Trump's Toll Roads

What the fuck is he thinking?!!!!!! All his construction buddy's are going to get rich big time. I smell CHY-NA investing too.... the free market will fix it right? FUCK YOU!!! america is screwed because white people couldnt handle spics and niggers

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Isn't this good? Construction jobs are perfectly valid, and often good for rural areas. It is also much needed infrastructure development.

What exactly is the objection here? That some businesses will profit? Well some businesses were going to profit under the Democrats too. At least these ones will be local and cannot be outsourced.

1 trillion is a lot of money god damn. Can we just cut funding to these 3rd world shitholes ? Dont know how we can fund this. I do hope this will really have private companies funding it.

>Americans pay to drive in a "public" road

>October 27th
Will you ever stop, Shareblue?

in states like montana, you take tax funding, rip up perfectly good highways, and rebuild them

meanwhile shitty country roads are abandoned, kids can't afford lunch, etc etc

if they were roads that need to be repaved, then fine, but often times they are just spending money that could have been allocated somewhere else

>Mexicans pay taxes to live in Mexico

Please stop giving money to da jews

I have lived in Arizona my entire life and have literally never seen a toll road. Is this just an east coast thing? What even is the point? I'd imagine the money goes toward upkeep on the road. Do they just use toll booths instead of taxes?

what's funny about it Pancho, we do get ripped off that way here in Mexico already >:l

Toll roads are usually nicer, more direct, and have a higher speed limit.

Is that some free market I smell?

Irony is that people in a hurry will pay and that will benefit everyone else on public roads as well with reduced traffic.

Yeah fuck drumpf, no new roads that'll show him!

>potholes intensify


>I'd imagine the money goes toward upkeep on the road

>in states like montana, you take tax funding, rip up perfectly good highways, and rebuild them
Source? Even if so, why would we expect this to be the standard?

>meanwhile shitty country roads are abandoned, kids can't afford lunch, etc etc
What? Are you trying to imply that because some roads will have tolls that this will put such economic strain on parents that kids will starve? You're a fucking idiot.

>if they were roads that need to be repaved, then fine, but often times they are just spending money that could have been allocated somewhere else
Like our military or global mega-corporations? Bank bailouts? Giving free money away to niggers? This is a better expenditure than most.

So far Trump has done a good job of keeping his promises, but he has got to stop acting like its the primaries where he an just give a generic description with no detail.

This lady didn't say a thing about they would gather funding. Hannity had to put the words in her mouth

>paying taxes
Less than 80% of people pay taxes in Mexico

Not public ones, we have the private highway but also a public freeway.

We have em in texas, fuck them to hell.

>having to pay to go to work

usually they are when you are heading to a major city

I always found it astounding how Mexicans can shitpost without heads.

Why not just build more normal roads to reduce the flow of traffic even more without spending government funds on them and that won't take up space that could be used for a free road? Highway robbery a shit.

Fuck you, Ive visited the east coast, tolls suck. They cause traffic and unless you get an ez pass you have to dig for change every day.

>have to pay to drive everyday
>have to pay to park

Whats the point of going outside?

what is circled there?

Florida ones aren't that bad. You can usually avoid them if you want, but toll roads are just faster / easier.

>Why not just build more normal roads to reduce the flow of traffic even more without spending government funds on them and that won't take up space that could be used for a free road?
How do you expect to build more roads without using either money or space exactly? What alternate dimension are you even from?

The jews own the north east. Although the one upside is there are paid beaches that do a good job at keeping niggers out

It fucking sucks man. I'm a student employee at a university so I don't get free parking and the pay is minimum wage (I'm actually paid less than minimum wage right now because ASU hasn't updated their pay structure to represent the newly voted minimum wage increase). My shifts last four hours, and parking for 3+ hours is $12. That means for one shift I'm paying 35% of my income on parking.

Oklahoma has some shitty turnpike I went on once. I mostly use back roads to get wherever I'm going.

It gets easier once you coordinate you blood flow with your keyboard. You wouldn't understated.

What amazes me is how Americans can actually type while shitting themselves in Walmart and with their deplorable education.

American's should have to pay a large tax for roads any time they purchase a car.

cucked against trumpkins

Its cancer in NY/NJ You'll hit one every half mile

What game is that?

we pay poor brown people to write for us

Americans with cars should be required by law to get an ez pay toll card

Jesus Christ. Ill park off campus just to avoid the parking charge of $50 a semester

Why don't you park a little farther away walk/take the bus?

No wonder why so many Mexicans keep jumping the border, stop paying those fuckers and do your own work, fucking lazy scum.

As a Georgian who's driven through Jersey, fuck toll roads. They are a cancer.

That would somewhat work, targeting drivers who use roads to mostly pay for them. Downside: Someone could own a car without actually using it that much, while another could drive on main roads twice a day, every day. Tolls would "tax" them more appropriately to road usage.

Americans with cars should be required to pay a government safety inspection on the vehicle (make sure everything is working correctly) every 3 years so they don't drive those old shit kicker jalopies on the road and shame the nation

Some states do this already, but it is not a federal law.

>shame the nation
>says the nation who invented NEETs and herbivore men

Toll roads or for nigger states like Texas

Americans with salaried jobs should have a 25% income tax that pays for federal health care.

What is all of this "penalty for not having insurance" bullshit? The government should just take the money from the salary.

>toll booths

Literally what is even the fucking point burgers? You're a decade behind the rest of the world.

Having sex and working are the two most shameful things humans are capable of.

we're busy paying poor poo in loo doctors to treat our beetus for exorbitant prices while subsidizing cheap carbohydrates- namely wheat and corn- so our diets are disproportionately unhealthy; we don't have time to improve ourselves simultaneously

we have le free market tho

What is the objection? What do toll roads have to do with social / economic development? Think of them like a tax that effects you proportionally to how much you use large, main roads.

>this (toll roads) is one of the ways
wow its nothing


>I'd imagine the money goes toward upkeep on the road

No they the tolls are there normally to pay back a road. So a highway might cost 400 million, they setup a toll for 4 years at $3 dollars to use it. Then once it's paid off they either remove the toll or they reduce it but use those funds to maintain it, they also might stop the tolls for a period once they finish and expand the road some more then return the tolls.

There are also really shitty instances of governments selling off a toll road as an asset. There by making quick bank off the road but forcing people and businesses to foot the bill everytime they drive the road.

Why the fuck would I want to slow down to go through a fucking tollbooth when e-tag and license plate recognition technology exists? My objection is literally to the concept of a tollbooth structure.

I have to take a bridge to some job sites in NYC every day, if they removed the toll booths and made it straight EZ Pass only, but reduced the toll down to 3 bucks, I would fucking cry with happiness

>Trump does toll roads and bridges
>Pretends its something new
Why not just remove regulation from flying so people can buy their fucking flying cars already

The roads themselves are rarely the bottle neck
It's shit like traffic lights or left turn lanes that are the real problems

Nice concern trolling bro! These rural and suburbanites don't even suspect a thing!!

>State puts in new major road to help people commute and travel through state faster
>State makes people who want to use it pay for it

Why is this bad? It's not like its from the movie "In Time" where they keep you in locations because your poor and useless.

I would also assume that major strips 100+ miles are hard to maintain in some states. Never see them in AZ. Getting them maintained during a harsh winter snow or endless amounts of water on them would be pricy?

Why make people pay taxes to maintain them when they dont use them.... make the people who use the road pay for it. Its a fucken great idea.

Its like the DMV, i have always hated how it is run.. A dmv should be 100% sustainable with the money made from people using it for its services.

>state/city builds a road using tax payer money
>Sells it to their pal for pennies on the dollar
>They put a fucking toll on it

Thats how it works

>It is a form of road pricing typically implemented to help recoup the cost of road construction and maintenance.

Go talk to the democratic senators, congressmen, and massive corporations/unions throwing money are DNC players for the >pennies on the dollar