Is she white? How much of the Andromeda cast is white?

Is she white? How much of the Andromeda cast is white?

I need this information for an important decision

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Game is Mass Effect Andromeda

They're all hideous queers.
This isn't politics.

Who fucking cares, it looks okay from trailers

Mass Effect 3 ending killed my respect for Bioware. Fuck them and any shitty game they make.

Bioware iis full of sjws, dont buy for them

bioware is now a SJW game studio

don't buy any of their shit

They intentionnaly made the female chaeacters less attractive during design reviews, because fuck things that men like.

Don't give these Jews your money.

I tried to hold on to my faith year after year, title after title but this is the one that finally broke me. Not going back there. Never again.

They intentionnaly made the female chaeacters less attractive during design reviews, because fuck things that men like.

Don't give these Jews your money.

Why does she look like she has Down Syndrome?

>Shares the same last name as the Illusive Man (Harper).
>Game takes place after ME2 intro, Cerberus almost certainly sent people
>Fashy haircut

She is probably the most redpilled character to date.

Don't give money to nu-Bioware user.

Liberal propaganda aside, they haven't made a good game since DA:O.

If you absolutely MUST play it, wait for the pirate version.

>Exactly copy the male model face
>Intentionally make the femle model face ugly
What did (((they))) mean by this?

Stop playing games you moron, this isn't how we could kill all niggers

mass effect could be the most aryan game ever made and it would still suck.

First choice:
>Torrent it, test it, then choose if you want to buy it or not.
Second choice:
>Wait for reviews, from Sup Forums or sometimes here.

You dont have to HAVE it as soon as possible, do you?

What's the matter user? Don't you like social justice? You can even have a homosexual house party with your digital dolls in our critically acclaimed homosexual marriage simulator.

space niggers are not white

the developers are anti-white and its a sjw rpg

Huh, how about making a RWDS simulator 2018 then?
>"Learning urban warfare tactics was never so easy and intuitive!"

>Still playing walking simulators+duck and shoot DLC
>All to watch 4 hours of cutscenes with black or white decisions

Video games are degenerate.

Don't give Jews your money. Any of them.

Red Orchestra 2 or Arma III

Yes, she is white.

Dykes are not white.

>red pilled
>ran away instead of helping her dad make humanity great again

new shep looks megagay

The entire game was garbage, not just the ending.
Mass Effect 2 made sure that I never bought a single Bioware game again.

> Arma III
> Learning how to unfip APC while you only have spare wheel

Beautiful things make people remember their own failings. You don't want to hurt peoples feelings do you? Tough love doesn't work and bettering yourself is hard. Just relax and embrace the multicultural utopia in our games.


>fashy haircut
Looks feminist-dyke

ya cause the representative for all of humanity should be mostly white cause in your little head the world demographics are just like america

What is a sleeper cell?

You guys should have a listen to the opening in this game, literally all female characters aside from the one Asari sound like manly megadykes. It's fucking hilarious and so damn obvious what they're trying to do. Meanwhile the male protag looks and sounds like a total pussy.


Is Mass Effect dystopian at all? Having lots of homos in a dystopian setting makes sense because the more molestation of children that occurs the more homos you'll get.

All the bad guys in Road Warrior, for instance, were fags.

Fuck off Nigger.

you dfucks are the new SJW's

Whites are the only ones that get things done so it makes sense the majority of them would be in space.

The whole point of the initiative is so humanity survives, so you wouldnt pick at random.

I didn't even get to play 2, 3 was garbage from what I heard. Why would I sign on for this SJW fest? Get your shit together Bioware.

she has a nice ass i wouldnt mind tapping, much better than that asari ogre.

>Game takes place after me2 intro
i wasnt aware of this, they said the game itself takes place a couple hundred years after the events of me3, or is this when they get to andromeda?

Ironically she's the straight option. Oh and you gotta love how they based her on Miss Switzerland and made her a mannish dyke.

Is the Firefly fandom still a thing? Would be lulzy to torpedo it claiming Joss is a bigot for thinking only China and the USA get to space.

>Is Mass Effect dystopian at all?

The citadel has free speech zones

>I need this information for an important decision
Don't buy it, money will go into an industry that hates whites regardless.

I'm going to wait and buy it second hand from a local game and hobby shop. Bioware isn't getting any money out of me for this one and if it's terrible there is one less copy out there in the world.

>imblying anyone but whites and asians will make it to space

They leave after ME2 intro then enter cryostasis and wake up like 600 years later.

>I need this information for an important decision
>2:36 am
>Do I jizz on princess Leila's face, or space dyke tonight

>playing Canadian nu-games

Who knows? If it I want the option to join her.

ya cause a FICTIONAL universe 150 years in the future still have the same stutures

WHy not just make a nigger hate thread and be done with it

fucking drones

Is there a dude with an Irish accent? If so, the VA is a Trump supporter.

STFU Sup Forumsfags, Sup Forums here incase you didn't know all mass effect games have blacks, lesbians, and faggots so please stop coming into our board and posting shit as if it is totally new and sjw shitis being pushed, video games have always had black,fags, and jews in them so how about you actually play the fucking games before you tin foil on other boards fucking faggots fuck off.

I mean like... Is this a setting where you could expect lots of pedos to get access to kids? I've never played it.

Free Speech Zones could be argued to be suggestive of that since if SJWs win faggots will be given not only unfettered but celebrated and preferential access to children.

Bulgaria's english is cute

ahh ok that makes sense, might take some retconning ingame though, especially when you consider the fact that the ark is as big as the crucible and therefore must of took as many resources as to make.

If we can legit go full cerberus i would be so happy.

>ME1 was an incredibly promising sci-fi action/rpg esp for it's time
>tfw I thought the Illusive Man was probably one of the best villains in modern gaming (outside of ME3)
>ME3 turns him into generic bad guy
>"Humanity First" boiled down to pure "racism"
>your choices don't matter atferall
Fucking hell Mass Effect is the most polarizing series ever made

>I mean like... Is this a setting where you could expect lots of pedos to get access to kids? I've never played it.

Well i mean you can hear some characters doing rape threats or suggesting that sort, not sure about pedophillia.

There is human/sentient alien experimentation going on, and you can commit a few genocides.

Nah, humanity as a society pretty much became a utopia after launching thousands of years into the future technology wise when they found alien ruins on Mars. All the problems are between different species, humans have no in-fighting anymore.

That game is going to be trash no matter what the cast looks like.

You seem to be upset. Perhaps a romp through a fictional universe where black people are just as good as evil white racists is in order. After all, anything is possible in fiction if you believe it to be true in your own mind.

Andromeda looks shit, even in pre-rendered trailers. Facial animation, strange bugs, awful human models that aside of hair animation look worse than me/me2. They had 5 fucking years to make it work, Jesus. Will buy it on sale or when the will give it away for free.

And that chick is the only white teammate I saw so far.

you retards need to stop buying this fucking jew shit. Seriously, you, the retarded cuckstomer, are going to kill gaming. Because you push along these shitty games by funding progressively shittier games, with each iteration losing small fragments of the customer base, while slowly pissing off a much larger fragment. We are approaching a critical point, where people on the fence will say fuck it and a much much larger section of paying customers will lose interest. It will seem very sudden. Companies lower budgets to match the lowered demand. Gaming goes through a decade dry spell before being revived, if at all.


>tfw didn't convert Ash into multiculti, and voted for Terra Firma

feels good desu

Ohh, the games mention that while humanity is genetically diverse, the diversity of the race is dwindling due to increased intermarriage between ethnic groups, red hair is a gene expected to completely die out 50 years after the game starts or some shit.

Just finished Mass Effect 1 but skipped all the planets and the romance. Should I do a NG+ game ?

Also Wrex is ded.

>Tfw converted Ashley into a nuke
>Tfw shot Kaidan in the third game for being gay
>Tfw Bioware games have been nothing but mediocre or shit the last ten years

>I need this information for an important decision
Why the fuck would you even buy this game. I don't give shit if it's all blue eyed blondes, i wouldn't buy bioware game even if it served you drinks and gave blowjobs.

She's 110% nigger.

>Companies lower budgets to match the lowered demand.

Good thing. Big budgets are the source of the limited creative freedom problem and why videogames aren't made by game designers anymore.

I'm thinking about giving it a yarrharr. I'd never ever pay them for this kind of crap though.

I'm glad you enjoyed your experience. I hope you chose the best ending which mixed everyone together and destroyed diversity forever.

Same shit, btw. It's like they didn't even cared enough to make story work. For 10 months couldn't play games after that shit. I was a crazy ME-fanboy, replayed first two games 7-10 times each.

I'm surprised to hear they slip that in to a notoriously SJW game.
Since the standard thing lefties say is that even if niggers muh dik us into extinction somehow it wouldn't be a problem because our genes could still express themselves sometimes.
As if that means 100% Bavarian phenotype will just spring out of the mud regularly.

I just got up, okay? And stop posting those subhuman gypsies. They're not Bulgarian.

nah, fuck synthesis, i genocide the krogans, killed the rachni, let the quarians die just so i could later kill the geth in the destroy ending.

Gotta give Humanity the biggest advantage in the post reaper era.

The asian female captain crashes the ship kek

Wrex is cool but he's basically an Uncle Tom and krogan as a whole are a shit. Leave wrex dead and destroy the data in the second game, otherwise a better character will die in the 3rd game.

Without the krogan though you're going to have to do multi-player to get the "best" endings in 3.

Frankly, I'd have a hard time arguing against you, because I think these fuckers are ripe for a cull. It's just a shame we can't save the sinking ship and make the recovery happen sooner rather than later

Save Wrex, and data in 2 game, stupid human.

You're a bad goyim! That isn't the best ending. Why didn't they melt your mind with drugs in elementary school! The take away from this game is supposed to be that joining together people makes you stronger and is the best way to defeat the reapers. How dare you sabotage that narrative and fuck over the multicultural empire you were supposed to build! You fucking Australians refuse to learn. Melbourne is your future.

don't kill wrex, save the genophage data in ME2, and save the krogan in ME3.

Maybe not the most 'redpilled' thing to do if you think about it but it makes for a happy conclusion for the situation.


Fuck that, Legion, EDI, and Wrex are cool and all but you can't base your decisions for the whole galaxy based on that. The Rachni are too susceptible to manipulation and need to die, AI will inevitably run rampant, and krogan breed too fast and are too dangerous. Wrex isn't going to change the course of millions of years of evolution. It's the harder choice but it's the right one. Also synthesis is the worst ending, when the Catalyst says "It's been tried before but it's not something that can be forced" the only thing he cpuld have meant is when he killed his creators and turned them into reapers. You're doing the reapers job for them and essentially turning everyone in the galaxy into mini-reapers against their will.

>here, try compromising with the Reapers then everyone is happy
>or just shoot me and kill them all, but we will wipe your AI hard-drives and we all know that there are no backups anywhere in the galaxy and rebuilding technology is impossible
Chose destroy, the entire point of my mission since the Reapers were discovered, without even a second thought. Got the best ending and achieved victory despite some AI trying to manipulate me while forgetting that I was holding all the cards at that point. Synthesisfags wished it was as good as the Helios selection in Deus Ex.

The worst part of the ending is that you can't even make a counter argument when it tries to say AI and organics can't coexist, despite being able to soothe relations with the Geth and Quarians not long before the final battle.

Krogans are niggers user.
I know Wrex is cool and shit but he is just a nigger.

Anderson looks a bit mixed with oceanian or so. Kind of like the Rock but darker.

As for Jacob
>only black team mate in the series
>loyalty mission is to find his dad

I'd just like to point out how based Mass Effect is, given that the genophage is our solution to the African and Indian problems.
As stated plenty of times, the genophage is nor murder, just prevention.

Miss Switzerland is a dyke.

>buying games from cuck studios
I'm definitely still playing fallout 4 :D

Painstakingly obvious they were done since DA2 lol
They lost the ability to even tell a worthwhile story