What's the best European country?

What's the best European country?

all shit

Czech republic

South Cyprus

The memes

The memes are strong in that pic




Oh Iceland, Carl would not approve

>immigrate to Germany


Can't say I didn't think about it. Didn't google it yet though...

Germany 1939

>implying anywhere but the USA is even tolerable


You just do this

Its easy Ireland watch...

Keked at Serbia and Montenegro


How can Yuropoortrash compete?

Switzerland or Norway.

Ireland or Iceland are the only ones that would be tolerable to live in desu.

>mfw always wanted to go to Germany someday
>mfw not worth the risk of getting AXE'D


There is no way this is real literally every country is their respective Sup Forums meme

>Immigrate to Germany
>Immigrate to the State

Kek,this. Switzerland, Serbia, and T*rkey made me kek outloud.

>how to become an olympian

How is this their meme?

Is it because they constantly seek attention and they want to know how to get jacked and thus gain attention? Damn maybe you're right.

Serbia knows what's going on.

Slovakia is the only redpilled one.

Finland is the worst. Stay away

They're blackpilled m8ey

Great place for suicide.

Any place is a great place for a suicide.

Switzerland or Monaco.

Depends how you define "best."

Country I most want to vacation in:

Country with food I like best

Country I most want a woman from

Country I most want the US to become friends with

Country my family is from

Country I'd most like to live in

Based Lithuania

I kek'd laughing at:
Now compare these two and their goals in life:
>Lithuania and Czechia

>cold as fuck
>depressing as fuck
>great natural wonders and national parks
>based half-european, half-asian genes
>24 hour night and 24 hour day
>home of the objectively best memes
>BTFO'd communism with little more than a few thousand soldiers, 100 tanks, 1 sniper
>combines modern architecture with commieblocks and buildings from the 1800s
>all shitskins are confined to Helsinki



>Country I most want to vacation in:
I was in Spain last summer, it's really nice. Went up north to see some old towns and castles and down south to the cities and beaches.

Probably a good idea to go soon since I heard their economy is about to go down the shitter, or something like that.

One of those tiny countries that are basically just upper-class neighborhoods that have the authority to keep sandniggers out since they're not in the EU, like Liechtenstein, San Marino or Monaco.


They've been in a shitter since the financial crisis, but last year they finally started to recover.

They're projected to grow something like 3% this year


I remember seeing some thread on Sup Forums the other day about how they had some insane amount of debt looming over their heads, I didn't look too deeply into it though so maybe someone was just being an alarmist.

lol spain economy has been trying to get out of the shitter ever since they ran out of inca gold

I've never been to any of them but had a bong tell me over a game of halo 3 that they have muslims like we have mexicans... would you guys rather have mexicans or muslims?

t. 0%

Mexicans are like degenerate Spaniards
I lived in mex city for 3 yrs and got into so many random fights on streets.
I did live in shitty area tho

Definitely Mexicans. Most Mexicans actually work and don't just go around raping women and blowing shit up all the time like Muslims do. Also Mexicans aren't trying to establish a fucking caliphate.

Mexicans don't spend every waking moment inventing new and exciting ways to murder infidels, so that's a plus

Ukraine. Farms, hot chick's, radioactive ghost towns, bribe culture and an active front line. What more could you want?

My country is a living meme FeelsGoodMan

Hungary. People are based, Budapest is nice to visit and not full of naggers, muzzies or chinks.

Never experienced being around large groups of mestizos, huh? Try going to Southern California and see what you think of them.

>Countrymen needing to google basic survival skills

Honestly guys, if it's not white and it has a beard, you keep clear of them.

There is no way they can be worse than sandniggers.

No, but still not optimal.



Won't happen. Even with the new migrant crime there are less murderes a year than some of your cities a month in germany.

Monaco Montenegro Switzerland

Maybe not now, now i'd say Hungary.
Check em

Jesus Christ Portugual.
You think you know a guy...


So how DO you have sex?

>how do i breathe without choking



considering moving to Iceland to teach them how to rock

are these legit most searched phrases or an epic yoke

Ireland lol bunch of drunktards with no social life. Every holiday what they do, gather and get drunk eating fried shit and tin canned food. Weather horrible as fuck aka SHIT


Sandniggers are worst, but mexicans aren't exactly ideal. Basically everything Arabs do except they work and aren't Muslims. They have ethnic gangs and change parts of America into Mexico 2.0.

Or not.
Here I come :)

>learn english
fugg off

In what discipline?
Sweden is definitively the best at cuckoldry.

>how do i get a job
oh spain. i'm sorry we're more interested in matters of physics and reality, while you're skipping siestas trying to find employment to keep your kids from starving

Serbian Nationalism

Kingdom Europa




The Netherlands

Best in what? Best for who?


Sorry... I guess

>Slovenia: die
>Croatia: have sex
>Bosnia: start a business
>Serbia: regain Kosovo
>Montenegro: stand up to my wife
>"Kosovo": (no data)
>Macedonia: punch

Former Yugoslavia truly is Kek's own country


Come on I'm pretty sure everyone googled how to do a hand stand at least once in their lives.

shit map


>Greece: get a loan


Germany and sweden glass when

Spain is great for vacations, I love Sevilla especially.

>how can I become a Belgian
>how can I better my dutch
>how do I become less fat

Oslo's a real shithole though,
I swear that a different gypsy asked me for money every 30 seconds, in the goddamn city centre and there were burqas and niggers as far as the eye can see