Dutchbro political analysis

So there are 150 seats in the Dutch Parliament and Wilders was projected to win 35 before the recent downturn to 26, but this hasn't been adjusted with the recent rising tensions with Turkey.

Given recent events, would VVD be open to a coalition with PVV and could Geert Wilders actually end up as PM?

According to the current standing, a coalition between PVV, VVD, and CDA would only yield 48.69%. Has there been any increase in support for PVV or VVD because of recent happenings?

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Here's my source for the 48.69%: nsd.uib.no/european_election_database/country/netherlands/parties.html

God I hope Wilders makes it to PM. That would provide so many glorious threads.

>Given recent events, would VVD be open to a coalition with PVV and could Geert Wilders actually end up as PM?

This seems unlikely.

It will be a GL + D66 + SP coalition.

Green-Socialist alliance ftw

take whatever he is expected to get and add about 20%

The fucking vote is tomorrow, which makes me so nervous.

Not only did Mark Rutte come out and criticize the Turks over what happened, but even Merkel and Wolfgang Schäuble. I think there's hope that we can see some strength coming from Wilders and an increasing anti-Turkish sentiment could push VVD into accepting a coalition with PVV.

What fucking sucks is that when you look at it, the rising tide of populism/nationalism got channeled through nominally center-right parties in America and the UK, thus preventing it from getting sidetracked. The Republicans and the Tories both gave huge forums for these beliefs and the two party system prevented them from being marginalized.

In continental Europe, we can already see the problems of a multi-party system. In the Netherlands, no one party is able to build a majority so you need a coalition of 3-4, maybe even 5 parties to win. In France, Le Pen may win the first vote, but every globalist in the country is going to stand up and vote Macron in the second ballot.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet Obamaleaf


can't even have an innocent discussion about dutch politics

Thanks for your analysis user. I think thats why our founders thought the Electoral College was a great idea. I don't thin Wilders will in (and if he does he'll be hamstrung by a coalition), and I don't think Le Pen will win, but if they had our system they would.

Do you have a source on the support for those left wing parties post-Turkish happening?

If Germany and the Netherlands are now the new hardline on Turkey, do you not think that there will be an increase of anti-Turkey sentiment among the populace that will spur support for PVV and VVD? If Rutte is willing to go hard on Erdogan, why won't he partner with PVV. This isn't even about politics or ideology, it's about preserving his own political future.

If he can spin himself as some sort of hardliner, he'll be able to do what Merkel is trying to do with the burqa ban but actually get enough support.

As I said before, the most effective bastions of populism/nationalism so far were the US and UK. In both of those cases, they thrived by being channeled through existing center-right parties. The Tories committed to the referendum which made it a big deal, not the memers over at UKIP. Trump was able to rally the Midwest because of the platform the Republican Party gave him. If he didn't have that, he would've been Ross Perot 2.0 and the election would've been thrown to another Clinton.

It seems like a VVD-PVV coalition is the best way for us to meme Wilders into power and after the Turkish decision this seems likely.

The system is fucking rigged against us and it's bullshit.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the whole Fillon story was a meme that got used by the media to fuck us into this situation. I would've been fine with either Fillon or Le Pen since they both seemed against multiculturalism and Islam, but now the election is fucking Le Pen and basically throwing all the votes to Macron on the second ballot.

He's going to win OP they did this with trump. They're doing it with lepenn and wilder. They'll both win

Well the Turkish happening is very recent. Not sure how that'll go. May help Geert may hurt him and cause backlash.

But I am seeing a very late Geert collapse and rise for the Greens and Socialists (and CDA...) right before the election

The momentum seems to be in their favor and against Geert.

Obviously the Turkey thing is a wild card I have no idea.

She's going to win the first vote, but lose in the second. It's going to hurt, and she's the most popular candidate, but trust the French to fuck something so simple up beyond belief.

Macron will win, France is doomed, like Germany and Sweden. They can easily cheat her as the French election isn't the world wide event that trump vs Hillary was

I mean it seems like a pretty big wild card. I saw personally that the second investigation by the FBI against Hillary swayed a lot of undecided voters in my family when they figured somebody having two investigations against them probably has something they're trying to hide, even though they got off scot-free.

Again, if Rutte is going against Erdogan, I think there is ample room for cooperation between the two.

I think Merkel and Germany are too far gone, but maybe Rutte is realizing that a more conservative stance is the only way to preserve the EU post-Brexit? Now that they have legitimate challengers from the left, in the case of Rutte from Greens and Socialists and in the case of Merkel from Schulz, perhaps we could see them move more to the right to win as much of the right wing as possible?

Then again, I may be being too hopeful about the whole thing.

Idk when people go in alone to vote even if they won't admit out of fear of being called a bigot it can happen. Geert did this so people would turn on the turks aND show how they rrally feel abut the native people. Bold

Kek are you there?

What was your opinion of Fillon?

If Euros don't vote in nationalist parties this year, they never will, even after all the rapes and murders committed by jihadists.

The time is now to save a continent.

If The Brexit vote and Trumps election has taught me anything its that polls are meaningless.

Doesnt mean Wilders will have enough to force his party into the dominant position but i would bet a sizable fortune that he will get more than polls are projecting he is gonna get.

I'm not giving the polls any credence. I'm just saying that there's more institutional impediments than there were in the US or UK.

Even if Geert forms a coalition with VVD, we don't even know if Rutte will just cuck Geert into accepting a cuckservative agenda and if he's just using this Turkish thing to posture alongside Merkel.

I'm not dutch so I wouldn't know, but reading about these parties, why would VVD ever enter into a partnership with Geert's party? They seem ideologically opposed.

Damn nice fucking get.

I love you Dutch bastards.

Ride this wave. Not really sure how we Yanks can meme for you but have a rare bush

While I doubt that Geert will come out as the biggest, he partly won already. And will most likely be the biggest party in the oppositsion.

His popularity caused a shift to the right. And the next coalition will most likely be a centre-right one with VVD, CDA and some others

Then again the Turkey debacle might just cause the VVD and PVV to both grow ao big that ruling without both of them will become impossible

rare bush

I really hope that last situation is right user.

How bad would it be under the coalition user describes there?

>I mean it seems like a pretty big wild card.

Oh absolutely. I'm not denying that. It definitely is.

Right before an election.. that's a big deal.

I'm just saying I have no idea what effect it'll have.

Ok let's say it's VVD + CDA but theyr'e short of a majority.

Let's say they refuse to have a coalition with Geert because that's what they both have said.

Then what?

>It will be a GL + D66 + SP coalition.
This level of thinking is severely retarded. Even for a leaf.

Wouldn't happen in the first place.
Either way it seems likely that whatever cabinet there is will fall apart based on how things are.

Noice. Saved. Thx

I forgot + PvdA

It would be pretty underwhelming, it would make the Netherlands the Xth EU cuck with higher taxes to boot. Thankfully the PvdA crashed and burned so a left coalition will most likely not happen, since the CDA told them to fuck off, and then you need to take on like 4 smaller parties to get the majority. So that will be a clusterfuck that crashes and burns within a year.

>Geert Wilders (born 1963) is a Dutch politician and is leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV), the third-largest political party in the Netherlands, which he founded in 2004.

Wilders is best known for his anti-Islamization views which have made him a controversial figure in the Netherlands and abroad.

>In 2009 the anthropologist Lizzy van Leeuwen revealed Wilders’ Jewish roots in an article in the newspaper “De Groene Amsterdammer“. [1] According to the article Geert Wilders’s maternal grandmother Johanna Meijer who married his grandfather Johan Ording, has been stated to have been from a wealthy Jewish familiy. [1] Which will make Wilders mother Maria Anne Ording a Jew and Geert Wilders himself a Jew according to Jewish Law. [2]

>Wilders grandfather is stated to have been camp commander at an infamous post-WWII Dutch camp Fortes Honswick for “Nazi” collaborators who were tortured. [3]

>Geert Wilders has since his youth developed an emotional bond with the Jewish state and has visited Israel at least more than 40 times. As a youngster he went there to work in the Kibbutz, a socialist experiment of collective farming. He felt completely at home upon his arrival in Israel. “It felt like I had been there before,” he says. [4] He supported himself by working long hours in a bread factory and had an abortive relationship with a Jewish girl.

It's time for a raking.

>Gert Wilder is married to his second wife the Jewish Hungarian diplomat Krisztina Marfai. [5]

Gert Wilders ties to Zionist State of Israel:

>In the past twenty five years Geert Wilders has visited Israel on numerous occasions, where he says he has met former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert personally. [6] He had a very warm relationship with Ariel Sharon for example, whom he still admires. “Sharon was demonized in the West, too, but he was a great politician, and I take an example from him,” Wilders emphasizes. [7]

>At one point, Wilders wanted to move to the State of Israel because he believed one could, as opposed to the Netherlands, ‘work for your own money’. [6] Wilders in his youth worked in bread factories at a Kibbutz/Moshav in Israel. With the money he earned, he traveled through Israel and some nearby countries. In 2003, Wilders stated: “The past years I have visited many interesting countries, from Tunisia to Turkey and from Cyprus to Iran, but nowhere I have that special feeling of solidarity that I always get if I set foot on the Israeli Ben Gurion Airport.” [6]

>Wilders is one of the most ardent and loud of Israel’s supporters in Europe, and contrary to many others he does not bother to hide this. He had even insisted on including in the platform of the new Dutch government the intention to improve relations with Israel.

>“I am very glad that Israel is the only country mentioned by name in the platform; this will get it the needed attention,” he said “We are Israel’s best friends and we will support it in any way possible.” [7]

>Furthermore, Wilders has made some proposals in the Dutch Parliament inspired by Israel. For example, Wilders supports implementing Israel’s administrative detention in the Netherlands, a practice heavily criticized by human rights groups, which he calls “common sense”. [8]

>Geert Wilders holds the same view towards Iran as does Israel’s Likud government who see Iran as their enemy. “Iran is the biggest geopolitical threat to Israel, to the stability of the Middle East region, Europe, and the whole world,” Wilders says.

>As the Likud government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu has called for military action against Iran at UN. So does Wilders supports military action against Iran. “If Israel decides it has no other option but to strike Iran militarily in order to defend itself against this existential threat, I will understand,” Wilders said. [7]

>Geert Wilders is a Zionist who weekly visits the Israeli embassy and and has ties to Israeli government. Currently his being investigated for his ties to Israel and their possible influence on his loyalty by AIVD the Dutch intelligence and security agency. [9]


Geert Wilders is a Mossad Agent

Geert wilders is a zionist shill

Zionist Extremeists funding geert wilders

Coldenhove Calergi Plan for white genocide is being enacted by Gerrt wilders

The Fake dutchman zionist shill geert wilders

Geert wildes embraces his jewishness in america

Geert is apart of zionist warmonging against islam

Zionist hatemongering

rake this

Extinguish this


Wouldn't they just be able to scoop up a minor party or two and seal the deal in that case?

i don't see a fire

Probably because of the wave of refugees you'll be made to pay for.

Saying this right after your Turkish riot

>not letting riots take place just to beat roaches

Have fun with your Mexicans.

wtf do refugees have to do with a fire?

Anyways I have 2 actual questions for u Gertruud.

1. Is there a party more to the right than Geert's in Holland?

2. Do you have a link to actual updated Holland immigration figure? I'm genuinely curious. How many immigrants do u take in annually? Cause your pop growth is quite low.

>we allowed it

We'll have fun with our non-muslims while youre currently enjoying your muslims

Geert and Le Pen will win. Kek wills it

not with those digits

Does it really matter? I mean what is Geert going to start a war with some middle eastern country?

>only one issue can exist at once

2 cbs.nl/nl-nl/publicatie/2016/47/jaarrapport-integratie-2016

user, True though has a surprise for you.

Your choice is supporting Israelis in Israel or Muslims in Netherlands/Europe.

You still have SGP, 50plus and FvD. All are willing to work with the PVV. Rutte said he doesn't want to become a minister, so if PVV becomes the largest party it is possible he will resign. The new leader of the VVD can easily break Rutte's promise and say something about needing a moderate party in the PVV coalition. Add in some compromises from everyone and a PVV-VVD-SGP-50plus coalition is possible.

>Rutte said he doesn't want to become a minister

I don't think Rutte can accept working under Wilders. And if the VVD has the choice of working with the PVV or being in the opposition of a left coalition, they will probably take the first option. If they can rule, breaking a campaign promise is nothing to them

getting nervous?

not with those digits

I hope you get killed kingniggerleaf

That coalition still has nothing in Eerste Kamer, and they would need another 20 seats to get a majority from the last polls

Holland is a lost cause.

thats not nice


please let him win

I was assuming that the PVV becomes the largest party, which is already not true from the last polls. However, with what happend with Turkey and if Wilders does well in the coming two debates it may be possible regain voters he lost and become the biggest party. That's the only way I see Wilders becoming PM. But it will become a shitshow whatever happens. Either Wilders becomes PM but without support of the Eerste Kamer has trouble passing laws, or the PVV is excluded and becomes bitter opposition. Trusts in politics will probably continue to drop

Vvd and PVV are the only mainstream 'right' wing parties in the Netherlands.

It does. All his money comes out of Israel. That never means good things.

Honestly he will have trouble with passing laws anyway, as a lot of what he wants would need adjustments of the constitution. And trust in politics might very well continue to drop, but it's not like Wilders would be better, he's as much a politician as the others. It's inherent to our political system to break with promises because parties need to cooperate.

Cooperating with stupidity is stupid.

I wonder when you will get it into your thick heads that elections are rigged all over the world.

Canadafag here. Currently in Antwerp from Netherlands. Many dutch people from what I can tell are very hopeful for geert. Rip europe tho.

Haha All the little cuckbois who'd rather Islam dominate their little buttholes vs a state for Jews . Are your wife's sandniggers or some shit ?

By several sides usually, it's become quite democratic really.

But the parties will have a mandate. If the people do vote for Geert, it'll be pretty fucking hard for anyone to argue that a huge chunk of people aren't in favour of remove kebab policies. Non remove kebab parties will see their popularity crash.

Mark Rutte (VVD) has told on television that there is no chance of co-operation with PVV but VVD is sneaky af zo you never know


That's not how it works though.

I can see Rutte breaking that promise, but it wouldn't really matter that much, the vote is going to be far more spread than last one, so a two party coalition is really unlikely, and they would need way too many other parties to form a functional coalition. Their only hope would be if CDA also breaks that promise and even then it's going to be close.

In what sense? Why would a huge chunk of the pop voting for the anti immigration party not imply that the people want to change their immigration policy?

People that aren't in favor of Wilders' policies aren't suddenly going to be in favor of them because a chunk of the population is. And that large chunk is going to be 20% tops, they're at 13% in the last polls, might rise a bit.

because more than 80% didn't vote for it.

CDA teamed with PVV before

None of those parties will be big enough to form a coalition.

VVD will probably head a coalition with the CDA and take on a 3rd junior member to be determined to form a center-right government.

There's no accounting for the silent vote either. That + turk riots will see him up to 40 or more.

Such a massive event right before an election can leave voters going to the polls angry. If the outrage vote goes right there's no telling what will happen.

your choice is the gas chamber or being nuked by iran

Tories are literally full on multi-culti globalists, they only let us have an EU referendum because they thought we wouldn't dare to vote leave.

There is absolutely no way CDA will form a coalition with PVV after this election.

what are the odds we get a PVV + DENK coalition?

No were not, unlike you.

67 seats with a VVD+CDA+D66 coalition, could work if the other christian parties joins and/or people move away from Wilders


So let me get this straight...

Geert will win the most seats (~25-45)

The left and right political parties will form a coalition together to stop him?

I don't understand? How would people not riot over this blatant affront to Democracy?

nah the party will always be split between different interests since it draws on very different backgrounds unlike labour and is tied up with some traditions which aren't globalist in principle. For a start tories aren't even close to as globalist as your average Londoner or London council worker.

>ignorant foreigners talking about Dutch elections

>Geert will win the most seats
No, he probably won't
30 tops and that's in the most generous scenario
>The left and right political parties will form a coalition together to stop him?
Yes, they probably will
>How would people not riot over this blatant affront to Democracy?
Because a coalition across the entire political spectrum is a far better representation of the voting population than a party getting votes by a very vocal 15-20%

How will it even work if he's alone in his party

We have to prepare for a "revolte"!

I actually track this shit so lay off.

When the first thread started i said if probably be a VVD, CDA, D66 center-right coalition. Guess what everyone is now saying?

I don't think PVV has the backing by ANY party in order to get a say in the new government, sadly.

What's the chance of Rutte taking over some of the moderate Wilders' supporters? From the outsider's perspective, the current Gov shoved a big black one up Turkey's ass (rightgully so), and Rutte at least pretends to have taken a slight turn towards right.


Well, PVV was never invented to be the leading party, it was invented to influence parties with law-suggestions etc. He actually did a quite bit for stopping immigrants

I understand that, but there's apt of people here that seem to think PVV have a legitimate chance to be involved in or even form a coalition.