Richard Spencer endorsed a single payer healthcare system.
Any thoughts?
Richard Spencer endorsed a single payer healthcare system.
Any thoughts?
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Healthcare is a kike trick, medicine is evil.
confirmed communist fuckwit
It's the only fix.
If America was white no one would have a problem with socialized health care.
Wow a national SOCIALIST supports a socialist idea that works when you have a healthy white populace. Amazing news, thank you Sup Forums.
Spencer is Alt-Left.
>Nat soc supports single payer healthcare
Wow what a surprise
He's right
meh, he's a faggot that counter signaled trump when trump was in the midst of BTFOing the house an senate kikes and he thinks that this is gonna win him brownie points for his movement?
fucking ovens for him
I don't have thoughts about his opinions aside from him being totally fucking irrelevant and retarded. Every socialist is.
Drop all government healthcare and let the nignogs and obese die.
The entire country shouldn't be taxed because of other's poor health choices. Unless the problem was unavoidable they should be forced to pay for it. You shouldn't get a free ride through all your mistakes.
I agree if we kill Useless Eaters
Yeah, he's a national socialist. Do you not understand what socialist means? The socialist aspect will always turn americans away.
Youre as bad as the lefties dosing the american people with socialism.
Here's an idea: single payer but where you pay a fee to be a member, so you can choose not to. However, if you aren't a member you can still make use of it - but in that case you have to make a bigger payment from your salary for the next 2-3 years.
You do understand that half the country makes less than $20 an hour right? How do you expect insurance to operate if people can just opt out and then make claims when they need it? They'll never have the margins necessary to work.
Richard Spencer only coinedthe alt-right. He isn't alt-right. You can't be anti-Christian and be alt-right.
>says the man who owned slaves
>niggers are people
Is that Elliott Hulse??
>Elliott Hulse
Horse shoe theory
>natsoc is right-wing
Are you fucking retarded?
What is single payer?
No problem. Richard Spencer can pay.
>supporting kike policies
>not controlled opposition
Pick one
Nazism is generally seen as right wing, yes.
Is when you are such a /poorfag/ that you cant pay for online service.
We've come full circle, Democrats are neocons and Republicans are socialist
I think he's doing that thing where jumps around jiggling his muscles as a Chinese massage technique... NOT CUMMING.
America already spends more per capita on public healthcare than Europe.
He is right. If America was 100% white then you could have a Nordic-style healthcare system.
Instead you're 40% niggers and spics so you're paranoid about the redistribution of wealth to other races.
You all need to grow out of your edgy Libertarian phases.
Sup Forums doesnt realize the nazi's were national socialists.
>You can't be anti-Christian and be alt-right.
Christian Universalism is one of the reasons for the non-white hordes flooding our countries.
Churches will literally protect illegal immigrants and hide them from the state so long as they pretend to be "christian"
>natsoc is leftwing
that's an america-specific form of retardation.
This. You can't be a christcuck and a white nationalist.
>generally seen
By who? Brainwashed idiots?
Hitler was a leftist. He ran on national healthcare, minimum wage, government produced business (volkwagen, etc.), tax the wealthy, pro-choice, and blamed economic problems on the rich.
Hitler was an extreme leftist you fucking dolt. Just because he was also an ethnocentric nationalist doesnt mean he was right wing.
I'm sorry mate, but Thomas Jefferson wrote that "all men are created equal". Of course he meant niggers. Your country was founded on a false premise of proto-egalitarianism.
They still go to the emergency center, so someone still pays for it, no?
>he doesn't know that egalitarian market liberals were the original leftists
Please enlighten me on all the conservative things Hitler did in power. I'll be waiting.
He was a radical left-wing socialist. He did the opposite of everything the right wing wants.
Hitler was radical right. He championed an anti-enlightenment political philosophy.
>and blamed economic problems on the rich.
Nah m8, he blamed them on the Jews. He didn't touch the estates of the Prussian aristocracy. He was supported by them after disposing of the SA.
You need to read up on your history, burgerboy.
National Socialism was about class reconciliation, not warfare as in Marxism.
The idea being that race and nation above all was the most important factor.
>right wing is anti-enlightenment
You're too far gone.
You still can't name one thing conservative that Hitler did. Literally all of his programs from healthcare to gun control to abortion were left-wing.
I don't have to name any conservative things Hitler did. He was radical right by definition.
Nationalism and globalism are independent from left an right wing ideology.
Being a conservative only means you're always one step behind your opponent in reshaping society.
Its not that you don't have to, its that you cant. Your brainwashing and subsequent cognitive dissonance prevents you from it.
The health of the people of the nation is incredibly important. I don't want to see my neighbors, my community members, my countrymen wasting away because they can't afford proper care.
But blacks and muslims are not my countrymen. They don't deserve a cent of my taxes.
Stick to shitposting m8, you obviously can't handle politics.
Richard Spencer is a retard and I had a guilty laugh when he got punched in the head.
What I'm trying to say is that what passes for "conservative" politics in America is irrelevant to the discussion of whether or not Hitler was radical right, which he was by definition. The radical right originates in anti-enlightenment philosophy, whose proponents sat on the right in the French national assembly. "conservatives" and "liberals" are both enlightenment derived liberals. The Radical Right does not espouse market liberalism, equality, etc.
Gun control and abortion aren't left or right wing
Gun control is authoritarian
Anti abortion is 99% just following religion and trying to get back at sluts.
I'll give you healthcare but I don't think he was the one to put it in place.
Is a racial policy not a right wing policy? The right left dichotomy is pure trash anyways. It also seems like you are going off the theory that left = more government, right = less government. Then yes Hitler was left wing. Other go by the theory that left = social liberation/socialist economic policies, right = social traditionalism/free market economics. By that definition Hitler was what is know as third position.
>71% of Jews voted for Clinton
Hitler wasn't a conservative. Stop interpreting external political movements through your narrow American lens.
Hitler actually decreased gun restrictions. It was under the Weimar Republic that gun ownership was extremely strict.
No, it is the true determination of whether your country is run by foreigners or your own people.
>Gun control and abortion aren't left or right wing
>Gun control is authoritarian
>Anti abortion is 99% just following religion and trying to get back at sluts.
True redpills right there, unfortunately some people find them too hard to swallow
Look up the definition of conservation. It literally means nothing politically.
A Russian conservative in the 1980s was a communist.
American blacks don't deserve the right to bear arms.
It doesn't fucking work
Certainly, it's more sustainable when you don't have low IQ retards shoveling down unhealthy food
But it is nonetheless almost necessarily financed by debt because it has to pay for the entire population, resulting in tax increases and the healthy involuntarily subsidizing the unhealthy. Once more, it is morally reprehensible to charge the next generation for benefits received in the present. The recent demographic changes are merely the straw that broke the camel's back.
>But it is nonetheless almost necessarily financed by debt because it has to pay for the entire population
That's not necessarily true. If the country is prosperous enough, it can afford a single payer system easily.
Keep in mind that the USA spends about the same as a percentage of the federal budget on healthcare as Australia.
You still have private systems in Europe/Australia too, it's not so bad.
He only decreased gun restrictions for Ethnic Germans. He straight up banned Jews and other minorities from owning guns.
hitlers workers union DAF negotiated more vacation time for shoe makers in the great depression than I get as an industrial electrician 70 years later.. really makes u think
I also pay more than 5x per dollar I make to my union than germans did
Sup Forums pretends national socialism isn't socialist cuz socialism is evil n shieeet, that's why it's irritating when people are in deep top right quadrant political tests claim we wuz nazis n shieet
I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of socialistcare was what we got along with free market stuff such as buying across state lines. I don't really care either way. Maybe government CAN work if you de-kike it.
why do I care what some controlled opposition says?
You don't like our single payer healthcare system?
He was against Brexit. Spencer is a moron.
I thought that the nazis didn't seize the means of production?? I thought they allowed free enterprise?
I don't think that exclusively using universal healthcare is a good idea. I think that having some form of universal healthcare provided by the government and a free market private healthcare system competing with each other would be good.
You could potentially have the commiecare be tiered somehow, so it's just for people who make under 40K/yr or whatever.
Anyway I think that pitting the public sector against the private sector leads to more competition on a grander scale and that it could be a good thing.
PS Richard Spencer's probably retarded.
Why is it that most of you push for some version of an ethnostate, yet don't see that different rules apply to a homogenous nation.
Compare Marxism and National Socialism (given most of you think they are the same anyway, I won't go into detail about individualism v. communism, but at least you can accept this stark difference), one was race based and one was based on an ideology.
Which had more success culturally and even fiscally pre WW2? Nazi Germany.
All other things aside, its time to stop applying the rules that exist within a multicultural hellhole, and a homogenous ethnostate.
I'd argue that the obsession over fiscal policy and economic structures stems directly from a Jewish owned reserve banking system, and propaganda that exists to prop up that structure. Time to actually prioritise heritage over ideology for once.
>what is ethnic homogeneity
>what is group solidarity
I would be fine with single payer health care if I didn't have to pay for spics and niggers.
national socialism was identical to leninism which was built on marxism
welcome to the real red pill
the difference being that russians hated rich people and bourgeois intellectuals (who were often jews) while the nazis hated jews.
They both advocated a classless society.