Retardation Thread
Get the fuck out of my country, Abdul.
think again, bogan trash
Trump doesn't hate Women, Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Poor people or Gays.
Okay maybe Pence hates gays.
Why are liberal memes objectively not funny or clever?
Now get this:
Jokes are not funny when they're about you.
that's not really true. There are some funny anti my ideology memes. Like when people shit on libertarians it's funny. However, it is true that Liberals suck at making fun of other ideologies. Usually because they limit themselves and what they say is usually false or hypocritical.
As opposed to what? Sup Forums comics? Red panels?
Get fucked leaf nearly every political joke is based on half-truths to convey your own point of view obviously. You're just making a sweeping generalization because you're mad at people making fun at your expense.
while that is true, half truths can even put me off even when it is something on my side. SNL is funny and I don't agree with them all the time. Lots of the time what they say are half truths, but it's still humourous.
Half truths and reductio ad absurdum are used all the time by political cartoons of all variations. You see the same shit with Ben Garrison as you see with Horsey or redpanels or occupydemocrats or every other political commentary. It's funny to go into such a thread on Sup Forums because at first you see the anti-liberal hate and Anons all agreeing that every picture is on the point and funny then one person posts something against Trump/Pence/Republicans/ or Sup Forumstards itself shit usually hits the fan in the form of constant denial and lack of self-realization. Sup Forums really is a higbox and safespace, just not for tumblr bitches but frail alt-right faggots.
I actually see a lot of anti trump shit on here i dunno what you're talking about
everyone can tell you're accidentally you fucking idiot. do better.
I think the tiny Trump meme is pretty funny.
It's the art style I don't like. There's something different about it.
Delet this
Their shit isn't funny because their politics is their religion. At the back if their minds, they are always trying to right the cosmic wrong of someone disagreeing with them. They can't empathize, so they can't get into the other person's head and find something that is really out of place and therefore funny.
>user said while being on Sup Forums, a board of Sup Forums who invented the worship of an ancient egyptian god to ironically elevate God Emperor Trump even more
Couldn't these comics just be used reversed and against Sup Forums
Right wing memes are funny because they are true
>Right wing memes are funny because I agree with them
TFW you see the shadows
I think that if you removed text from shirt, libruls would like it too.
They have been, don't worry there cringy and make no sense when they replace said strawman with Thier narrative
That one was spot on, up to the point where Sup Forums became /stormpol/
>having no good point
>trips but not truth
The whole kek worship and god emperor things are proof that we recognize and poke fun at the connection between political support and cultlike behavior.
wtf Im a liberal now
where do I find a bull to prep?
because they massive fucking wall of texts
Not true at all
I've read some really funny jokes making fun of conspiracy theory that I literally believe. However I've laughed out loud because they were funny jokes.
If you can't laugh at yourself then you're a pansy-ass pussy who needs to grow a thicker skin. (t. every twentysomething leftist)
kudos guys, don't fall for Sup Forums memes
This just happened watching the thread in gallery mode.
>B, 1216x877)
> Anonymous (ID: jX6VoWfP
not to mention doing shit like that is equivalent to putting pieces of lumber into a jig. (takes no real skill at all just mindless copying)