/Polder/ English for Foreigners edition

PVV / FvD voters are allies DON’T FIGHT
>Coalition tier
>Rape victims tier
>Useful idiots
50 Plus
>Just fuck my country up SJW tier
>Meme tier
Nieuwe wegen
>Traitor tier
>Niemand is perfect tier



EXPLANATION OF PARTIES: pastebin.com/rM2x5tqQ




THIERRY INTERVIEWED AT RTL (Dutch, no subtitles):

De objectiviteit van Pauw en Jinek bij de NPO

Theo/cratie on RTL Business Class

Pim Fortuyn on fifth column - with Eng subs

Stille Willem RAP
forumvoordemocratie.nl/Verkiezingsprogramma 2017.pdf


Other urls found in this thread:


Tips for future OPs: USE THIS OP PIC! People don't notice a fucking VVD poster pic and use PVV links as well, not just FvD Also join our discord: discord.gg/aH6ArQe

second for Dutch heritage diasora


If Geert wins can we be New Holland again?

He's an ugly devil, but I support him.

Only when One Nation wins in your elections.

We'll also take back new zeeland and new amsterdam

Today's Telegraaf.

how stronk is the left and SJW in NL?

What's the situation of White People in Namibia? Worse than South-Africa? The FvD si for a Right of Return for the Afrikaners of Dutch descent. PVV Wilders right hand man Martin Bosma wrote a book about South-Africa 'Minderheid in Eigen Land' but I've never heard the PVV about actualy policy when to comes to Afrikaners.

Are those liver spots? I'm worried about Geert's health.

Subtile Geert pic above WIJ.

is Telegraaf left or right wing?

Large brain drain at the moment. If it carries on at the current rate then I doubt that 3% of Namibia will even be white by 2050. Most Afrikaaners move to Germany, Australia, France, NL and Enlgand though (mostly depending on your heritage)

Can't read old english. Are they celebrating or crying over the roach?

Title literally says:

WE are in charge here!

Cultural very strong in the media, universities etc. But the Left in poltiics is slowly failing, especially Labour PVDA. Although the media is trying to put up this GroenLinks Greens guym Jesse Klaver, a half Moroccan, half Indo as the Dutch Obama/Trudeau.


Telegraaf is populist. They are socially more on the conservative side. Most of their readers are lower class so economically they are a bit left.

They are celebrating that the roach is bitten in his ass. "Wij zijn hier de baas" = We are the boss here.

Sad! Stay safe.

Telegraaf is fairly Right-wing. One of the few succesful Right-Wing mediums.

>loop een stukje naar de appie
>geen enkele nederlander in zicht
dag geruïneerd


>Walk outside
>My entire village is White

>TFW indonesiërs leven hier ook.
t. net onder randstad(voorne-putten) maar toch nog kanker blank.

We will find out if Wilders is controlled opposition or not


Debate Geert Wilders vs the PM Mark Rutte will start in 10 hours. We're REALLY LUCKY this Turkroach thing is happening.

It is. It's too bad the cucklords from the EU are deafeningly silent. When Turkey called us a Fashist remnant of the Nazi era there was no response at all. Makes it very clear what their motives are, or else they wouldn't have dropped 600+ million bribemoney to Turkey for the horrid refugee deal. We need a Aussie style model soon.

And this from the EU who made new laws silencing and financially punishing people like Farage and LePen, for what the EU considers (((Hate)))speach.

What's the "feel" around this election? Do people finally realise that Geert was right about everything?

moet je naar de kaas winkel lopen

>pay for my groceries
>all the cashiers are blonde Frisian qts

>kaas winkel
top koek. Je vind hier eerder een teehuis

True. Only the Danes were strong enough to follow us and bann Turkish ministers.

What province?

Fortuyn in the polder general list! I'm happy. Good morning boys.

Somewhat effective normiepill on fvd archive.is/b6NoM

most people already know Geert is right to some degree, but they don't want to vote on him because his party is a joke and he uses unnecessarily foul language.

>We'll also take back new zeeland
Statenland if you're going by what Abel Tasman named it


Geert has been sabotaging his campaign. He skipped 2 debates and doesn't give many interviews also his campaign progamme is ONE A4tje.

We shall see what happens.

>skipping 2 debates
What the fuck is his problem? What's his reasoning for skipping debates and not doing interviews?

flaghunters dot github dot io/Extra-Flags-for-Sup Forums/

Overijssel, Twente.

Just kikes beibg kikes i guess

He doesn't do interviews because it will just turn out to be bashing him and not letting him finish any sentences like /ourguy/ Thieery had.

He skips debates because he has no serious plans and pretty much everyone else at the debates is left wing

I found it very odd that Fleur Agema withdrew from a public appearance because of the riots.

Would seem like a golden opportunity to me to cash in? Just tell the people you've been trying to address this behaviour for the past 12 years?


Enjoyed the match yesterday?

One was for security reasons. Good excuse but he could've send another PVVer instead. The other one both he and the PM skipped because the deal was 4 parties max and the broadcaster wanted to add 2 other parties.

I prefer FvD which has been created and is lead by pic related

It has come full circle. People finally admit Pim Fortuyn was right about everything.

Except for women. They always vote for the feel good welfare candidate. In our case it's the greens who have such amazing policy plans as forcing every school to teach about white privilege.

There are only a few debates hosted on national tv and they are all terrible, shallow and biased. Also most of the party leaders they invite and are hyping are lefty. Basically the climate is terrible for it and he cba. People disagree about whether it's a good thing or not, cause it might be bad for exposure but at the same time everyone knows the national debates are crap. People know Geert. Oh yeah and there's the theory that he doesn't actually want to rule. This seems possible to me but doesn't explain any particular strategy...

Not a big football fan desu.


dank je wel

My god, Dutchfags. The way some of you talk, the flow of the conversations in the last /Polder/ threads, you behave exactly like shills.
I know some of you are more libertarian than Geert and want to meme your political niche into existence for the next 4 years, grabbing two extra representatives or something like this, but dividing like that, that's just ridiculous.

That obvious trick to subvert Geert supporters is shilling at its worst. For what I've seen in other threads, you attack him for focusing way too much into immigrants and nationalism while attack him at same time for supposedly being a globalist/Jewish puppet.
The contradiction is obvious here. I see the same behavior in my country and in Shillary's human-trash supporters.

Hitler would vote for Geert, and some of you are scared about this. What we're seeing here is pure sabotage.
While there are good Dutch anons reasoning here, that weird impetus to divide, that's a hidden liberal plot. They're wasting precious time that should be used to convert the opposition, not your allies.

So, I ask you, good anons: ignore the shills. Ignore all this misinformation. It's a waste of time. Focus in sabotaging your political opposition.
If globalism doesn't disappear from the face of Earth, all we're going to have for humanity is eternal decay. Everywhere.

Do not turn your country into a Brazilian Northeast, a place full of shitskins claiming to have Dutch ancestry.

Yes, woman. *sighs*


That doesn't give him any excuse not to attent, it makes him look like a big pussy who can't stand around with lefties and in all fairness if his debating is ANY good he can beat all the other lefties without any issues desu

I hate GroenLinks so much. I only hate D66 more, they are the biggest Europhiles. At least Klaver has his ethnic background so I dont consider him a traitor, just a retard.

Tukkerland, how I miss thee.

51% of zwevende kiezers who might vote PVV said he should've been in more debates. And it's not like Geert is a bad debater, not at all.


Ebin. Really makes me want to roll up my sleeves

Looks like intentionally sabotaging. Agema could have easily cashed in just by shouting something about roaches.
Take the momentum. Even my leftie family was angry about roaches yesterday, they are probably calmed down today (attention span of a goldfish)

Must watch (Dutch): npo.nl/politicologica/VPWON_1266180

Summary of the PVV: They use extreme ideas to bail themselves out of actually having to rule since they make it impossible for other parties to rule with them in a coalition. Then blaming the other parties for shunning them and becoming even bigger in the next elections because their voters feel alienated even more.

They PVV will never get anything done untill they get 76 seats in parliament.

>let me tell you about your country
No, hue, you are the shill. And then hue was a shill.

I have never seen the greens this horrible and my hatred for Klaver wants to blame the man. Did you read his book? He is such a trudeau lite with his talk of how the economy is too focused on numbers and how we need to come together and be inclusive and cooperate and blah blah. Not only that but they are 100% on board with the bizarre anti-racism shit, even getting the government involved in the fucking pietendebat. That's cultural marxism as far as i'm concerned and they can go fuck themselves. I hope they get a sensible leader again one day, so they can find some of their working class/environment roots again.

>At least Klaver has his ethnic background so I dont consider him a traitor

Mocro privilege.

What? Most women also start realizing something is wrong.

They still will not vote outside of established parties. PVV support is overwhelmingly male.

Why do the frogs alllow this shit?

Burger here, can I get some info on Geert?

What are you talking about man. The people arguing for FvD here are mostly alright with geert but just prefer baudet for various reasons. Some have a problem with the globalist/jew shit, others think geert doesn't have enough policy plan and want the fvd to grow for the long term, again others don't consider this a problem and want him to win big to stop islam but are undecided, others think he won't be able to rule anyway and so the best bet is to go straight for the kartel jugular with fvd, ...

you don't know what you're talking about.

Klaver is such a fucking douchebag. He portrays himself as the second coming of Jesus, as the only voice of calm and reason in these times of irrational Islamophobia and xenophobia!

>They PVV will never get anything done untill they get 76 seats in parliament.
then they still won't get anything done
They only have like 10 people who are not retarded
And if Geert would attract outsiders it would be LPF all over again.

That's why FvD is so much better, they start with intellectuals and entrepreneurs from the start, not with politicians and nobodies.

Geert Wilders is Milo tier degeneracy


Because they choose to be ruled by manlets.

I don't care about his views. He's a half Moroccan half Indo freak. He can fuck off to his FATHERland.

This kankerjoch can actually get 16 seats by saying muh environment muh climate change muh gelijkheid.

Goddammit Frenchies, get your shit together, merde! Stop with the white flag joke and take your country back.

I'd say it's a pretty good excuse desu. Also this pussy talk is well and good but studios can really set things up against you. It's not so much that he'd look like a pussy, cause god knows he's fought lefties enough the past decade, it's more an utter lack of interest. How do you figure establishment owned and run media have a right to his time to put him where they want him?

Volgens mij woon ik in een van de witste dorpen in Noord-Holland.


Were the Turkish ministers there to bolster the DENK before elections?

I will vote DENK.

If I do that, then I will get a date with a gorgious Turkish girl next Friday.
I will have to provide a stemfie, so I will.

I will also post that here.

No, to shill for a Turkish referendum that would give Erdocuck more power.

On that note, where is that guy who would vote DENK for teh lulz?

and I have to see that guys face everytime I go outside for a walk, their supporters stick his face on their windows everywhere

To shill for a Turkish referendum which can give Erdogan way more power. If anything this helps the PVV.

I agree, and I also think it's easier for people to say something like "yes I'd like to see him in more debates". Remember that those zwevende kiezers have a large chunk of semi-normie pvv supporters. They don't think of establishment collusion or media bias, they just hear "would you like to have seen more of geert?"

Btw I also would have liked to see more of geert. But I am ok with his decisions

Geert is the epitome of controlled kosher-opposition, he's also probably just filling the void of a real nationalist party.

So dutchbros, if Wilders is a crypto kike, who is /YourGuy/ then?

I don't know, but DENK is no real danger in the near future.
They will only get the roach vote, even the bulk of cucks will keep voting GroenLinks instead. The roach vote is now going to Labour, which absolutely deserves to go extinct.

Speak of the devil!


Fuck Islam
Fuck Roaches
Fuck Niggers

You should look up the video/piece someone did where he almost 1 on 1 copied obama in that Dutch speech. Almost word for word iirc. I would look for it but I have to run along.

Go on, cryptojews. Divide and conquer, right? Trying to divide and destroy the only chance of your country to halt immigration and bullshit social policies will give to all of us a brilliant future. A world of no nations, an Europe that the single motive to exist is to keep a centralized government.
That's exactly what every Sup Forumsack wants, right? Degeneracy and slavery.

FOCUS ON THE GODDAMN OPPOSITION! That's the most obvious thing to do. Without Geert the parties you supposedly support are going to be irrelevant. They won't have enough numbers.
With Geert and converting the opposition is the only way to reach majority.

You pointed out some obvious things, but the problem I'm pointing out is the waste of time finding evidence against him. Spend your time against your opposition.

This just in: we're gonna start calling Erdogan "Erdocuck"



C'mon, we all know Geert isn't some ultra dutch guy.

I really think you have the wrong impression of the general atmosphere here. We don't bash the opposition because we don't fucking have to here. But the pvv/fvd divide is no trivial matter and your yelling about shills and divide & conquer isn't helping things. What you're saying is more obvious than what I mentioned

Geert is destroying himself retard. It's not our fault his election plans are one A4tje, he skips debates and doesn't give interviews. Fuck off hue.

Forgot pic. It's you.


This, Geert had a huge opportunity to get 35+ seats this election, but he blew it, proving once again that he is an idiot.


Het is goed dat Nederland zijn tanden laat zien tegenover Turkije. Met die stelling is 93 procent van de stemmers op onze poll het eens. Bijna 25.000 lezers lieten hun stem horen.

>Feels good man.


Ernst & bobby 4 pres

>Without Geert the parties you supposedly support are going to be irrelevant. They won't have enough numbers.

Do you even know how our system works?

What is with this last minute smear by the left to portray Geert as Indonesian? The Japs destroyed the Dutch colony there in WW2 so they returned home.

>it's really his twitter avatar