No Love For Mormons Girls, Sup Forums?

- Mormons are Conservative

- Mormons have a well-known code of health, called the Word of Wisdom.
Committed Mormons don’t drink alcoholic beverages, smoke tobacco, drink coffee or tea, use recreational drugs, or abuse prescription drugs.

- They will always be larger than families outside Mormondom.
like eight brothers and sisters

- Mormons teaches that all sexual relationships outside of marriage (defined as the legal union between a man and a woman) are sinful.

- Mormons who marry other Mormons in Mormon temples have a 6.5% divorce rate. Pretty darn good. But Mormons who marry outside the faith have around a 40% divorce rate.


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Mormons are also cult members

>don’t drink alcoholic beverages, smoke tobacco, drink coffee or tea, use recreational drugs, or abuse prescription drugs

You realize that because they're so wound up about being neat freaks many of them are jacked up on psych meds, right?

All religions are cults.

Some more than others.

>implying Sup Forums is not a cult


Kek is a cult

i think one of his kids adopted a bunch of niggers

>not wanting qt waifu and have 8 childrens

>qt conservative waifu*

I was raised Mormon. The bad outweighs the good, the are pro multiculturalism and diversity. Plus they are by definition not christian. The super white Mormon families like the picture mainly exist in mostly white Utah where that is the only option most of the time. which yes, is a good thing.

What's the bad side like for Mormons ?

like paying the wall and such...

>Having people go around telling you your religion is fake when they don't practice at all / little to none.
>Being stigmatized as a Mormon
>Gotta keep quiet with the normies about it or they'll bring in the bantz
>Always told that Joseph Smith was a conman
>Always told what bullshit the LDS church thinks even though you don't really think it

I mean, I'd totally rejoin my faith as a mormon to get some white babies but I also hold in contempt that one shouldn't pretend about what they believe in.

Why do you think (((they))) attack Mormons at every opportunity with their propaganda machine?

Pictures of strong, intelligent, beautiful human family's scare and intimidate them to no end.

That is the reason that all 50 thousand propaganda programs across the USA always do the following.

1) Belittle white males wherever possible
2) Vilify the strong white male
3) Attempt to separate the white female from the white male.
4) Promote race mixing
5) Give undue credit to minorities at every opportunity
6) Obscure credit due to whites for any achievement
7) Hide minority crime at every opportunity
8) Over extend examples of white crime far beyond its actual proportion
9) Hide minority cultures and lifestyles outside of the country so that we may not draw conclusions as to their lack of abilities
10) Hide white cultures and lifestyles outside of the country so that we may not see their comparative superiority
11) Sexualize and personify what appear to be 50% human ape hybrids while shaming or cuckifying human males.
12) Supply false depictions of whites using theatrics to achieve all of above
13) Vilify anyone white who goes against any of the above

Truth is I can keep going for hours, but every point is always to the same end. That end is the demise of advanced civilization on Planet Earth and a reduction to an animalistic struggle for survival.

And we're the bad guys for seeing it unfold.

And just because they have a Freudian inferiority complex.

Giving 1/10th your income to the church kind of sucks.

Who would know you're pretending. If John Smith was a Con you could follow his path. I'm athiest but Mormonism sounds redpilled as fuck.

Screenshot. You're redpilled user



Mormons are based

>large white families
>teach niggers and other subhumans how to do shit instead of immigrating them here
>American nationalists
>low key red pilled about niggers
>extreamly educated and cultured

The only thing that is bad about them is their superficial friendliness. Id rather the country be 100% mormon than 90% white european and 10% black

They also won't be in a relationship with you if you aren't Mormon

some will

mormans are heathen cancer whom will die in fire

i wonder who could be behind this

I was actually born and raised in a relativly small town in southern Utah if anyone wants to know what Mormon communities are like.
Still live here.

>Id rather the country be 100% mormon than 90% white european and 10% black

Me too, Bubba Dean...

one of my ex's was a mormon, she loved dick.

real dirty mind aswell. her family didnt like me because i wasnt mormon.

atheist here as well and I've been struggling with my lack of religion lately.
a conservative society is the best way to make degenerates behave.
but I don't believe in God.
I always thought Mormons in particular were kind of awesome.

the idea that I would con in the footsteps of their con artist prophet seems amazing.
might be the only chance I have at meeting a non-degenerate and starting a family

>the idea that I would con in the footsteps of their con artist prophet seems amazing

Disgusting blasphemy, Bubba...

canadian sighting

>All religions are cults

Is something a faggot libshit would say.

God forbid someone has some actual beliefs about something for once. I'm not even mormon but I have a lot of respect for them.

Based on a sample size of 4, all I have met and become acquainted with have been "good people."

They would even joke a bit about some of the fringe elements within the religion.

They do make for incredible employees.

Honestly, it looks too good to be true. I'd worry that I'd end up drinking some Kool Aid if I was to join. I envy anyone born into it though

Mormons are insane. It is a cult that requires you to believe in and whoreship outright insane shit.