Is there a general "redpill" for newfriends?
Or do I just have to be around for a while?
Is there a general "redpill" for newfriends?
Or do I just have to be around for a while?
Other urls found in this thread:
7/11 was a part time job
And that's a fact
I guess not
You will learn that the wrong guys won WWII.
Then you will learn that that Nazis/Illuminati were infiltrated by Draco Reptilian Empire at the highest levels, doing obscene things no human could posslbly do. (They also got trauma-based mind control technology from the Zeta Reticuli)
Then you will learn that all Nazi research - all of it - continued in secret in America, fueling America's economic rise and Federalist Empire to a world-dominating entity;America is the IV reich, so to speak
USA bases in every country for the express purpose of smuggling drugs, guns, and children. Israel and Saudi Arabia control America through blackmail and bribery, look up #pedogate
Finally, you will learn that a faction of the Nazi Party broke away from the Nazis in the 30's and went to the stars, while after the Battle of the Bulge the Nazi High Command fled to South America and Antarctica, controlling the US and world from there.
Finally, you will learn after March 15th that the Nazi Breakaway Civilization is back, and the Nazis are variously trying to liberate America and the world even as they agitate against the very leftist machine that they created so they could say
>miss us yet?
>Is there a general "redpill" for newfriends?
I literally have a redpill that will ruin your life.
I really wish I was joking.
It's called "Edrick's Basalisk"
Don't search for it, it's dangerous.
thnx ill start reading
all i get is links to a game called dragon quest?
thats you tube link is gone
Have a (You)
(^^Look up James Casbolt for a kick)
ty man
So is this 12 dimensions........ pladians......... aliens and shit real?
I thought my dad was just crazy losing his mind in his old age
The Life and Times of James Casbolt
The producers of Stranger Things could easily lift a show from this. They, incidentally, based the show on conspiracy theories, like the original Deus Ex game. Show was supposed to be called Montauk... look it up in whitehatdarkhat...
It's real.
Your Dad's redpilled, bro.
if you really are new and you dont want to genuinely loathe jews with a mel gibson-tier passion for the rest of your life you should leave now and not come back
this is honest advice in good faith
Don't buy into all of this wackjob conspiracy shit. I'd suggest getting off Sup Forums or it will ruin your life. Don't make the mistakes I did.
ive been on b for a long time.
im new to pol
I'd suggest staying off Sup Forums. It's ruining my life and driving me insane. I'm trying to leave but I can't.
Jews aren't a problem:
They were dealt with years ago.
Start diggin:
yes, lurk moar
>made me into a conspiracy theorist nutjob
>despise every minority I see
>driven me to despair about the state of the west
>makes me feel depressed for the state of the world
>lost friends for racism
>made me from outgoing to introverted
This isn't Sup Forums's fault. It's just what Sup Forums does to you.
The Nazis lost Earth, but they won space. The Nazis created the Dark Fleet and formed an alliance with the Draco. Together with the Draco, they go on military adventures together outside of the Solar System.
Know your enemy.
The Jew.
Also you will get shit because of your flag.
'a fucking leaf'.
Lurk and learn to shitpost. As you are a leaf, shitposting should be natural for you. It's in your blood.
And remember: Sup Forums is a peaceful board.
We like newfriends. Sup Forums is peaceful and kind.
Welcome, newfriend!
>all i get is links to a game called dragon quest?
You can thank whatever god you believe in for that.
What we call 'the world' is an infinitely small frequency band. It is not solid as most people think it is, because the atoms that compose 'the world' are made of empty space. Furthermore, 'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune in to it. What we call 'the world' is like a computer simulation, which means that it is illusory and therefore malleable. What we call 'ghosts' are beings that are so close to our frequency band that they can 'bleed' through like a form of broadcasting interference. A radio accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off-centre, another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. What we call 'ghosts' are based on the same basic principle and reptilians (for example) are basically beings that we could think of as 'ghosts' in that they inhabit a frequency band that vibrates very closely to the one we inhabit. To us, a 'ghost' would not look solid - but to that 'ghost', we are the ones who would not look solid. There are an infinite number of frequency bands and they all share the same space usually without interfering with each other.
so why bother hiding all of this info? why not educate the masses?
There is a faction of Scientists that left on Haunebu-like ships before the Nazis went fray (and were infiltrated). Remember that the Vril society channeled positive beings communicating in a proto-Sumerian language, showing them how to make 'Vimanas'. So, they were okay. The Nazi party started out okay, before they were hijacked by the illuminati, who started doing research in the concentration camps (which were purely to figure out how to solve the Jewish question, never intended to mass murder).
The esoteric roots of the Nazi party are in the Templars. The 'negative space' of the Knight's cross is a a flower that is part of Middle Eastern Goddess culture
So that's why this happened:
In the 1970s the Nazi faction declared war on the Draco Federation and their orbit fleet was completely destroyed as well as their moon facilities.
Critical theory is important to understand if you want to avoid being manipulated.
Also Jews
This alien shit is really freaking me out........... This is common knowledge here in pol? wtf is going on
Don't buy into please, I beg you. It's baseless bullshit. It would be horrible for you to become a paranoid nutcase.
Critical theory is pure jewishness
lol I'm not, but wtf aliens?
Wow really? Thank you for opening my eyes. How do I delete a post?
That was a good thread full of redpills
>how do I delete a post
Type your computer IP into the name field
It was a joke retard I know that kikes made critical theory
In a word...
Welcome to Sup Forums. Here, we do /x/ better than /x/.
No... No... stay. we need you here.
No one un-Jews like a Jew. Seriously too bad the Hyksos hijacked your religion thousands of years ago...
Several ISraeli Mossad Agents were arrested on 9/11 with explosives and fake ID's from the same DMV in Tennessee where the 9/11 hijackers got their ID's and they also had a fake work order from magic heating&plumbing (a known Mossad front company) which placed them in the basement levels of the Twin towers in the two weeks before the 9/11 attacks.
They were literally caught Red handed with evidence proving they planted bombs in the towers and were turned over to the FBI for interrogation. Its listed in FBI field office reports that we have finally been getting from FOIA requests because their classification time limit has expired.
Jews did 9/11 Its and irrefutable fact now.
Watch "war by deception" by Ryan Dawson.
And not for the last time
this guy is trolling. Sup Forums is not one person. listen to lots of ideas and positions and then decide for yourself.
Kike trips.
Oy vey!
>Remember that the Vril society channeled positive beings communicating in a proto-Sumerian language, showing them how to make 'Vimanas'.
'Vimana' is a Sanskrit word meaning 'flying machine'.
>so why bother hiding all of this info?
I'm not hiding it, (((they))) are.
is a globalist meme (((they've))) pushed. Seriously. desu
>Is there a general "redpill" for newfriends?
the first and last redpill is to think for yourself. agree with someone because they're right, not to agree with them. the second redpill is to recognize the barriers holding back your ability to think for yourself, ie the mindwar. the third redpill is more or less if you find yourself thinking "hmm, is Sup Forums the only dispenser of redpills? are there other flavors and perspectrives?", look up catherine austin fitts. some very good interviews and lectures on youtube.
Oh shit OP another thing if you didn't hear it yet somehow. Races are very real and are very important, and Sub Saharan African average IQ is 68, legally retarded. Due to this among other facts, blacks are a plague on your nations and racemixing is a real danger to the west. It becomes a bigger problem when racemixing is pushed in order to replace whites in their natives nations, AKA white genocide. If you are not well read on this, it should be one of your highest priorities.
searched a bit for this, found
and when i loosened the search terms a bit:
i like larping with you
either aliens are real, or some people have a whole lot of inexplicable technology that they've kept awfully secret.
"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..... anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." - Ben Rich, Lockheed Martin
Like what? How do you know if they have it if its secret?
I didnt paste that link..... wtf
Wtf I love the Draco Reptillian Empire now
When you highlight text and then click on reply you quote, my newfag friend
Lurking is the best redpill you can decide for yourself what theories are bullshit and what is legit but no matter what the longer you stay the more you believe is true and the less likely you'll ever return to your normal perspective
ah, i think i found something while reverse image searching the image from the archived thread:
"[The short story] features a setting where highly dangerous types of images called "basilisks" have been discovered; these images contain patterns within them that exploit flaws in the structure of the human mind to produce a lethal reaction, effectively "crashing" the mind the way a computer program crashes when given data that it fails to process."
Sounds a bit like Trumps innaugural speech:
>We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow," he said. "A new national pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions.
Speechwriter Bannon is clearly /ourguy/
cool, do we have the pics?
>Hory sheeet
Welcome to the CIA
Basilisk memes incoming...
this shit is cute:
"Subsequently, copies of basilisk B-1 leaked out. This image is famously known as the Parrot for its shape when blurred enough to allow safe viewing. B-1 remains the favorite choice of urban terrorists who use aerosols and stencils to spray basilisk images on walls by night."
reminds me of SCP
oh, the image in the archive is the parrot:
Its too late for you newfags. If you hadn't been redpilled just by simply observing our society for the past decade, you are just another tagalong normie who will bend in the wind to fit in to a group. Your kind will be the first to abandon your brothers in times of turmoil.
If you mean books, check "2083" and "200 Years Together". The first is free while the second is a banned book, not easy to find.
There're too many red pills though, they cannot all fit in just two books, you'll need to lurk at least a year around here to learn more. Lurk in the generals (>>>/sg/ is great to lear about the middle-east for example), on hate chan too.
Until/unless the Trump Administration releases the hidden cancer cures, faster-than-light spaceships, free energy, etc. to the public, those are just empty words.
anyway, looks like i did a bunch of research into a sci-fi story which i think is neat. im gonna see if more renditions of the things from the stories are anywhere. thanks for the journey, but i wouldn't call it a redpill by any stretch as it's fiction.
>"jews aren't a problem"
0,02 shekels added to your account
Sorry all i could think reading image
Get out while you can.
long story short everything shitty in society was probably done by jew subversion
>supporting terrorists
>"dindu nuffin"
You've to go back, Ahmed.
Read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. Seriously.
relax take everything that sounds remotely scary with a grain of salt, your probably 16 or so i was just like you.
the only things you need to bye aware of are political points of view, and that we are fighting to keep america and Canada and Australia and basically all white dominate countries white.
if you aren't white, well wtf are you doing get out of my secret club