Why are ypou guys always so angry?

Why are ypou guys always so angry?

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theyre autistic

Because the world sucks as it is.
Why can't you fuckers birth your calves in your own country?

Piss off Paco.

I'm not always angry

It's because of their TWPS

Tiny White Penis Syndrome

>western civilization is now all about sucking brown benis
>why you mad tho

This is what happens when you put flags and ID's on Sup Forums. This guy isn't trolling, he's VIRTUE SIGNALLING. That's right, he's a shill. All he wants is for him and his fellows to be seen in a good light, like some kind of reddit faggot.

Because I'm a leaf. But I'd be even angrier if I was a bean.

I'm not. I laugh a lot posting here. Sup Forums makes me happy.
It's worrying desu.
*mildly* autistic


coalburners everywherre

Burden of the thinking man.

To be honest, I don't give a crap what you think about me. Mexicans breed like animals, do you disagree? It isn't normal to have more than 2-3 kids per family, and yet they shit out 5-8.

Fuck mexicans. I can tell you don't live in a border state.

Lack of pussy and real life interaction.

Want to get bluepilled? Go out and make friends.

Not an argument.

Look you fucking pleb, you're or someone like you is going to be in the next thread talking about how the Jews have caused whites to stop breeding with each other. The fact of the matter is you just want someone to give your little willy a tug for your genetics, because you're a hopeless loser with no friends.

In short, you're a complete degenerate. The reason Hitler arose in Germany wasn't to liberate the country from the shackles of globalism, it was because Germany was full of limpwristed faggots such as yourself, who he promptly culled by starting a world war and having millions of them sent to die in Stalingrad. Which is why I'll be laughing when Trump repeats the same trick and has you executed for your weakness as an individual.

Because civilization is dying before our eyes and we are powerless and helpless to stop it, meanwhile literally every group hates white men with a burning genocidal passion and all the dominant forces of society are causing it to become a globalist hegemony where we all are even more meaningless than we normally are.

Profound evil is destroying the only things that make life worth living, and people like me who care cannot do a fucking thing, and people who do have power just don't give a fuck about anyone like me.

I used to dream about giving amazing things to the world and maybe changing it for the better. Now I dream of not wanting to die every day and not being rejected in literally every area of my life from family, to work, to relationships, everything.

I'm actually always happy, it's like the opposite of a curse

I also browse here everyday, the sweden threads do make me ree though, they need to get their fuking shit together


Because Africans and Muslims are allowed to live in my country

I want them out

>create modern world
>have it stolen from you by rich thieves and their pet cunts and shitskins
>be told you're the reason other people can't have nice things and to kill yourself
>get called a Nazi if you complain

For starters.

Anger is the definition of Sup Forums. If we weren't pissed off with the world, we would probably be outside doing normal things with normal people

Who the fuck shit in your cornflakes? Your entire post is a long winded ad hominem

Fuck you Pablo, mid your own fucking business.

Fucking roach and chinks shitting up my street.

All the goddamn Mexicans


Because we all know the black man are the real Jews, and they had their history stolen away by the hook-nosed fake Jews.

It's hard to interact with other people when you know the truth. Before I was redpilled I hung out with my friends a lot and found it easy to make new ones. I can't socialize with all of this shit in my head. It feels like you're talking to innocent children.

How did you figure me out?? I'm impressed that you can do such an analyst based on a few posts on a stupid imageboard. Are you planning on going in to the field of psychiatry are are you just blessed with the gift of mental understanding.

user, you kick ass. I'm also racist and love white nationalist music. Murdoch is my favorite YouTube channel, but you knew that.

Bless keke and frog gods because you are truly the person who has understood our secret club!!!

Why are you tacos always beheading someone?

Autistic impotent rage.

I find it easy but I'm not a full blown Nazi faggot so that might be the reason.


Because the more "intelligent" side claims they know everything?

After swallowing the red pill your eyes open to the world around you. You see society for what it is and how degeneracy is running rampant. White males are being targetted as every liberal insult in the book if they do not completely cuck themselves. You realize the world is turning to shit and you are powerless to stop it. All you can do is post frog memes for lels and try to find a reason to keep going on life.

You're projecting.

>this faggotry nihilist posts
And then you wonder why whites aren't reproducing.

Sounds like you have autism - exactly what I said in the first place. I don't know what else to tell you.

The world's first internet diagnosis. Thanks user, I'll see a doctor on Monday.

I'll tell you why Americans are so angry Pablo;

The USA, the nation with the highest wages for the blue collar worker in the 1950s, has had declining real wages for more than 40 years now.

Your illegal countrymen have a lot to do with it.

because wickedness

god got angry and destroyed the wicked

expect nothing less

What else am I supposed to say? Your posts consist entirely of irony at this point. You're just sarcastically repeating what I'm saying back to me.

Hatred keep me alive.

i'm not angry you're angry fucking dumb bean nigger cunt

More like the cheap libs who want there brown slaves


Sup Forums is populated by people with mental issues and general malcontents who can't adapt to modernity in various ways (though the latter is a wider problem)

it's unhealthy people creating unhealthy feedback loops on a shitty internet board instead of engaging in any real activism or therapy that would work on their actual problems

Hold still Ramone!!


>be bean
> not taco bean
> still called taco
atleast be clever and call me dominican idk


oh no, even the eastern Church Fathers aren't free from those LARPing fags


This is why

fuck you faggot cant believe that got me


I'm not angry, I'm depressed.

>a globalist hegemony where we all are even more meaningless than we normally are
this is basically what's normal since industrialism. no system that doesn't create this has been conceived.

>I used to dream about giving amazing things to the world and maybe changing it for the better. Now I dream of not wanting to die every day and not being rejected in literally every area of my life from family, to work, to relationships, everything.
that... that doesn't have anything to do with any situation in the world. you're depressed as balls m8.

Emotionally crippled, because of mommy issues.

Because they have small dicks lmaoo
Hillary for prez

Everyday i think about her.

Kikes. I'm angry because of kikes.

Better than Sup Forums

Same here, be glad you dont have a big scar where a chunk of skin was bitten off your wrist as a reminder. Try to find the ultimate reason, for me, this was the fact she was Slavic and I am green eye'd white.

I am starting to think mommy issues correlates to parents who never should've dated and birthed you as they are not compatible and we might as well all be suffering from the same ailments that mixed-race kids suffer like happas

People love to hate.

none of that makes any sense.


"Sup Forums is populated by people with mental issues and general malcontents who can't adapt to modernity in various ways (though the latter is a wider problem)

it's unhealthy people creating unhealthy feedback loops on a shitty internet board instead of engaging in any real activism or therapy that would work on their actual problems"

>And you're qualified to make that determination because?............................................

On the bright side we can expect a global happening within 20 years and if you survive you'll be special and have harems of women (lol prob not)

mummy issues

this, sadly

this kind?

>Why are ypou guys always so angry?

Because all of our governments are using Zersetzung tactics against all of us.

Look Zersetzung up for once, you soft bitch.


No money
No future

Society has kind of a knack for demonizing men who fail to make it in the real world because
a) they're unattractive
b) they lack social skills or charisma

Most of them become social outcasts who are consequently labeled as "creeps" or "weirdos". The ones who don't kill themselves usually either end up here or on /r9k/.

well put ... take my case: ive owned/operated an electronics repair shop totally alone for 4 years now (burnt tf out tho) and have had conversations with thousands of people on a personal/casual level for 10-30 min per appointment. The point is that I am damn good in this setting with people, like Jimmy Fallon hosting a bunch of guests everyday..

outside of that, the vast majority are simply NOT SURE who they are or what the fuck TO DO. They are growing more erratic and I try to avoid them as I can't talk to them at all since I've "get loaded on cola every weekend" privately and in a scientifically intense way that I don't recommend trying. Try, but life for me and many means coping in patience for an open opportunity in the near future. No opiates tho

>Operations were designed to intimidate and destabilise them by subjecting them to repeated disappointment, and to socially alienate them by interfering with and disrupting their relationships with others as in social undermining. The aim was to induce personal crises in victims, leaving them too unnerved and psychologically distressed to have the time and energy for anti-government activism.
uh.. is this the right wing nut equivalent of a leftie yelling "Nazi!" at someone he doesn't like?

Housing prices

Because anime still isn't real.

>03/13/17(Mon)04:25:04 No.116418748

I was in remote parts of Ukraine for 2 weeks in September of 2016 with my one Ukranian buddy as a lifeline. Girls are perishable and men are disposable. If you marry them at 21 (most are) and have kids immediately, they are the antithesis of the western woman. I REALLY hope I don't have to go back there bc I liked it so much that I would mix/marry with a Slav girl despite the inherent dysfunction in the marriage, she will be a great mother, kick you in the balls if you forget to take off your shoes at the door again , but she wont leave you if you have money , but only as a means of raising a big family. White men need options FAST. That's my nuclear Plan B (Ternopil, Ukraine) and right now their best houses go for only $50k and modern shit abound


Because it's funnier than being happy and pleasant

I did a drawing of you mummy.

>be mexican
>see americans criticizing mexicans for being garbage
>even though I know deep down that mexicans are garbage, because of having an emotional state of a 16 year old girl, can't even deal with the feelings that accepting this fact brings
>deny any and all accusations of mexicans being a sub-standard people
>blame Americans for any problems
>blame south americans for any problems
>when that doesn't work, claim victimhood and assert that everyone is just out to bully the poor mexican people because racism
>doesn't even know what racism is

The funniest part is you Mexicans like to claim you're all manly men and shit when in reality you're just emotional women. "Machismo"? Give me a break. Masculine men don't play the victim at any sign of emotional trauma.

It's the natural reaction to realizing it was the Jews who ruined everything.

This. Sup Forums uses a vulgar language and incites violence

The best mommy

Why are you so angry OP?

Come on let it all out I'm listening.
I care.


Did you just assume my mood?