Why are women allowed to reject men? Doesn't that stop God's or even nature's goal of continuing the human offspring? Or is the red pilled theory about women wanting only CHAD's dick in them to carry on the best genetics and ultimately wipe your non-CHAD genetic make up off the face of the earth true? Also how come the Bible doesn't mention an age of consent?
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Why are men allowed to reject women?
Why are you allowed to reject my posts?
>Why are women allowed to reject men?
So they don't pass on shitty genetics from dweebs like you OP.
Are you still getting rejected? Maybe you should visit /fit/?
Why are you allowed to post outside /r9k/?
I'd wager OP has never been in that position.
well because the man is the dominant gender out of the 2. Women rely on men much more than the other way around. There's both biblical and natural evidence of gender role differences. The healthiest structure for any society is for women to be submissive, stay at home, nurture the children, and be quiet when their husband says so. In the US, feminism plays a role in the failing economy, increased divorce rates, fewer marriages, millennials having less sex, etc. The general ideology of women in power results in destructive societal health due to nobody fulfilling the true role of the female. The average traditional family in the US from the 50's is a distant memory.
WTF is Chad's dick explain?
being quiet when their husband says so? Fuck that Islamic shit. Everything else I agree with.
Well historically they didn't really have the backing of the law to allow them to reject you from doing what you'd want but now that they do it's so that they can reject failures like you from procreating.
Who The Fuck
. . . . . is
. . . .Chad
>Or is the red pilled theory about women wanting only CHAD's dick in them to carry on the best genetics and ultimately wipe your non-CHAD genetic make up off the face of the earth true
you just answer your question m8
>choosing not to tell her to shut up when she goes off on an illogical, over-emotional rant or says some stupid ass bratty shit
Sounds like you've already been feminized.
AKA be a rich CHAD
sexual attractiveness is simply a method of determining the best possible time to produce offspring, and the mental health of the female is also a factor in the health of the child
this is why even non-reproducing omegas benefit from happy, non-raped females
the age of consent is simply a product of a large civilization that has surpassed it's replenishment rate, and as you know, it's detrimental to truly advanced societies like japan or upper class whites
>still caring about 3DPD women
Stop being an Elliot Rodgers and grow a pair
women are submissive by nature and therefore fall into the role of receiver whereas the male is expected to behave the opposite way. Because of this, a woman simply needs to only stand in the road, open her arms wide and act confused while she stares upward until some lame nigger cucks RUSH to her assistance.
Because so many little gape faggots pursue these little sex creatures, they naturally will have to reject men just based off the idea that they simply cannot accept every single offer that will be presented to them
This, but there's more to it.
White women are more selective than other races and that's why we're better. Sometimes they become too selective or society makes them too busy and they end up reproducing at an older age than they naturally should.
When this becomes systematic, this lead to a lot of autistic dweebs being produced. These dweebs get rejected by women and end up with a lot of free time to reflect on the condition of society. More and more of them are produced until a certain critical point is reached where they start affecting culture. They (or the elite) realizes that they are fundamentally incompatible with the way a healthy society should function, and their autism is weaponized and used to affect the cultural changes necessary to revert the causes that led to their existence. Balance is restored and the cycle begins anew decades or centuries later.
Us autists have more of an evolutionary role than most people realize.
they are meant to be farmed user
>why are the rejects of /r9k/ allowed to post on Sup Forums
Shh only non CHADs now
t. Chad
t. Chad
t. Chad
t. Chad
t. Chad
t. Chad
t. Chad
>Why are women allowed to reject men?
So that betas like you don't procreate.
>It's everyone else's fault that I'm a genetic failure that is too scared to hit on a women
>genetic failure
Well, can't really blame anyone for that desu.
>tfw I'm better at making making memes reproduce than myself
Heh good enough.
Breed with the alpha male to create alpha babies.
Would you like women to be robots and breed with whomever? I can assure you that our society would be ten times as worse than it is today.
Yup. And think about it like that, people like you really should not reproduce, and never did before the modern age. Betas should be MGTOW, and honestly celibacy is not as bad as our overly sexualized culture makes it to be. Go do art or write great books, or make dank memes. Or alternatively find yourself a 2/10, if the loneliness is too much to bear. You have options
>make dank memes
I'm on it.
>Of course, you shouldn't be allowed to pass on your shitty genes.
>Find an ugo to pass on your shitty genes with.
Come on dude.
1) women are never submissive they CHOOSE men
2) the 'traditional' 1950s nuclear family is a halfway point between today and the old extended family
Rightwing mental defectives think history started in 1950
Women are independent due to technology
that's sad, user
Listen, this is why 2/10s exist, the problem that kids watch porn from 10 years old nowadays so they dream about getting at least a 5/10, when they don't deserve one.
And I did not say that he should not be allowed to, I said that he shouldn't. Maybe he doesn't care about humanity or the future. If he is lonely and he finds another genetic failure to reproduce with, whatever, it's not optimal but at least he didn't ruin good genes.
Also a majority of those people probably will die anyway when this retarded age of peace is over and SHTF hard.
>most men and woman are ugly...your chad theory is bullshit..ugly people breed like rats.
go sleep, usa.