What is Sup Forums's opinion on religious salesmen? Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc.
What is Sup Forums's opinion on religious salesmen? Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc
Door to door devil worshipers
good camouflage if you need to move large amounts of drugs or weapons, put them in a suitcase and dress up like that, no cop will ever stop you or search you.
hell those boys have at least a couple of K's on their backs
good natured people
hated by many
i dont understand why people hated them and loved the muslims
Funny guys, love 'em. Me (an atheist) and my newedgey neighbour had them for about a week discussing Jesus. religion and stuff while drinking black tea with cookies. They've stopped comming eventually. I guess it wasn't working the way they were expecting it to.
If you don't understand then you should research it and find it. It's kind like when people say "I don't understand why Jews are hated" or "I don't understand why Arabs are hated".
Go. Find. Out. Lazy.
Its the virus of the mind working. The meme.
Hating jews in 2017 is one of the most irrational things ever
>That comment
>That ID
Jesus is the Archangel Michael?
You can become a God?
Get that kike shit away from me.
The only reason these groups are tolerable in any way is because they are minorities. Jehovah's witnesses are a special brand of creepy cultist that i would not want near me at all.
Their philosophy is pretty good actually.
>go research why we hate jehovas witness
>we love muslims cos we're better
Example of two retards that can't read.
>example of two retards that can't read
at least we're not an epitome of true cucks... we will never understand you because we're not cucks
>Jehova's Witnesses
Oh man, DON'T GET ME STARTED. I have bee living around that scum all my life and do not ope the door, do not listen their lies. Weak minded people fall into their lies and the become empty husks of miserable people.
Be careful!
I admire the mormons.
I went to an extremely cold university. When it was beautiful weather in the summer we had all kinds of nutty preachers come and yell at students, but they would always disperse by October. The one exception was the mormons, they would keep coming even when the temps dropped well below 0F. And they would actually engage with people, not just yell at them with a megaphone.
I really respected that, although not enough to jet off to Kolab myself.
Example of one retard who can't write, lol
No matter how many times you yell cuck on Sup Forums it won't make it reality Aussieboi.
It was a test to see if you were autistic, friendo.
My daddy buried one of those faggots in the back yard after he hiked 30 minutes up our road into our property and started trying to convert us.
Shot him right in the head. Funny, nobody even came looking for him.
That moment when you try to test someone but get a positive for yourself
"Saturday night, before you go to bed...draw an outline of a human body on the sidewalk with chalk and sprinkle some religious pamphlets around. Sleep until noon on Sunday if you want!"- Jeff Foxworthy
And he does it again.
>nigger tier
>military wife tier
Pick any one or both
Kill them all.
and no matter how you think you are correct with migration no ones gonna take you seriously cause you're a cuck
enjoy raising your wife's son
I used to be one years ago but i think i might go back because of all current events that are taking place.
>Be me preaching
>Knocking on peoples doors in the morning
>talking about how the world is going to end shortly
>People not interested or dont care
>slams door in face
>rinse and repeat
mind you this was a time in the 90s where people were having fun and not giving care for anything.
I always offer them something to drink and listen to what they have to say, then tell them I'm a Roman Catholic.
I expect half of them to end up in the same room together covered in blankets after eating poisoned pudding or something of that nature.
These organizations are cults
Don't worry Aussie, you won't be depressed much longer down there, the Chinese will put you to good use.
>Start seeing them in my area
>They constantly go in some old woman's house (I think she's just glad of the company)
>Knocked at my house one day
>Couldn't get them away from the door
>Made excuses about 4 times
>Finally just tell them to fuck off and shut the door
>Bumped into two different ones about a week later
>Ask me for the time
>Both wearing digital watches
>Tell them I'm in a hurry
>Start talking complete shit regardless
>Start getting annoyed
>Give me a card in case I "change my mind"
>Never seen them since
>Except when they go to the old woman's house
They're very odd. It's like they don't really exist. I seen a man threaten to kick their heads in once and they just stood smiling like some abused wife convinced it was an act of love. Bizarre.
In the MTC (missionary training center - mormon thing) they use brain washing tactics similar to those used in the US army to get you to serve.
Things like attacks on your character, making you question your own moral beliefs, statements about how you're doing this for the greater good, and talk about a reward. Among other things, these tactics are also used in POW camps to try and get people to defect and give up Intel.
It's sick. I hate both institutions and have no respect for them, or any one involved with them.
t. ex army and exmormon who served a mission.
ps if you're going to enlist, join the air force for the love of god.
kek i bet she loved sucking niggers cock
cry moar cos you wont have a wife
Reminder that everybody who white on Mormons knows nothing about them except that they knock on doors and What they learned from South Park
Former mormon and missionary here. I went through the MTD in 1993. They never attacked my character. It was a pretty inspiring place actually.
I guess it's anecdotal but my overall MTC experience was very relatable to my experience in basic. I'd wager if you ever went to boot camp you'd be able to draw the same conclusions.
Yeah Mormons are dangerous heretics.
>hell those boys have at least a couple of K's on their backs
Yeah, jars of k-y jelly to help it when an Elder wants to "secretly minister the prayers for the unfaithful with submission to the priesthood"
>not answering the door covered in pigs blood and wearing dishwashing gloves
>not telling them this is a bad time because you got into an argument with the missus and it got out-of-hand
seriously, senpai, those door to door devil worshippers deserve to be trolled.
Next time they come by open the door with a dildo in hand and ask them if the can lend a hand to help you relax.
I didn't go to boot camp, so I would defer to your experiences.
I quit being a Mormon because I didn't believe and was bored with all the constant meetings. But they aren't bad people. My whole family is still Mormon. They are trying to be good people.
I wanted a free Book of Mormon, so I had to talk to them. They are really friendly people and I would've probably joined, if I believed in god.
closet homo's
There's this pair of jehovahs witness always camping near certain sg MRT spots.
>mfw going home from uni
>got approached but didnt notice cuz earpiece in my ears
>can't tell them to fuck off because asian manners
>got asked stuff about faith and jesus
>mfw just tell them i don't care even if god suddenly appears and prove his existence
>they fucked off the next stop
I swear, those 2 loud whiteys are fucking annoying.
This exactly.
I've seen two American JW's canvassing in my area a few times. Spoke to them once, kept it short and sweet.
I just found it odd. They must get a lot of abuse.
I normally can't be angry with Mormons because they're nice people I have some mormon friends and they're always some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.. but man do I hate that missionary shit they have to do. I get it, it's compulsory, but I really wish they wouldn't do it. Especially now that I'm a cripple, and they come to my door, make me limp across the house in pain to answer.... just for soliciting religion. I mean they see the crutches and realize what they just made me do, and realize it hurts and they do feel bad about it, and they ask if I need help with anything and I appreciate it.. but man.. that's the only time I can't stand Mormons. Maybe if it wasn't physically painful to do.. it wouldn't be a big deal.
Jehovah's Witnesses on the other hand.. too god damned judgemental, Mormons at least don't judge you, not to your face anyway. Jehovah's witnesses I straight up slam the door in their face. I'm polite to Mormons.
I have a sign on my door that says no soliciting, religious or otherwise. They don't bother me. However some Mormon kids on a mission helped me carry heavy furniture when I was moving into my house. I offered to pay them something but they just accepted a bottle of water.
The average Joe of them are just good natured people. It's not a cult.
One thing growing up around mormons.. there were several mormon girls I wanted to date. they were pretty, nice, and I got along with them great..sometimes I didn't know they were mormon.... till I asked them on a date. Then that sinking feeling hit that it's impossible because of their religion.