mind to master, and its prohibition of slavery and polygamy seemed to the tribesmen to be flying in the face of nature. The ethereal Christian heaven had very little appeal when contrasted with the sensuous Moslem paradise, and even the outward forms of Christianity were somewhat incongruous in this hot climate: the mosque had its graceful minarets, its great cool space beneath the rounded dome, its pleasant carpets to kneel on, and it harmonized with the landscape. But the severe lines of Christian architecture were alien to Africa.

Tl;dr: Islam is a nigger religion.

I thought Cat Stevens converted back.



Remove kebab

>Christianity prohibits slavery
>Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ

What did the Bible mean by this?


It's almost like you don't understand context.